Funky Tom a écrit :
Ce que j'ai pu glaner sur le net:
Some Coronets manufactured from 1963-1968 were made under the Dwight brand. The 'Dwight' guitars were built by the Epiphone Company in Kalamazoo, Michigan and were distributed by the Chicago Musical Instrument Company. When CMI closed shop, they sold the Dwights to the Sonny Shields Music Company in East St. Louis, Illinois. The brand was then owned by Charles “Dwight” Shields. The Dwight Coronet has the name “Dwight” on the truss cover and sometimes the letter “D” on the scratch plate, similar to the “E” in the original Epiphones.
Juge si tu craques, je pense que tu le regretteras pas
D'ailleurs question qui n'a rien à voir, pour redonner un peu de mordant dans les aigus, il faut jouer sur les plots du P90? J'ai peur de le trifouiller...
Oui, sur ma SG Jr, je les ai remontés un peu pour justement gagner un peu de mordant.
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