Oui, d'après le 9 qui vient après le 606 sur le petit transfo, il est bien de 1979.
Ce 9 pourrait aussi indiquer 1969, mais comme ton ampli n'a pas de tube redresseur c'est bien 1979.
916 = 197
9 semaine 16
"Another way to get a close estimate of when your amp was made is to read the codes on the transformers. Most post tweed Fenders had trannys manufactured by Schumacher.
They used a code like this: 606 – 645
The date is in the last three digits, after the 606 – . The first of the three digits tells us the last digit of the year (unfortunately not decade specific) and the last two numbers tell us the week. In the above example, the transformer was made in either 1966 or 1976, week 45. Now if it’s a blackface amp, it’s a safe bet that 6 means 1966. If it’s a silverface amp, that 6 indicates 1976.
This code can be found on the power transformer, output transformer, choke, and reverb transformer. They are all usually within a few months of each other. Use the latest one to give you a good idea of when it was made. For example, if your silverface super reverb has transformer codes all from 1974, it was made in 1974! Let’s say the weeks are 27, 29, 33, 41. Based on the last number (45), it’s safe to say it was made in late 1974.
Many silverface and some blackface amps have the exact week, month and year stamped insie the chassis."
"Yesterday today was tomorrow and tomorrow today will be yesterday"