Fear the... REAPER V4

Rappel du dernier message de la page précédente :
Lefthandy a écrit :
Par contre petit soucis pour les utilisateurs d'EZDRUMMER (pas essayé avec SUPERIOR DRUMMER) . Le plug marche pas avec reaper en 64 bits (pas de drag n drop) et il plante severe avec la version 32 (je ne suis apparement pas le seul) donc prudence lors d'un achat .....

Perso j'arrive a travailler avec (en 32 bits) 1 fois sur 3 et j'essaye de finnaliser mes parties de batteries, j'enregistre le projet et je le re ouvre en 64 bits pour enregistrer le reste... (car en lecture il fonctionne mais aucune edition possible)

j'ai eu le meme probleme il y a qq mois, il me semble que ca s'est resolu en executant reaper en mode administrateur
super_taz a écrit :
Lefthandy a écrit :
Par contre petit soucis pour les utilisateurs d'EZDRUMMER (pas essayé avec SUPERIOR DRUMMER) . Le plug marche pas avec reaper en 64 bits (pas de drag n drop) et il plante severe avec la version 32 (je ne suis apparement pas le seul) donc prudence lors d'un achat .....

Perso j'arrive a travailler avec (en 32 bits) 1 fois sur 3 et j'essaye de finnaliser mes parties de batteries, j'enregistre le projet et je le re ouvre en 64 bits pour enregistrer le reste... (car en lecture il fonctionne mais aucune edition possible)

j'ai eu le meme probleme il y a qq mois, il me semble que ca s'est resolu en executant reaper en mode administrateur

Ah ok merci pour l'info
- To do is to be - Nietzsche
- To be is to do - Kant
- do be do be do - Sinatra


Unholy War
nouvelle version...

Version 4.10 Changelog
Ice cold

actions to render tracks in-place with FX, then save/remove existing media and online FX
menu actions in FX chain window to freeze track up to last selected FX
MIDI editor:
switching sources via filter window no longer unhides all other sources
undo fixes, especially related to list editor
improved list view default focus, toolbar focus
note properties fixed reset of combo boxes on multiple note selection
inline editor marquee fix
fixed bug when quantizing notes that were drawn in (not painted or recorded)
fixed context menu doubleness when clicking above piano keys
support painting notes in drum mode with very small grid
step recording works when docked
fixed possible excess midi notes on loop when PDC FX are used
improved undo state tracking when copying/moving FX between tracks
if project samplerate set and loading project, try to initialize loaded plug-ins at correct rate (avoid later reinit)
pin mappings are now stored more safely, fix for possible race conditions
added SetProjectMarker3() and AddProjectMarker2() for setting custom marker colors
threading fixes for GetSetObjectState() and other related APIs
fixed editing point values for FX wet/dry envelopes
pitch envelopes snap configuration (1 semitone, 50 cent, 25 cent, 10 cent, 5 cent, 1 cent, off)
new multichannel tracks default to multichannel metering enabled
master multichannel metering is now optional
scroll improvements/fixes
opening/unhiding mixer now makes last selected track visible
restore undocked mixer window position in docked screensets
Mouse modifiers:
support ripple edit (off, one track, all tracks) while moving items
import/export mouse modifier support (.ReaperMouseMap files)
obey user preferences to seek playback when middle clicking ruler or arrange view
new user setting for tail length to use in project render, stem render, track freeze
fixed certain issues with filename wildcards
Scale finder:
button to use selected notes in MIDI editor
added topmost window pin
improved rendering accuracy, support for rendering with playrates
hide topmost pin when going fullscreen
updated API to support the newest FFmpeg/libav version (v53)
Actions: toggle multichannel track metering, now in track menu
Directory cleanup: now looks for media references in project bay media items
Fades/crossfades: prevent unintentional crossfade edits when media items are adjacent but not crossfaded
Grouping: fix for rare item group reuse bug
Media explorer: fixed crash issue when group policy prevented embedded explorer (falls back to non-explorer view)
MIDI: use MIDI track name event when importing files
MIDI files: options to automatically snap time signature changes, tempo changes on file import
OSX: better behavior when using modal windows (such as save as with convert) when REAPER inactive
Playback: corrected minor rounding bug on playback start in certain instances
Relative snap: avoid clearing snap offset when copying media items
Scrub/jog: don't snap edit cursor
Sends: shift+drag IO from unselected track to selected uses all selected tracks as receivers
SRC: fixed quality/synchronization issue (4.0x regression)
Toolbars: store toolbar assignments in screensets
Topmost pin buttons: bug fixes, buttons now remember their last states (based on window title)
Track manager: added freeze column/button
Track manager, region manager, project bay: columns can be reordered
Undo history: improved keyboard behavior (return loads state, escape when docked sets focus to arrange, other keys passed through to main)
Vertical zooming: scrollbar fixes, better behavior
VST: support effSetSpeakerArrangement notifications for plug-ins

