C'est justement la question que je me pose, et sachant qu'en passant au gigrig, il a aussi changé l'ampli, en prenant un couple tête + baffle 4X12 en lieu et place de son combo, j'aurais tendance à penser que ça se joue au niveau poids.
Mais je n'y connais rien c'est vrai.
MPc: We saw your performance in New York City just a few nights ago (which was a fabulous show) and noticed that both yourself and John Wesley had TC Electronic G-Systems on the floor. When did you make the switch to starting to incorporate a G-System?
SW: Last year we did a short tour to promote our DVD and I’m just thinking maybe we used it on the Arriving Somewhere tour… it could be as long ago as mid-2005, halfway through the Deadwing touring cycle, and I can tell you exactly why we did it. It was simply because… it’s a nice piece of gear, but actually the practical reason was we could no longer afford to fly around our custom rigs. I used to have a huge Bob Bradshaw custom-made rig and it’s fantastic, but it was so heavy and it was so expensive [to cart] particularly when you’re doing things like fly-in/fly-out festival shows in Europe or in America. We would sometimes get like eight, nine, ten-thousand dollar freighting bills just for doing a single show!
We got to the stage where we thought, “Well no, we can’t do this, We’ve gotta’ find a way to make the guitar systems more portable, more mobile without sacrificing any of that kind of flexibility and quality” and Wes actually discovered the G-System before I did, and he recommended it to me. Every piece of gear has its own little kind of quirks that you have to get around, and the G-System has one problem which I’ve had to solve with another pedal board, a gig rig pedal board, which is that it’s too slow in switching from channel to channel, and so I’ve had to have another pedal board which bypasses the G-System when I need to get the direct-inject crunchy sound off the hot channel on the amp. So they’ve all got their little quirks but you kind of work around those things and you get used to them, and it’s working pretty well at the moment. And, it’s a lot more portable as a kind of system.