vu le numero de série (01433934) et si j'en crois le Blue Book of Electric Guitars 6th Edition (Gibson Serialization) que j'ai pécho sur :
YY is the production year
DDD is the day of the year
PPP is the plant designation and/or instrument rank.
The numbers 001-499 show Kalamazoo production, 500-999 show Nashville production. The Kalamazoo
numbers were discontinued in 1984.
When acoustic production began at the plant built in Bozeman, Montana (in 1989), the series' numbers
were reorganized. Bozeman instruments began using 001-299 designations and, in 1990, Nashville
instruments began using 300-999 designations. It should also be noted that the Nashville plant has not
reached the 900s since 1977, so these numbers have been reserved for prototypes.
en clair ça serait un prototype produit le 24 mai 2003. hum hum