Je vends une guitare avec une histoire : Terry McInturff - The Barn II
Commandée par moi directement chez McInturff.
Si vous aimez Aerosmith cette guitare est pour vous !!
=> PRIX : 7100€
Aucun échange, merci.
~> Voici son histoire :
The Barn #1 guitar is owned by Brad Whitford from Aerosmith.
This first Barn guitar (and others from Brad and Joe Perry) is now exposed in Las Vegas as Aerosmith is on residency there (check the last picture).
Here is Terry, the builder, explaining the story of the Barn guitar :
« The Barn guitar was made (partially) of wood that I "harvested" from the old Barn Nightclub in Georges Mills, New Hampshire. Very convenient that my Mom and Dad live only 15 minutes from there!
The Barn was the local music hot spot; I think that it dated all the way back to the days of the Big Band era..anyway, it was there that Aerosmith got their start. Joe and Steven vacationed in the area each summer with their parents. I think that Brad got to know them there when he was playing with another band. They did begin to play at The Barn and later played there as the young Aerosmith.
The building is still there, now being used as a storage space for an antique shop. On a whim, I contacted the owner in order to visit; everything was still there..the stage, the bar seating area, the dance floor. The owner let me saw off a potion of the seating in the bar area. It is really old White Pine.
The Barn guitar featured this wood as a laminated top, on top of a very resonant piece of very old Mahogany. The top itself was only 1/4" thick, and thus did not have a HUGE effect upon the tone. All of the original grime, cigarette burns, and graffitti were preserved. The top was chemically cleaned in order that a very thin satin lacquer could be applied in order to protect the wood. The mahogany neck and body back recieved a faded cherry lacquer finish, very thin, and later cracked and distressed in order to look old.
The tuners, bridge, tailpiece, and the cover of the single humbucker were aged as well. The intent was to achieve a raw, old appearance.
Brad was quite taken by the guitar and to see him charge out onstage with it in order to play Toys In The Attic and several other tunes that first night will always be a favorite memory.
Tonally, The Barn Guitar resembles an old Les Paul Junior, but with a tone that is a bit fuller yet a bit more articulate at the same time. It is a totally rock music guitar! It has a bit of "chime" to it...when the volume is rolled down it plays cleanly and you can hear all of the inside notes of the chords. Cranked up it has a rather violin-esque sustain, but is not muddy. Hard to describe tone in words!
As I mentioned on FB I actually have enough Barn wood for one more guitar. I had intended to build Joe Perry one too, but I never got around to doing so, since Joe had partnered with Gibson and all of his interest was directed towards that, quite understandably so. And so...Ive had the piece of Barnwood for some years now. I had saved a matched set of old mahogany for it, that came from the same old board that Brad's had been made from too. In addition I have an identical pickup for it, which was designed for me by Steve Blutcher.
Ive always wanted to build the #2 Barn Guitar. The materials have been stashed away for years, waiting to be used someday, and that is all that I own. I'd be delighted to build the guitar. »
Cette guitare n’est donc pas seulement un fantastique instrument, c’est aussi une commémoration de l’histoire d’Aerosmith.
Les specs principales :
Body and neck wood : Honduras Mahogany
Body top : Barn wood (white pine)
Fretboard : East Indian Rosewood