ca a pas l'air de passioné grand monde les modifs de pédales, il reste jamais longtemps en premiere page ce thread.
Sinon quelqu'un a fait les modifs sur small stone: univibe ? vibrato ? steréo ? potar de mix ? potar de depth ?
J'essaie de trouver tout ca pour une prochaine aquisition, des infos sur comment mettre un potar de "depth" ?
Potar de mix par mark hammer
It's easy. The key component is the 27k fixed resistor that links up with the 30k resistor just before the .1uf cap at the output. Stock, it provides a phase-shifted signal that is matched in level with the straight signal arriving via the 30k resistor. If you increase the resistance beyond the 27k, you move the phase-shifted signal to the background and the notches are not as pronounced.
Simplest way to do this is to remove the 27k resistor and solder it to one lug of a 100k pot. Now, run a wire from the 27k resistor to one of its former pads, and run a second wire from the adjacent pot lug to the other available pad. The larger the combined resistance of fixed resistor and pot, the subtler the phase-shift effect will be.
Some folks like to aim for a wet-dry balance pot. Personally, I'm not a big fan. The first reason is that it is tough to estimate the circuit changes that will produce the desired effect. More importantly, though, I've simply never found a use for mixes where wet was somewhere between 50% and 100%. I have found a use for mixes where wet signal was