Potins et ragots du monde des pédales d'effets

Rappel du dernier message de la page précédente :
Mr. dickhead
Ca, tu dis merci au guignol de "Retro chanel" , tout ca parce qu'il a pas aimer qu'on décortique sa nouvelle fuzz soit disante "revolutionaire"

Pour certains ca été quand meme sérieux, il y a eut de menaces par telephone ect....

on rigole pas avec les fabrications de pédales , ca peut etre dangereux comme bizness !!!
Starfucker Inc.
retro channel c'est pas ceux qui ont sortis un ampli transos qui sonne comme un dumble ?

"J'ai l'impression que certains ici ne prennent pas la guitare assez au sérieux... J'en ai surpris en train de s'amuser... Dommage..." - Zepot

FAUVE ? "imiter Thierry Roland qui imite Grand corps malade, c'est pas donné a tout le monde" - Mia Wallace
Mr. dickhead
Starfucker Inc. a écrit :
retro channel c'est pas ceux qui ont sortis un ampli transos qui sonne comme un dumble ?

Il me semble, le mec en question "Lance" a aussi fait quelques démo pour Eastwood guitar , notament celle de la GP (pour situer le personnage)

Ils ont évoqué le DMCA pour faire chier freest.... d’où le changement de server

Tu me diras il doit y en avoir plusieurs de ces fabricants "boottweak" qui doivent etre content en ce moment
  • kleuck
  • Vintage Méga utilisateur
    Cet utilisateur est un fabricant d'instruments et matériel audio
  • #48
  • Publié par
    le 23 Août 2011, 23:00
freestompboxes.org (c) 2007 - 2011
August 18th, 2011 - 18.00 CET
Freestompboxes.org has been going through changes, some of which didn't go quite as expected. This resulted in the somber fact that the forum has not been accessible for more than a day. This is due to the sheer incompetence and lies of the previous host who, after a third server and fourth ip changes, to lose the entire contents of the newly uploaded website. At this point, we had no choice but to go and look elsewhere. As far as Europe is concerned, Sweden seems to be a haven where the law is most rigorously respected as far as false copyright infringements are concerned. The problem has always been that we are in the strictest sense in compliance with even US copyright laws, when one takes into account the principes of 'fair use'.

Despite being a non-profit, user-based community project, the site has come under attack of people who seek to safeguard the knowledge they build home businesses on from becoming public. Such attempts will always be doomed to fail, not because of websites like freestompboxes.org, but due to the very forces that are the internets.

We are currently working hard to get the website up again, hopefully this page can stand as proof of the fact that we are not dead. Thanks so much for your patience and support.

"Le métal, c'est plus facile assis, : c'est une musique de salon finalement !" (bonniwell, ex-métalleux)

"Oh justement, moins on en sait, plus on est capable de réellement juger quelque chose. Je suis peut-être pas expert en art, mais j'ai deux yeux, comme tout le monde, je sais distinguer un truc moche d'un truc beau comme n'importe qui d'autre.
Si Van Gogh a passé toute sa vie pauvre et incompris, c'est parce qu'il faisait de la merde, point, il ne savait pas peindre. Des années après sa mort, des "experts" ont décidés que c'était un génie, ça ne change pas pour autant son travail." (King V expert es bon goût)

Le Gecko : https://www.guitariste.com/for(...).html
  • #50
  • Publié par
    le 25 Août 2011, 10:19

Lance (de Retro Channel) est allé encore plus loin dans ses actes deloyaux. Les actes en question sont confidentiels mais si il me les avait fait à moi et qu'il se tenait à portée de ma main, il se mangerait la droite de sa vie...

Déjà sa DMCA était fallacieuse en tous points (mais Hostgator, bien qu'efficace, est si cheap qu'ils ne prennent pas le temps d'étudier les dossiers et lâchent les forums au premier pépin), mais là je vous assure qu'il va très loin dans le vomitif...

N'achetez pas ses pédales!

Dans sa Fuzz-bender, il a mis un système de compensation de température qui date du germanium! Avec le silicium, ça sert à rien, mais lui il a quand même breveté la pédale qui te permet de jouer avec le même son dans ton frigo ou dans ton sauna...

