c'etait juste pour mettre en lumiere les deux type d'erable.
en general on utilise le hard rock mapple car le bois est plus consistant en grande quantité, le soft mapple est plus aleatoire.
soft maple has more defects than hard maple, a log of soft maple produces less wood. And it has to be quarter-sawn to get the most flame. Furthermore, the difficulty in matching various pieces of curly maple makes it less than desirable for the furniture market, so sawmills didn't want to fool with it.
The material they wanted was hard maple,
and that's not near as intense with the figure as the soft maple is.
Soft maple rather than hard maple? Nix looked at the tops of originals and discovered that some were soft maple and some were hard maple, so his quest for soft
maple did not represent a deviation from original Les Paul specs.
on utilise de temps en temps le soft mapple quand on trouve des belles pieces a assembler mais c'est plus rare. la selection est rigoureuse et le rendu peut etre degueulasse.
figuré mais plus difficile a porter :