Je crois bien qu'il n'a plus aucune de ses 330.
En tous cas "I am nobody" se trouve chez ce collectionneur anglais.
Et un Happy Few du forum Rickresource a eu l'insigne honneur de photographier sa propre 330 entre "I am nobody" et "The Boys"
Sacrée photo.
Allez savoir où est passée "Whaam" ?
Extrait d'une interview :
"Yes, especially the 330 and 360. Speaking of which, I remember you were selling or auctioning off one of your Ricks -- a 330, I think -- about three or four years ago. What's the status of your Rick collection today? Do you still have most of the batch you bought in the ‘70s?
No, I haven’t, actually. I think I have only one or two of those left. Some I gave away, some got smashed, maybe some got stolen somewhere along the line. But I’ve kept a couple. I kept the first Rickenbacker I ever got, a little short-scale John Lennon-type model. And I’ve got a couple of 12-string models, which are really nice, and I’ve got a Pete Townshend model, which Pete gave me a few years ago. But that’s about it."
"Yesterday today was tomorrow and tomorrow today will be yesterday"