Le matériel des guitaristes pro(s) - (Sommaire en page 1)

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  • Gabouel
  • Vintage Méga utilisateur
J. a écrit :
Bon ben Big Muff RI US, deux pédales qui me disent rien, Boss DD-?, MXR MicroAmp, Boss TU-2, du DIY dans un boîtier en alu brossé (vu l'absence de potards, je penserais un looper), Boss DM-2, EHX Holy Grail, Boss LS-2, deux trucs noirs probablement DIY (encore des loopers ?), ZVex Super Hard-On, Whammy 4.

y'a une voodoo lab super fuzz aussi... + un delay, mais j'arrive pas a voir ce que c'est...
  • J.
  • Vintage Top utilisateur
  • #6046
  • Publié par
    le 02 Mar 2008, 18:22
Ah, bien vu ! Justement la SuperFuzz a pas l'air mal… mmm…
(Je vais reprendre ton post dans mon post précédent pour que tout figure sur la même page, si tu veux bien ;
Pour compléter le rig de Beck, la petite dernière est la MXR M-206 (Commande Serie) :

  • J.
  • Vintage Top utilisateur
  • #6048
  • Publié par
    le 02 Mar 2008, 23:11
Balaise le mec !
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #6049
  • Publié par
    le 03 Mar 2008, 15:00


Here are both the Offspring rigs recently in the shop for upgrades. Each rig is 2 rigs in one at the bottom of each rig there is a custom switcher to toggle between both rigs into the same cabinets. The 2 different amps in each run to their own cabinets and are both on all the time.

Yeah the micro amp is for a buffer if they use a cord only it goes into a input on the multi selector. The noise suppressor is for the wireless hiss only its set very lightly.

Well there sound even in the studio is generally made up of a blend between 2 amps. So really there is a wireless then a gp100 for some effects and then 2 amps at the same time. Simple. All the rest is a back up rig. As for the kranks they are new they are not set that dirty.

Ces gars de Rack Systems font vraiment du bon boulot.
lemgement lemg
Steve Morse dans les Années 80

(jeune!! )

Des infos sur la fameuse telecaster:


Steve Morse's Quest For Fire
Rewiring Your Tele For Fun & Aggravation
By Jock Baird

Very few guitarists or bassists find their perfect pickup combination quickly. It's a kind of two-steps-forward, one-step-back process, and even the best players do their share of groping. Take Steve Morse and the Telecaster-actually a Tele body grafted to a Strat neck-he wielded for most of his stints with the (Dixie) Dregs, the Steve Morse Band and Kansas. Almost as soon as he got it, he started rewiring it.

"The two standard Tele pickups were fairly thin, especially the neck pickup, and to top it all off, the original Tele was wired through a capacitor on that pickup, to make it sound bassier than it really was. The three-position switch was lead [bridge] pickup, regular neck and the neck pickup with the capacitor. That's what a Tele was, but that was mainly for clean sounds, country or clean rhythm. So it didn't work for me."

Morse took a P.A.F.-type humbucker off a Gibson ES-335 and mounted it in the neck position. This is a common spot to mount Gibson humbuckers on guitars with wider Fender string spacing, because only near the neck do the strings get close enough together to work with the narrower spacing. But even though the Tele started to roar, he faced another problem under the bridge: "The pickup there was feeding back at the high end. There's just no way around it. Some people pot them in plastic or wax, but that's about all you can do. And even worse, this pickup was part of a big metal plate that had a bridge consisting of three tuning pieces, instead of six, to adjust the strings with. I figured, 'Well I can't tune it and I can't play loud, so this thing has got to go!' A lot of purists would've killed me, but this was my guitar and I was trying to make it work for me."

Morse decided on a Fender humbucker: "It was a good pickup, and it had the wider F-spacing, which is another reason I thought it would work better. And it did. So at first I just had two humbuckers there. But then I discovered that the Tele neck pickup I'd taken out worked really well near the bridge, so I put it right next to the Fender humbucker, touching it. So then that was three. And by that time I'd added another switch to get more combinations."