+++ Unholy War - Promo 2014 - Tormented souls +++

- Unholy War sur le Tribute Bathory

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King V
  • King V
  • Custom Top utilisateur
  • #48
  • Publié par
    King V
    le 04 Oct 2011, 20:38
sinon, KING V, tu conseillerais quel VST pour la batterie ?

Steven Slate
"Moi aussi je veux une citation de KingV en signature"
Unholy War
bon, quelques sous versions de passées à la trappe...

Reaper est maintenant en 4.15, avec de grosses modifs.

Version 4.15 Changelog
The Grasshopper Lies Heavy

Track manager:
double-click track number to scroll track into view
MIDI column (double-click to open all track MIDI in editor)
action to delete selected tracks (via menu or delete key)
changing record-arm state clears track auto-recarm
doubleclick on toggle columns works properly
drag tracks in manager to rearrange tracks in project (optional)
fixed remembering previous window location on OSX
if track MIDI is already open, double-click MIDI column to close
mute/solo/record-arm changes respect grouping (shift held overrides)
option for filter to hide child tracks only if the folder parent is hidden
option to auto-scroll to selected track when mirroring selection
right-click FX column to open individual track FX
right-click header to show/hide columns
set last touched track when selecting from the track manager
set track colors
Region manager:
delete key removes regions
display time in project timeline format
edit region/marker names in place
optionally display project markers
right-click header to show/hide columns
seek when selecting a marker or region (optional)
Project bay:
fixed action to force refresh
list offline FX
option to zoom/scroll to selected items when mirroring selection
right-click header to show/hide columns
usage menu selects and scrolls to media items
updated to ReWire 2.6
OSX and Win64 now install ReWire libraries if necessary
support for loading 64 bit ReWire devices
support for running 64 bit REAPER as ReWire slave (requires 64 bit host app, for now at least)
added simple functions to safely access take and track audio
extensions and ReaScript can store/restore simple global state (GetExtState, SetExtState, etc)
extensions can add functions to ReaScript
avoid unnecessary delays when bridge process failed to launch
OSX support for bridging/firewalling 64 bit VST/AU
Memory metering:
improved Win32 memory meter accuracy
option (enabled by default on 32 bit) to warn when memory use is high
Parameter modulation:
fixed switching between tempo-synced and unsynced LFO
no minimum or maximum for typed-in LFO speed
Python loading improvements
separate custom path preferences for 32-bit and 64-bit REAPER
Render dialog:
remembers last window position
saves changes even if window closed without rendering
update track manager when switching track views
save/load TCP visibility with track views
immediate feedback when sweep recarm/mute/solo controls across multiple tracks
sweeping mute/solo/record-arm respects grouping (shift held overrides)
sweeping record-arm buttons clears track auto-recarm state on mouseup
Track templates:
support for saving envelopes in templates
option to offset imported template items (and envelopes) by edit cursor
64-bit build now compiled with ICC
better ASIO device selection when running both 32-bit and 64-bit REAPER on the same machine
Actions: relative item positions are preserved when moving item start or end
AU: fixed wet/dry control on default pin mappings
Auto recarm: faster changing of recarm state when operating on many tracks
Config import/export: UI improvement, added sections for chanmaps, scripts, menusets
Control surfaces: don't create undo points when any surface has touch state set
Envelope editing: fixed envelope point selection following time selection when option disabled
Filters: support for NOT and OR keywords (upper case, ORs have lowest precedence, so a b OR c d NOT e means (a and b) or (c and d and not e)
Freeze: fixed actions to freeze through last selected FX
Media item properties: immediately update properties window on apply
MIDI editor: fixed hang when entering grid size of zero
Mixer: action to show/hide children of selected folder tracks
ReaTune: clear/update analysis on demand in the manual correction tab
Regions: improved timesignature handling when duplicating regions
Take lanes: option to display empty lanes is now global, not per-project
Track recording settings window: fixed potential crash under certain instances
VST: fix for saving presets for plugins with non-automatable parameters

+++ Unholy War - Promo 2014 - Tormented souls +++

- Unholy War sur le Tribute Bathory

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