Le matériel des guitaristes pro(s) - (Sommaire en page 1)

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  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #180
  • Publié par
    le 11 Oct 2004, 14:49
Et encore une mise à jour !

Genesis : matériel utilisé sur la tournée we can't dance 1992 : page 17
lemgement lemg
  • Sven
  • Custom Ultra utilisateur
  • #182
  • Publié par
    le 11 Oct 2004, 18:39
lemg a écrit :
Comment j'ai trouvé pour Laiho ?
Google (bon, en fait j'avais un article dans un mag US disant qu'il utilisait le preamp Lee Jackson, donc recherche Google "alexi laihi" "lee jackson" et le reste déboule d'un coup).

Nubilalis : La plupart des photos montrent le matériel utilisé pour les tournées. Il y a souvent des doublons pour avoir du matériel de secours.

Ah d'accord
C'est vrai que c'est impressionant tout ce que tu arrives a nous trouver. Merci bicouuuuuuu
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #183
  • Publié par
    le 11 Oct 2004, 20:30
Judas Priest
_ le rack de Glenn Tipton en 2001

_ le pédalier de KK Downing (Tipton possède grosso modo le même) :


Le guitariste de King diamond, Andy La Rocque :

  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #185
  • Publié par
    le 12 Oct 2004, 17:13
David Gilmour :

_ le matériel en studio (1986) :

_ le système de la tournée delicate sound of thunder

_ le pédalier pour le même système

Les baffles utilisés pour la tournée pulse :

Oui, j'avoue, c'était un up déguisé.
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #186
  • Publié par
    le 12 Oct 2004, 19:53
Un post qui ne demande qu'à grandir :


On commence léger :
_ en studio :

_ sur scène


A vous maintenant !

EDIT : j'ai mis une photo plus grande pour les pédales
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #187
  • Publié par
    le 13 Oct 2004, 12:48
And now, ladies and gentlemen :


Voici le matériel utilisé sur les premières tournées. Genre 78-79 (albums VH I et II) :

1) Le pédalier

2) Le marshall


4) echo + eq

5) Le rack d'amplis

6) Le pédalier

Et quelques infos pour comprendre tout çà :
"I have lots (of amps), but they're mostly Marshalls. Tube amps. They've been customized and have voltage generators hooked up to them."

"The cabinets are also by Marshall, and I use 6 of them. They're grouped in threes, and one set is for a spare. Of the three stacks, the bottom three are the ones I use, and the 3 top halves are the backup. If you wanna know why I use the bottoms, it's so my ears aren't destroyed. Of course I use earplugs."
"Of the six cabs, two cabs have two Celestions-- which normally come with Marshalls--and two JBLs--four speakers each (cab). The other four cabs have four Celestions each. The Celestions for dirty, and the JBLs for cleaner sounds. So with that combination, they blend together to get a kick ass sound. On stage of course, eveything is cranked (all the way up).

Then, nothing new, some (apparently incorrect)comments on his variac (turning up) and how they found the clean/dirty speaker mix interesting, and how maybe that related to his later stereo setup with center dry+L/R efx. One interesting comment about how there are some bootleg recordings where it sounds as if the amp blew up. Then lists his old efx. rig (MXR stuff), and a bit of speculation about the "1" and "2" boxes. "E.D. Von Halen" (some guy from a VH tribute band) speculates that the "1" box was probably a switcher for the MXR EQ, since that model didn't come equipped with a footswitch. And the Echoplex footswitches are already visible and accounted for. He isn't sure what the "2" box is, but guesses that they were send/return switches of some kind or amp switchers. Asked what else he thought was interesting, he says, "the Phase 90 knob setting can't be right". "He must have had it up to 10 O'Clock when he used them. But if you mess with the inside--on a Phase 90, if you turn the internal trim pot, you can change the oscillating frquency. But even if you turn it to get a stronger effect, it still doesn't go far enough to the strength of the effect on EVH's early stuff. If you listen to early bootlegs, the phase effect is pretty strong. So possibly, some of the resistors inside may have been changed." EVH'S statements at the time remarked that instead of using the Phase 90 as a modulation effect, he was using it as more of a treble booster for solos.

