Oui, pardon j'ai fait un raccourci important... mais ca me donne cette impression là. Au vue de la pochette et des "nons growl" annoncés par Mike Akerfeldt.
A noter aussi, jusqu'ici dans la musique d'Opeth, le chant growl etait souvent associé au passage "métal" de leur musique (finalement assez peu de chant clair, sur les passages métal). D’où mon raccourci...
Et connaissant un peu l'astico, il en serait bien capable (d'autant plus au coté de Steven Wilson).
On pourrait imaginer l'album assez différent de "damnation", qui était accès "ambiance acoustique/folk rock".
Sur "heritage", il semblerait, que le coté plus rock prog fusion / hard rock '70 (/'60) soit plus mis en avant ?
En gros, à suivre...
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Source "Wikipedia" :
Heritage will signal a departure for Opeth from the musical style of their past albums; most notably,
there will be no death growls,[10] which have been present on every album except Damnation. Unlike Damnation, however, the music will have a prominent fusion influence.
Åkerfeldt, from the album's press release:[11]
“ It will be our 10th album/observation. I dig it; we all do. In fact, it feels like I've been building up to write for and participate on an album like this since I was 19.
It's quite intense at times in some 'old' murky way, and quite beautiful and stark at times, if I may say so myself. It's obvious I'm going to say nice things about it since I wrote, basically, the whole piece, but I guess it will raise a few eyebrows and it certainly is an
acquired taste. I think you'll need a slightly deeper understanding of our music as a whole to be able to appreciate this record. I've realized my influences for this album are so diverse that I can't really say what it sounds like. If I can compare it to any other band, it would have to be Opeth, but it's different from the stuff we've done before. I've listened a lot to Alice Cooper for the last year, yet I can't say it sounds like No More Mr. Nice Guy. I hope you'll like it once you hear it.
Et petit jeu de mot avec l'album de Gentle Giant "Acquiring the taste" ?
Qu'en pensez vous ?
Hmm, peut etre que je vais chercher un peu loin...