We do not like to add a power jack to these pedals, as they are a compromise with a fuzz. The germanium and NKT pedals have circuits with reverse polarity, so sharing a power source with another pedal will blow out the power source. It blows because the negative ground on normal pedals flows through the patch cord shield to the positive ground of the fuzzface, shorting out the power supply. Positive 9V in the fuzzface is connected to ground through your patch cords.
See our fuzzface page on analogman.com for more info about this and an article about the problems of using power jacks on reverse polarity pedals from Andreas in Sweden.
Using a single power supply for the sunface or a single cable from the Voodoo Labs Pedalpower 2 would be safe though. A power jack may add AC hum noise and will usually affect the tone, as the best sound is obtained by using an old style non-alkaline battery. I get these two for a dollar at the DOLLAR STORES. I like the Maxell or Panasonics. An Alkaline battery will sound a bit dull in a germanium fuzzface, it will lose a lot of character (you can hear the difference in a sound sample on our fuzzface page). It's not just the voltage that makes batteries and power supplies sound different. It's the resistance, inductance, and capacitance in the battery, which is part of the circuit in a fuzzface.
If you do get a power jack, you can use a normal boss type adaptor with normal boss type (center negative) polarity. We change the polarity inside the pedal so you don't need to use a reverse polarity power supply.
D'un point de vue strictement technique et non sonore :
En gros si je prends une alim centre négatif donc du genre Boss aucun risque ni pour la pédale ni pour l'alim ? Si je prends une une alim n'ayant pas une des sorties isolées ou si je mets une guirlande je peux avoir de gros gros problèmes ! si j'utilise ma Truetone CS 12 sur laquelle les sorties sont isolées et sur laquelle je sais sélectionner manuellement le voltage entre 4 et 9 V pour simuler une batterie déjà utilisée cela peut s'avérer être tout tout bénef ?? ai-je bien saisi ??