Le matériel des guitaristes pro(s) - (Sommaire en page 1)

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  • Gabouel
  • Vintage Méga utilisateur
tu les trouves typée eighties les grattes de mick mars???

warf... c'est deux flics a miami ouais, carrement

Que c'est cruel le temps qui passe....

les seins ont du tomber comme des gants de toilettes depuis....
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #1636
  • Publié par
    le 28 Sep 2005, 17:49
gabouel a écrit :
les seins ont du tomber comme des gants de toilettes depuis....

Et la chirurgie alors ?

Bon, poursuivons.



Un des guitaristes

Durham Electronics - Sex Drive
Electro - Harmonix Wiggler
MXR Dyna Comp
Ibanez - TS9 (modified by Durham Electronics)
Line 6 - Delay modeler
Hughes & Ketner - Roto-Sphere
Ernie Ball Volume Pedal
Durham Electronics Custom switching/loop system
One of the guitars Larry plays is an original Kay triple pick-up model from the 1950s - early 60s.

Larry uses a Vox AC30 reissue amplifier when performing.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Allez j'ose : Richard Fortus (je jure que personne n'a pris possession de mon corps )

Speaking about musical instruments, how many guitars do you own?
I guess I own about 100 guitars

What is your favorite guitar?

I don't really have a favorite, but if I had to pick one electric guitar, I guess it would be one of my Les Paul Signatures. They were made in '73 and were only made for a short time. Nothing else sounds like them. I have 2 and they are both gold tops.

What is your most recent purchase?

My most recently purchased guitar, is a '60 Kay, black Les Paul-type of thing. I am setting it up for slide. It's sort of like a Jimmy Reed model.

What gear are you using for your current tour with Nena?

With Nena, I am using a guitar that First Act guitars built for me. It's based on the aforementioned Les Paul Signature. However, it looks more like a Black Falcon. The strings go through the body like a tele. It is mostly solid, with tone chambers. Very heavy, but sounds amazing. The electronics are based on a Signature. Looks like a 60's pawn shop guitar, but plays and sounds amazing. For amps, I am using a Cornford Hellcat. It's a class A, 50 watt head. Cornford's are the best amps in the world. I am also using a Mosferatu overdrive and a zen drive (both from Hermida electronics), and a Hiwatt tape echo. The Hiwatt is a new tape echo, I actually am using 2 different ones with Nena. Nothing beats a real tape echo, and the cool thing about the Hiwatt is that the heads disengage when there is no signal being passed through the unit. So, you save tape and heads from wearing out. Also, it has a vco pedal that will sweep the speed of the delay (ala Tommy Bolin), and it has 2 separate play heads for 2 different times like a Space Echo. Really cool box! Plus it sounds great. I'm also using a Sex Drive and a Foxx fuzz. I also recently switched to Rotosound strings from the UK. They are amazing. Great tone and very dependable.

What gear will you use with Guns n'roses?

With Guns, I will be using assorted guitars (mostly First Act and Gibson). I will also be using the Cornford 100 watt stacks. I will also be using the Hermida pedals and the Sex Drive, as well as the Hiwatt tape echoes.

How long have you been playing guitar?

I've been playing guitar since i was about 12 or 13.

Who are your heroes?

I grew up listening to Robert Fripp, Snakefinger, Adrian Belew, Jeff Beck, Neil Young, Frank Zappa, Peter Green, Steve Howe, Brian May, Buddy Guy, Albert and BB King, God, i could go on forever.

How did you discover the Jellifish tool, and what are your thoughts on it?

I think that I read something about the Jellifish and ordered one on-line. I'm always looking for new sounds, the Jellifish blew my mind. It's an amazing tool. Very simple, but so effective. There are so many different effects you can create with it. I immediately ordered about 20 to give to my guitarist friends. Some people totally get it and some don't. You have to work with it and be creative with it. It takes some getting used to, but it's well worth the effort for me. It's not for your average guitar guy, looking to play rock or blues. It's a very gentle, subtle tool, that is more for creating textures and uncommon tones. I love it for creating zither-ish type sounds on accoustic. If you strike close to the bridge, it gives you a very thin, chimey sound. Great for arpegiated single not lines. Or, you can play very straight, whole-note chords towards the neck for more textural/ambient sounds. I've used the Jellifish with a Godin Glissentar and with smaller octave guitars. It's ideal for more cinematic music.

Have you recorded with it?

I've used it on a number of film scores, video game scores and commercials and tv themes, as well as records.

Have you incorporated the Jellifish into the GN'R sound?

I didn't use it on the Chinese Democracy record, as most of my parts were done by the time I discovered the Jellifish.

Interview trouvée ici : http://www.durhamelectronics.com/
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #1637
  • Publié par
    le 29 Sep 2005, 15:46

Avec Deep Purple en 2005
Mister Max
lemg a écrit :

Rhaaa le chacal! ca donne envie! Et puis quel son (surtout qu'il est pas mancho le garcon lol)

Sinon toujours rien sur Iced Earth?
-=Schecter & Jackson addict=-
  • hiro2
  • Custom Méga utilisateur
bah pour iced earth je peus juste de dire que un des deux au moins joue sur marshall vu qu'il y a est sur une ancienne boite noire mais pas plus.
Le bourrinnasse sanguinaire tueur de nounours Haribo jaune.
Membre du Total Death Metal Club youhou !!


The Flidebi Dehu power !
James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett, 2003/2004:

Tous le matos de Michel Yves Kochmann sur son site officiel :


Morceaux choisis :

Et des guitares, je vous dis pas !

Par exemple une Lespaul Junior 1960 !

Site officiel de Michel Yves Kochmann : www.myk.fr
  • Gabouel
  • Vintage Méga utilisateur
classe ton avatar lemg !! ca serait y pas edgar poe???
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #1644
  • Publié par
    le 03 Oct 2005, 17:17
gabouel a écrit :
classe ton avatar lemg !! ca serait y pas edgar poe???

En plein dans le mille.
  • Gabouel
  • Vintage Méga utilisateur
il a quand meme bon gout lemg...
question très bête, ce topic me passionne, mais une question que je me pose, qui a déjà du être posée ici ou ailleurs (avec un topic aussi touffu, j'ai pas trouvé de réponse par moi même... désolé)
pour faire une image du style
existe-t-il un logiciel ou un site qui fasse ça ou c'est du copier coller sur photo shop?
jeanpatate a écrit :
question très bête, ce topic me passionne, mais une question que je me pose, qui a déjà du être posée ici ou ailleurs (avec un topic aussi touffu, j'ai pas trouvé de réponse par moi même... désolé)
pour faire une image du style
existe-t-il un logiciel ou un site qui fasse ça ou c'est du copier coller sur photo shop?

Salut Jeanpatate,
c'est sur ce site . T'as une recherche par artistes mais la base n'est pas encore très bien fournie http://guitargeek.com/
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #1649
  • Publié par
    le 08 Oct 2005, 18:40

Matériel utilisé durant la tournée Steel Wheels
  • lemg
  • Vintage Ultra utilisateur
  • #1650
  • Publié par
    le 09 Oct 2005, 14:39

Et oui, j'ai regardé la télé hier soir. Voici donc leur matériel actuel, enfin plus particulièrement celui de Noel Gallagher :

Rappelons cette photo déjà postée :

Et j'ajoute les photos provenant du site de taratata


Le pédalier

En ce qui concerne Gem Archer, une vue de derrière

(têtes vox, ampli fender, ressemblant à celui de Noel)

En ce moment sur effet guitare...