Je viens de trouver ça, si quelqu'un peut m'aider à comprendre pour les 2 références de pré amp que j'ai citées plus haut
maybe the mods like to make this a sticky?
coming from the dutch importer of marshalls
these are the codes printed on stock marshall tubes with a description what brand or type they actually are... the list is not entirely complete, but covers a lot of the actual tubes being used by uncle jim today
VLVE-00007 12AT7/ECC81 No selection White Logo
VLVE-00009 12AU7/ECC82 No selection White Logo
VLVE-00010 EL34 Svetlana
VLVE-00033 SV6550C Svetlana White Logo
VLVE-00038 6V6GT Shuguang White Logo
VLVE-00039 KT66 Shuguang White Logo
VLVE-00042 EL34B Shuguang Gold Logo
VLVE-00047 12AX7B/ECC83 Shuguang Low Microphony Gold Logo
VLVE-00049 12AX7B/ECC83 Shuguang High Microphony Gold Logo
VLVE-00055 12AX7B/ECC83 Shuguang No Selection White logo
VLVE-00063 12AX7B/ECC83 Shuguang A Low Microphony White Logo
VLVE-00064 12AX7B/ECC83 Shuguang B Low Microphony White Logo
VLVE-00065 12AX7B/ECC83 Shuguang Gain Selected >=4V White Logo
VLVE-00066 ECC83S JJ Low Microphony Red Logo
VLVE-00066S ECC83S Microphonic Selection A
VLVE-00067 ECC83S JJ Low Microphony Red Logo
VLVE-00067S ECC83S Microphonic Selection A
VLVE-00068 EL84 JJ Graded Low Anode Current Red Logo
VLVE-00069 EL84 JJ Graded High Anode Current Red Logo
VLVE-00070 EL34 JJ Graded Anode Current Red Logo
VLVE-00071 EZ81 JJ No selection Red Logo
VLVE-00077 KT66 Shuguang Graded Anode Current Gold Logo
VLVE-00080 KT88 Shuguang Graded Anode Current Gold Logo
VLVE-00083 5881/6L6WGC Shuguang Graded Anode Current Gold Logo replaces VLVE-00006
VLVE-00087 EL34B Shuguang Graded Anode Current White Logo
VLVE-00088 GZ34/5AR4 JJ No selection Red Logo Replaces VLVE-10043