Blender pots are 250K pots like the other two, and in fact you can wire a regular pot as a blender control, but it will allow bleed-through when turned "off" so you can never get it completely out of the circuit (in other words, you can never have the neck or bridge pickups completely by themselves, you'll always have a little of the "off" pickup bleeding into the mix). We use special pots that we have manufactured by CTS for blenders, these allow no bleed-through and are completely removed from the circuit when turned "off" (fully CW), similar to the way a true bypass switch completely removes a pedal from a circuit.
...En "blender wiring", avec un potentiomètre normal, si tu utilise la position 2 par exemple, le micro manche sera toujours actif (très faiblement) et se melangera au micro milieu/chevalet. Le "blender pot" permet de le bypasser complètement, comme un câblage normal.