Le matériel des guitaristes pro(s) - (Sommaire en page 1)

Rappel du dernier message de la page précédente :
Je reviens chez Arch Enemy avec Monsieur Michael Amott :

2 nouvelles signatures chez ESP

Adieu le contract chez Krank, Bonjour le contrat chez Randall avec un V2
Egorgeur de bisounours du Total Fucking Metal Club :
Ca ressemble un peu à la tête Randall de Ian Scott non?
El Nico a écrit :
Ca ressemble un peu à la tête Randall de Ian Scott non?

Bah cest un Randall V2 avec des modifs par amott... c'est tout ^^ Je sais pas ce qu'il a Ian Scott
Egorgeur de bisounours du Total Fucking Metal Club :
Jai trouvé ça sur Radiohead
c'est presque complet

Government Stealth Warning : Don't drink from the Mainstream
  • Airut
  • Special Ultra utilisateur
une interview d'Alex Skolnick (matos testament et alex skolnick trio)

et visiblement il utilise toujours un préampli ADA pour la distorsion
Ooooh... :O
  • Airut
  • Special Ultra utilisateur
in requiem a écrit :
quelqu un aurait des infos,photos sur le matos d exodus,svp
Ooooh... :O
Fuzzbox 85
Andy Powell de Wishbone Ash

On stage, I currently play any one of three main electric guitars. The 1967 Gibson Flying V is the one which most people are familiar with. It has been refinished over the years and re-fretted several times. It has also been customized by the addition of Grover nickel plated machine - heads and an old prototype Flying V logo has been added to the head stock in place of the usual arrow shaped truss - rod cover.

The original '67 humbucking pick - ups have been changed for earlier Patent Applied For (PAFs) models which were taken from a trashed 1960 Gibson 335. They have a warmer, thicker tone. I removed the covers and bolted plastic surrounds to the scratch plate to give a little more protection to the exposed coils. This guitar sings, as can be heard on various recordings like Persephone or Throw Down The Sword. The new reissues, for some reason, do not feature the Vibrola tremolo unit, which, to my mind, is an integral part of the guitar's sound - at least in the way I use it!

My other main stage axe is a custom made Ernie Ball Music Man Silhouette finished in an antique gold. It has a Seymour Duncan humbucking pickup in the bridge position and two DiMarzio Hot Rails in the neck and middle positions. The guitar is also fitted with a Wilkinson locking trem where the arm has to be engaged in order to free up the system. This works to correct the problems of many tremolo systems in that it compensates for the pitch lowering when you are doing a double string blues bend, for example.

I'll also occasionally use my Steinberger mini V which has a graphite neck mounted on to a wooden body, with a transposing trem. This guitar gets pulled out when I want to do some really high fretboard work, like on the song Lifeline, for example. Being so small, the instrument is ideal for taking to rehearsals or flying with.

In the studio, one of my favorite guitars is my old 1952 Fender Telecaster which used to belong to Roy Buchanon and was purchased from pick - up guru, Larry DiMarzio in the early '70's. This thing is a beast and rewards the player the harder you treat it. It has the original fat - sounding,bridge pick up but the neck pick up was changed, by me, to an old Mighty Mite many years ago. I also installed a toggle style selector switch on to the chrome plate, but still have all the original parts. Hear this guitar on the solos; Dream Train from the album Strange Affair and No Joke from the Illuminations album.

Acoustic guitars are featuring more in our set these days and also in the studio. This is accounted for by the release of the Bare Bones unplugged album. My favorite guitar is an early Epiphone Texan. It is blonde with a very finely grained top board and rosewood fingerboard with trapezoid mother - of - pearl inlays. This instrument which dates from the early 1960's has featured on most of the Wishbone Ash acoustic recordings. I also have a 1959 Gibson J45 which I'll use as a high - strung guitar on recordings, just using the top 6 strings of a 12 string set.

Stage wise, we've had a lot of success using various Takamine electro acoustic models, which hold up very well and I just acquired another Gibson Chet Atkins electro acoustic to replace the one which I had used in the early 90's. These guitars are amplified using a 100 watt Trace Elliot acoustic guitar amplifier which I have directed at me on stage,between my vocal wedges. A line out goes to the PA.

Electric guitar amplifiers are a more fickle matter, depending on the size of the venue. Since we play clubs, theatres and open air festivals, I need an adaptable rig. For that reason, I favour two Mk I Mesa Boogie combos, one a 1974 original and one an early '90s reissue. They come fitted with Electrovoice Black Shadow speakers and I like to use them in stereo, either with their internal speakers for smaller venues or hooked up to two Marshall 4X12s with vintage Celestion 12" speakers for theatres.