On Van Halen's second Japan tour in '79, there weren't any apparent changes in the effects rig, but he brought a larger scale amp/cabinet system. "This time we brought the exact same sound and lighting system as we used in the States. It's probably at least five times as big."
"My rig is mostly the same as last year ('78 ), but the speaker cabinets are different. They were designed by myself and Rudy Leiren, my guitar tech and built by Flagg Systems. They have 12 inch Celestions in a closed cab so they're like Marshalls, but they're built with considerations to cartage and ease of wiring, so they're great for touring with."
"The heads (pic P-5) are Marshall, but the internals are pretty different. Me and Rudy customized them doing this and that. By using the amps in various combinations, we can go from 50 to 1,200 watts of power."
"The effects are as before. MXR Flanger, MXR Phase 90, two Maestro Echoplex footswitches on stage, and a couple more (efx?) in the racks the amp heads are in. The Boss graphic EQ (GE-10), the main Echoplex, and a customized fuzz box, and a back-up Flanger are all stock, but the ones on stage were worked on by Rudy (pic P-6). (from a 1978 "Young Guitar" magazine interview).

J'ai trouvé ça sur le forum : http://www.eddievanhalen.com/c(...)oard=
Pour ceux que ça intéresse.
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #188
  • Publié par
    le 13 Oct 2004, 15:15

Matériel utilisé en concert :

Bravo pour le travail accompli mec !

Par contre, j'ai toujours pas vu de belles photos du rack de notre ami(e) Brian Molko.
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #191
  • Publié par
    le 13 Oct 2004, 16:39
BaZZman a écrit :
Et Clapton??

Page 1 : son matos sur la tournée 2004
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #193
  • Publié par
    le 13 Oct 2004, 16:59
chepabien a écrit :
Bravo pour le travail accompli mec !

Par contre, j'ai toujours pas vu de belles photos du rack de notre ami(e) Brian Molko.

Merci, pas d'inquiétudes, je vais continuer (pas tout seul j'espère m'enfin...)

Bien, Brian Molko.
Pour se faire une idée, en 1997 :

Despite the occasional scary sample, Placebo's live sound is actually as clean as a mortuary slab. The arsenal of pedal-borne effects, or the craven cop-out of saturation feedback, isn't for them. Instead, their sonic onslaught is pure, relentless and relatively gimmick-free. To subvert the classic rock sound, Molko will play the guitar as if it's a bass, while Stefan plays the bass as if it's a guitar. "That's why Stefan bought the Fender VI" agrees Brian. "It's in between a bass and a guitar. It looks like a Jag, basically, it has Jag pickups on it. We're trying to find ways to turn him into a bass player and a lead guitarist at the same time."

For a man who claims to be an untalented musician, Molko talks about his equipment with a real passion. "I play three pre-CBS Fender Jags, through a Fender Twin and a Marshall three-channel LN Anniversary Head. I use the three channels for different states of overdrive on the Marshall and on the Fender, I use a Sovtek Big Muff, which gives a classic sound for the distortion. That way, I manage to balance out the different qualities of the two amps, to get a fuller sound. I used to use a Boss DD-3 delay with a master supply power switch to turn it on and off between songs. I've got into using the tremolo arm on the old Jags. If you watch Bruise Pristine, I'm going crazy with the old whammy bar..."

A voir les photos ou les passages télés, niveau ampli, ça a toujours l'air d'être les mêmes. Peut-être des effets supplémentaires.

Une photo de 2001 :

C'est tout pour le moment.
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #194
  • Publié par
    le 13 Oct 2004, 18:58
Billy Duffy (the Cult) :

Et sinon, j'ai des photos en .bmp, alors comme je ne sais pas comment les poster, je vais vous décrire son matos sur scène en 2001 :

_ 4 marshall jcm 8000 (2 de secours)
_ 2 matchless dc-30 (1 de secours)
_ 2 roland jc-120 (1 de secours)
_ 3 baffles marshall 4X12 (1 de secours)
1 rack 12U avec de haut en bas :
_ furman pl-8
_ wireless samson
_ multi-selector
_ tc electronics D-two
_ gcx switcher
_ gcx switcher
_ les pédales : ibanez ts-9, delay boss dd-3 'ou 5), delay boss dm-3, boss flanger bf-2, mxr phase 100, fulltone fulldrive
_ 1 compresseur dbx
Il a pas de rack.. La derniere config' de lui que j'ai vu sur le net, c'était un Mesa/Boogie Mark IV, un Fender Twin Reverb et un stack Marshall, à cela vient s'ajouter une Boss MT2 (héhé :lol un flanger et un delay Boss.. et 1 ou 2 truc.. pour les guitares, c'est des Jaguar et des SG, principalement

Mais cette config' date de 2002, ca a du changer depuis...

En ce moment sur effet guitare...