Non, pas vraiment "plein", mais disons que j'ai pas envie de racheter une alim à chaque fois. J'ai trois OD et une wah en gros (et faut que je fasse du ménage dans les OD)
La pédale (décidément...) en question, c'est
ceci Du coup j'ai pas envie de la faire cramer ou de l'abimer avec une alim qui serait un gros fail.
Sur le site, je vois
Q. What are the power requirements for the RangTM III and Chorus*Delay?
A. The E-Series pedals are very forgiving and will work with many types of power supplies. Most supplies with the one of the following output specifications will work:
Always OK
1) 9VAC, 600 to 1000mA
2) 9VDC positive tip, 600 to 1000mA
Usually OK *
3) 9VDC negative tip, 600 to 1000mA
* If your DC supply is ISOLATED the polarity of the plug doesn't matter (can be either + centered or - centered). If the supply is not isolated (either directly or through other pedals which may be connecting one side of the supply to the audio common) you must use a + center plug.
* In order to provide for some flexibility in power sources for the E-Series pedals, the power jack is NOT connected directly to the audio signal ground but is routed through a full-wave bridge rectifier prior to a connection to all internal circuitry. This approach allows for the use of AC power sources and auto-sensing of DC power sources but mandates that the power source MUST BE FULLY ISOLATED from any direct or indirect path to the ground side of any audio/control inputs or outputs connected to the pedal. A direct path could be created by using a power supply that uses a 3-wire mains plug and has one side of the output connected to the mains ground (rare). An indirect connection can occur when a single power source is 'daisy chained' between several pedals and one or more of the additional pedals has its audio ground connected directly to one side of its power jack (common). In this case one wire in the power cable attached to the E-Series pedal is indirectly connected to the audio signal ground and this violates the full isolation requirement. This situation cannot only create a 'ground loop' hum problem but could also severely damage the power supply and/or the E-Series pedals. In general it is recommended that the E-Series pedals always be powered with the power adapter supplied with each unit. Boomerang Musical Products, Ltd. cannot be held responsible for any damages which result from the use of any power source other than the one supplied with each unit by BMP.
Du coup je me suis juste attardé sur "9V - 600mA" sans faire gaffe au reste.