J'attends encore le système de compensation de tempéraure pour doigts qui va avec...

Il dit aussi avoir mis une "puce propriétaire" dedans. Alors que c'est un pauvre transistor array à 30 centimes...

Ce type est un menteur et ce genre de business boutique intoxique le marché (et je ne parle même pas des Freekish Blues qui sont des chinoises repeintes)...

Bref, effectivement, une migration est en cours vers un nouveau serveur, avec quelques soucis ça et là, mais c'est en bonne voie...

Laurent (modo chez FSB)
Je ne comprends pas trop moi. Vu que je n'ai pas suivi le dossier, c'est quoi le problème ?

Le constructeur a fait une fuzzbender et a breveter des systèmes inutiles et bidons ? Vous avez publié le poteau rose et il vous en veut ?

Certaines pédales boutiques sont de vraies arnaque mais pas toutes. BSM fait payer cher des pédales ultra simples mais a un catalogue de niche qui justifie la recherche engagée (enfin j'espère). D'autres pondent une fuzz à 4 euros le circuit pour en faire une fortune.
Mr. dickhead
C'est marrant quand même, une attaque de ce genre aurait semblé plus "justifié" de part du créateur de la Klon .

quoique j'ai de gros doutes sur le réelle impact du tracage de ces pédales sur leur ventes. C'est pas les 5% de DIY qui vont les faire couler . Pour certains c'est vrai que ca met en lumière l'anarque et le foutage de geule de certaines marques.
Starfucker Inc.

- The thread that he got mad about :

- His twitter responses :

- Screen Capture of his response in case he deletes them :

(if you don't believe me, check all the people who retweeted it, or check google cache, or whatever... it's out there...)

- His initial threat via private message on facebook :

you ugly piece of shit...if i ever run into you, anywhere, at anytime, for as long as i live, i will knock your fucking lights out. don't ever come near me, and if i hear even one more peep out of you in public about me, or the band, or the members of the band, i am gonna sue you for so much you'll never be able to afford so much as to even make a fucking guitar cable. i know plenty about copyright law, so before you run your trap anymore about what you think you know, or your delusional constructs of reality, know that to fight a lawsuit is at least a 30 to 40 thousand dollar endeavor. if you still got enough balls to go there, try me. nice to know you thought so little of me, and of us, but we're still willing to try to take advantage of a generous offer because you are a piece of shit and that is what fake pieces of shit do. at least i am real. unlike you, who is a sad creation. don't you say another word, or you'll be fighting something you can't afford and you'll lose everything. this will be the cost of you running your mouth on me ever again.

- - my reply - -

You do realize your claims of me stealing a circuit is called Libel. I'd talk to your lawyers before sending any more threatening emails my way.

Also... you do realize you just threatened bodily harm if you ever saw me? You're not building much of a case for yourself legally, or in terms of publicity dude. Just drop it.

- - end my reply - -

- His reply

you do what you have to do you pig. but i'm telling you, you think you know what you are doing here with me, but you don't. if you just want to go to war, keep running your mouth. i;d like to see you try to sue me for libel. you don't have two nickels to rub together.you are a fake, a phony, a liar, and now a proven idiot. what artist will ever work with a manufacturer who disses her clients out? you are so fucking stupid. and you didn't even have the courage to deal with it in private. you run to a greek chorus of idiots to ape you on. like i said, one more word out of you in public and i will be suing you for ten times more than you'll make in the next ten years. and don't think i am one to make hollow threats. i've been in many lawsuits through the years, and haven's lost one yet. enjoy your 15 seconds of negative attention. you fucked up, you know it, so eat shit, shut the fuck up and accept you've attacked someone who tried to HELP YOU. but addicts and self-destructive people like you who HATE THEMSELVES must turn their hate out. if this is what you have to do to not kill your unhappy self, well then i'd say it was a wise decision. beyond that, you are fucking lame, dumb, and so so ugly.

