Denis13 a écrit :
Voilà ce que dit (avec raison) un possesseurs des 3 premiers de la gamme :
I am so stupidly satisfied with my 1 watt rig now! It sounds so amazingly good now. I just compared the amps with my old original (I have two old JTM, lots of JMPs of various vintage and 4 JCM 800s) and using Ultimate attenuator, Airbrake and hotplate I couldn´t get better sounds from them at home volume compared to the 1 watters. In fact the one waters out do them all at just the perfect 1 watt level, just loud enough to hurt a little in the ears then playing in a smaller room. I am not saying they are better sounding than the original overall, but at home yes. Turing up a 100 watter or a 50 watter as well really hurts in the ears when it doesn’t have the air to move as in stadiums and arenas. At home everything shakes making strange noises and its really not pleasing as an everyday treat. It eats tubes as well playing loud"
Je pense qu'on peut définitivement clore le débat sur le prix du watt
Pourquoi ? Tu trouves que ça fait pas cher du watt toi ?
Sinon, pour le JCM1 tu sais où me trouver vu que la tête dsl1 ne va pas tarder non plus
Le ban c'est moche.