I will also from time to time, on a festival stage, use Marshall 4 input100watt 'Plexi' reissue amps with the 4X12s. Alternatively, when we play clubs, I'm very fond of a combination of the DeVille 4X10 combo together with a very fine combo, the Prosonic, both from Fender's new line of vintage style combos. The Prosonic is also a great recording amp. In the studio though, I've used everything from Vox AC 30 to Roland Jazz Chorus to Orange Matamp depending on the result I want to achieve.

Finally, we come to the use of effects. I have a simple portable effects rack built around an old TC 2290 effects processor with a separate foot controller. This is a stereo unit mounted in a simple flight case with a drawer underneath it which takes my collection of stomp boxes like the Ibanez tube screamer, Boss graphic and TC stereo chorus/flanger. This system allows me to keep the stomp boxes off the floor and to power them from the mains using a transformer, thereby saving on the purchase of 9 volt batteries! The 2290 functions primarily as a delay unit although it can supply me with chorus, flanging and tremolo. The delays are very flexible and can be panned etc. Although in truth the big selling point, as far as I'm concerned, is that the delay can be programmed to be dynamic. That is to say, when I am soloing loud and hard, the delay effect backs off somewhat, so that the solo doesn't become too muddied with repeats. But, when I play more subtly, the delay comes through as clean as can be. It's a great unit and fully programmable for each song with an easy to read display.
Doc Plus
douglove a écrit :
Jai trouvé ça sur Radiohead
c'est presque complet

yep et ca fait un bail qu'on connait ce site !
Vends Seymour Duncan SM-3 et Méca grover
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #5185
  • Publié par
    le 09 Nov 2007, 14:40
Le solo de fin de Sweet Emotion, il doit s'agir d'une modulation genre chorus, Leslie ou univibe (je penche pour l'univibe mais je ne suis sûr de rien).
lemgement lemg
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #5186
  • Publié par
    le 09 Nov 2007, 15:38
Oui, on est dans le même esprit.
lemgement lemg
Nedz a écrit :
Une autre, pour les amateurs de Primus : sur l'album Pork Soda, Larry Lalonde utilise un tas d'effets, c'est évident, mais il y a notamment un chorus (il me semble que c'est ce qui fait le principal du son - ampli et gratte mis à part bien entendu) qu'il met un peu partout sur l'album. Mais lequel? Et est-ce bien un chorus ou autre chose ?

Dans cette interview il explique qu'il utilise le chorus de la Whammy que personnellement j'adore aussi .
Dave Angstrom de HERMANO

Gratte: Les Paul Custom
Effets : un double booster inconnu pour ma part > Phase 100 MX > equalo Boss > wah wah Vox > Boss TU et a cote une talk box
Amplis: Marshall JCM 800 2203 + Ampleg SVT tout ca dans 3 baffles Marshall ... il y avait une RAT pose sur les tetes, je sais pas a quoi elle servait
pour les Hushpuppies je rajouterais :
gratteux :
EH Small stone
EH Pulsar
EH Holygrail
Boss Tu2
wah vox
Mojo Gto
carl martin hot drive'n boost mk ?
un 4X12 marshall et un autre orange dans une tête orange et une fender.

bassiste :
EH big muff russe.

le clavier a un tas de matos Moog, rhodes, hammond, korg analo, etc...
c rock a souhait et ça déboite bien, en tout cas super soirée

Pour Pravda :
La meuf joue sur un pod 2 direct dans la sono j'ai l'impression (pur son en tout cas)
le gratteux à une tele et une boss DS1 et une tu2...pour les amplis c'est du orange apparement
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #5190
  • Publié par
    le 09 Nov 2007, 17:31
Red_Fish a écrit :
Dave Angstrom de HERMANO

Gratte: Les Paul Custom
Effets : un double booster inconnu pour ma part > Phase 100 MX > Delai Boss > wah wah Vox > Boss TU et a cote une talk box
Amplis: Marshall JCM 800 2203 + Ampleg SVT tout ca dans 3 baffles Marshall ... il y avait une RAT pose sur les tetes, je sais pas a quoi elle servait

Ce ne serait pas un égaliseur à côté de la MXR phase 100 (à droite sur la photo) ?
lemgement lemg

En ce moment sur effet guitare...