aksak a écrit :
Attention à la confusion :
chambrées (chambered), ça n'est pas du swiss cheese.
Le swiss cheese, c'est du traditional weight relief.
A ne pas confondre non plus avec le modern weight relief.
Pour mieux comprendre :
Vous comprendrez mieux pourquoi une LP non allégée (plain body) ne va pas sonner comme une chambered.
Une chambered, c'est quasiment une LP semi-hollow (ou une Télé Thinline) sans ouies d'aérations.
oui oui enfin je voulais dire « traditional weight relief » pour utiliser les termes gibsonnien ou « swiss cheese » (même si le « chambered » c'est aussi pour alléger la Les Paul, sans parler d'incidence probable sur le son).
Bon sinon j'ai trouvé ça sur le TGP :
Gibson USA Weight-relief started around 1982/1983. Every Gibson USA Les Paul between 1982 - 2007 is weight-relieved. They do not have solid-body construction. Weight-relief is also known as "swiss cheese holes" and refers to the nine holes drilled out of the body in order to reduce the weight of the guitar.
Chambering officially began for 2007 but the late 2006s are also chambered. Any Les Paul made after October 2006 maybe or likely is chambered. Every 2007 and newer Gibson USA Les Paul is chambered, except for the Les Paul Traditional. The Les Paul Traditional has swiss cheese holes. Chambering is essentially hollowing out the body. Again, this is in order to reduce the weight of the guitar.
Gibson Custom Shop
Gibson's Custom Shop makes regular production guitars and historic reissues. The regular production guitars, such as the Les Paul Custom, are also weight-relieved. They do not have solid-bodies.
The historic reissues are solid. All historic reissues, be it Standards or Customs, are solid. The exception being the chambered reissues. Chambered reissues are often referred to as Cloud 9 guitars. They are identified by their serial number, which begins with CR. chambered-reissue.org
Il semble donc que les Les Paul Studio soient toutes « swiss cheese » c'est ce que j'avais en tête.