Now Morse's pickup configuration, from bridge to neck, ran Fender humbucker, old Tele neck, a blank spot and the Gibson humbucker. But the blank spot didn't stay blank for long: "Bartolini came out with a hex pickup, a humbucking-shaped pickup with six outputs," continues Morse. "I said, 'This is for me! I'm going to have at least a stereo pickup.' And so I put that in and messed around with it. But it didn't have as much separation as I thought-which was partly my fault, because the only space I had left was up near the neck and the closer to the bridge you put a hex, the better the separation. But there was an amazing amount of experimentation with the Bartolini, and I think I soldered that thing about a million different ways. I wired it in series, parallel, split-coiled.... I didn't use the out-of-phase trick, though; I didn't like the effect for anything I could think of playing."

The number three spot became Morse's permanent audition position. "After the Bertollini, I tried a Mighty Mite pickup, and that went away. I finally ended up with an adaptor plate, and a Strat pickup I mounted on an angle, trying to get a little more high end on the top strings. I used it for softer rhythm sounds. Then I found a DiMarzio Strat-type which sounded better." As Morse's relationship with DiMarzio warmed, he suggested designer Steve Blucher take another look at that old Fender humbucker. "It gave me a very unique, amazing tone, especially down low. It caused me to use the low strings a lot in solos. It was fatter and had more mid-range than any Fender pckup. The only problem it had was that I was playing in a loud band and in some clubs we'd be so close to our equipment that it would feed back, too. Well, I'd played a Les Paul and I knew that problem could be overcome.

"And so I got with Steve and I gave him the pickup and said, 'Can you make this stop squeaking, and give me just a little more volume on the high strings?'" The result is a new DiMarzio Steve Morse humbucker, and his four-pickup configuration is now standard on the Music Man guitar Morse now uses and endorses.

The idea, offers Morse, is to "combine the single- and double-coils for a sound you can't get any other way." As for his switching: "I prefer big switches that I can use constantly in flight, so to speak, as opposed to little temperamental switches that have to be set in the middle position, things that could only be done by taking you finger and placing it in position. I want something I can bang with the side of my hand while I'm playing."

For distortion, Morse always goes to one or both of the two humbuckers, but he advises against super high-output distortion pickups that can't clean up: "I use the volume control as a tone control. Try slowly turning down the volume control when playing through a distorted amp. Because the front end of the amplifier is compressing the sound, for a little while it's not going to make any difference in the volume coming out of the speakers. All it's going to do is remove some of the threshold, where the front end is just starting to overload, will the volume start to come down.

"So the way the pickups act with volume control is important. And that's why I don't want the highest-output pickups, because those don't clean up as well. I like something I can turn down the volume on and get a totally different sound."



Mr. dickhead
mastodon, encore (je découvre et ca decolle le papier peint ce groupe )

Bill Kelliher


I basically just used my Gibson. I have a ’79 and an ’82, both are silverburst Les Paul Customs. Those are like my main guitars. Then I have a ’76 Gibson Explorer that’s black. I have a 1981 Gibson Explorer – what is it? The K2? That’s a silverburst as well, which is like the only one I’ve ever seen. Yeah, basically I use those guitars. I just had a 9-string. A company called First Act just made a 9-string for me, which has the top 3 strings doubled up like a 12-string, which is pretty cool.

ampli et pédales
I’ve got a JCM 800, a 100-watt Marshall head that’s actually been modified. I took out the EL34’s and put in 6550’s, a little fatter, lower end. I’ve got a Mesa Boogie cabinet and Marshall cabinet, a 4x12. I also use a Laney head, the GH 100. I use that and the Marshall together, and it just gives me great, great tone. Both amps sound good on their own. The Marshall doesn’t have such a great clean tone. It’s a 2210, so it’s got a lead and it’s got a clean channel. The clean channel always sounds kind of crappy, kind of fuzzy. The Laney sounds great, but I use those in conjunction. I’ve also got a Stiletto Mesa Boogie head. I use that in the studio to beef up some of the heavier riffs. I plug that baby into the Mesa cabinet and it really thickened up some stuff with that. That’s a pretty beefy head right there. With no distortion, just straight right in. But when I do use distortion, I use an old Tube Driver, a Chandler Tube Driver.

Yeah, they’re like from the 80s. They kind of break down a lot on the road, but I’m trying to get a guy here to make a custom one. He makes Brent’s… I forget what the name of his company is, but he made the Mastortion pedal, the Mastodon distortion pedal. It sounds great and he’s actually made one for me as well. I’m going to meet him tomorrow to try it out and see how it sounds. He makes tremolo pedals, too. Pretty much the only other things I use is once in a while I’ll click on a DOD Octaver. I have the Guyatone delay pedal, a little tiny, tiny thing. It sounds pretty good. I never was the guy who had too many effects pedals, all that crap. I just like plug right in straight and go for it. But I’ve been experimenting here and there.


guitares: flyingV gibson silverburst et first act copie mosrite.

Marshall JMPs and JCM800s, and Laneys.

pédale custom que je retrouve plus (qui sert de boost sur le saturé)

images (je ne connais pas la date)

une des pedalboard des grateux (je ne sais pas duquel)
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #6052
  • Publié par
    le 03 Mar 2008, 16:06
Le E Street Band de ce cher Springsteen :


Nils Lofgren

Here are Nils' effects backstage. Onstage he had more, I think he had TWO older Barber Burn units.


Steve Van Zandt

There were two pedals that almost EVERYONE had - the POG and the Boss RT-20 rotary similator. The POG is their "pipe organ simulator"and they even used the RT-20 on the Hammond B3 (!).

Dommage qu'il n'y ait pas le matériel du chef.
lemgement lemg

Alors miss KT Tunstall a à ses pieds une pédale de loop Akai headrush 2, la bleue à droite de sa botte(dont elle se sert pour les WooHoo..Alice? hm) , elle a aussi une pédale de mute (blanche) pour pas que sa guitare résonne quand elle enregistre du chant, une table pour diviser le chant et la guitare et que tout soit loopé, elle a aussi un tambourin
Sinon pour les guitares, l'accoustique, c'est une Gibson Dove, la semi, une Gretsch Falcon 70's
voilà voilà
“Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side…” Lou Reed
une des pedalboard des grateux

c'est le pedalboard de brent, et il utilise egalement un attenuateur sur sa tete jmp en plus de la tube screamer.
il a egalement souvent utilise une les paul goldtop historic 57, j'avais vu mastodon a plusieurs reprise et il avait cette guitare a chaque fois.
Mr. dickhead
arnaud.ret a écrit :
une des pedalboard des grateux

c'est le pedalboard de brent, et il utilise egalement un attenuateur sur sa tete jmp en plus de la tube screamer.
il a egalement souvent utilise une les paul goldtop historic 57, j'avais vu mastodon a plusieurs reprise et il avait cette guitare a chaque fois.

il a été egalement mentioné je sais plus ou une pédale "custom" mais je ne retrouve plus le liens.
Utilise t'il sa mosrite en live ? (pas vue) celle visibile dans le clip de colonies of birchmen.
alors la pedale vient de chez monster effects. visiblement ils en ont d'autres en projet.

pour la first act silverburst, je ne l'ai jamais vu en concert avec, et vu la collection du mec je pense qu il doit s'en garder bien au chaud a la maison.
sinon si tu aimes mastodon je t'invite a ecouter ce groupe qui je trouve est assez dans la meme veine.
Mr. dickhead

mastodon je découvre depuis 2/3 jours et je dois dire que j'acroche pas mal, ca envoie du paté Le son est interessant et le morceau originaux (colony of birchmen et seabeast en tete) et puis les morceau un peu psyché moi j'adore. Ils sortent vraiment du lot je trouve.

je vais ecouter la page myspace que tu as mis.
  • Gillou
  • Vintage Supra utilisateur
    Cet utilisateur est un importateur - revendeur d'instruments et matériel audio
Loupinou a écrit :
Désolé si ça a déjà été posté.
Tiré des bonus du DVD "Remember that night", de Gilmour :

Il a étoffé son pedalboard pendant la tournée et tout n'est pas mentionné sur Gilmourish (ils ne parlent "que" de l'Electro Harmonix Big Muff (1971 “triangle”) et du T-Rex Replica delay). Du coup, si quelqu'un a des infos sur les deux autres, je suis preneur (Demeter ? Cornish ?)
En parlant de Gilmour et de ses lavacable, la boîte a sorti le Monorail (une alternative aux Georges Ls) :

Ce ne sont PAS des Lava Cables, mais des Evidence Audio Lyric HG. En plus, tes images du Monorail viennent du site Evidence Audio...
Faut un peu savoir de quoi tu parles.....

Lava Cables est un revendeur qui soude du cable et des fiches.
Evidence Audio est un concepteur et un constructeur de cables.
C'est totalement différent....
Envie de fringues moto ? www.fringuesmoto.com !
tu vas en vendre prochainement Gillou des Evidence "special effets" ? une idée de date .... ?
Vends Keeley Aurora Reverb


En ce moment sur effet guitare...