"J'ai l'impression que certains ici ne prennent pas la guitare assez au sérieux... J'en ai surpris en train de s'amuser... Dommage..." - Zepot

FAUVE ? "imiter Thierry Roland qui imite Grand corps malade, c'est pas donné a tout le monde" - Mia Wallace
J'hallucine grave quand même, c'est une farce ou quoi? En gros ça serait quasiment une histoire de religion et tout? Ils déconnent les mecs là...`

En plus la pédale, elle tuait...

C'est parti de où et pourquoi? En gros, elle lui a fait une pédale et il a dit que c'était de la merde et il l'insulte de tous les noms? Putain le niveau du mec, me surprend de plus en plus. Il me semble que ça avait déjà commencer à chauffer quand dans la vidéo "Stompland", il a dit que la Rocket puait du cul...
Starfucker Inc.
surtout le fait que corgan soit transgenrophobe (je ne connais pas le terme exact)

tu comprends autre chose toi ?

"J'ai l'impression que certains ici ne prennent pas la guitare assez au sérieux... J'en ai surpris en train de s'amuser... Dommage..." - Zepot

FAUVE ? "imiter Thierry Roland qui imite Grand corps malade, c'est pas donné a tout le monde" - Mia Wallace
Here's my three-strikes-he's out for Billy and the pedals.

1) I gave him a Shoe Gazer and Rocket a long time ago, and when I met him in person and mentioned the Shoe Gazer, he said something along the lines of "It's a great fuzz, but you can't use that live... you know?" ... No, I don't know Billy. Tell me why you're too afraid to do anything interesting with your live sound anymore. Oh right, everything has to be pristine and perfect these days or vintage and unprogressive... just like you.

2) The Rocket diss in the "Stompland" video. The Rocket was not designed to emulate the sound from Rocket. The pedal is a nod to the song, and a love letter of sorts to Siamese Dream... but anyone who's actually spent good time with it knows that it goes WAY beyond that... so his obvious misunderstanding (through undoubted little use) of the pedal was kind of annoying. What made it pretty fucking infuriating though was that I was in the middle of developing the pedal which I -thought- I was working with him on (the Silver Rose) to make a fuzz that would fit his "modern yet vintage" fuzz needs.... and to have him publicly (metaphorically and literally) toss the Rocket aside was a real shit move in relation... to well EVERYTHING going on that point. Fortunately no one gives much a shit about Billy anymore in regards to such things, so any business lost because of his off hand comment isn't business I'm worried about. It was just a dick move. I like what a good friend of mine in the industry said "When it comes to fuzz, you're bigger than Billy Corgan... fuck him."

It's true... I'm selling Silver Roses like crazy... not because of anything Billy did... but because people like what I do, and could give two shits at the end of the day who uses my pedals... but still... I don't do well with idiots and assholes, and Billy fits the bill (lol) of both these days.

3) The Silver Rose. I spent well over three grand developing the Rose for that ungrateful asshole. I listened to what he wanted, developed something that was far beyond what my business usually does, went through a costly research and development process, and ultimately sent him around $1k worth of gear on top of all the R&D costs during the SR time... and what came of his use, or thanks, or anything for that time spent?

Nothing. The guy didn't say shit in response to all that hard work. As a matter of fact, just for shits, I decided to toss the name of a fellow pedal builder his way who was building a pedal he might like, just as a last... we'll see what happens. So what happens? The fucker writes back the next day saying he'd love one of those!


The guy has the attention span of a carrot.

Seriously though. I'm unapologetic in any of this, and glad to finally just cut ties with the guy. He is definitely the epitome of the fallen hero story that seems to eventually play out to anyone and at least some of their heroes over time.

So yeah... this is the pedal side of things... but beyond that, once again... there is so much about Billy Corgan beyond the music and gear that I just don't vibe with... actually ALL OF IT.... and the music isn't there anymore... so fuck him.
Aprioris des gens ont récupéré ce message de Billy Corgan:

One cool evening, I run into someone I see regularly out and about...we get to talking, and one thing leads to another, and she invites me back to her apartment...she makes me some soup, and after I am fed full, pulls me into her bed...the lights are turned off, and we start kissing...each time I try to touch her ‘down there’, she moves away from me and tenses up...this goes on for about 10 minutes until I finally ask if there is a problem...she says "there is something I have to tell you", and proceeds to tell me that she is a he...I jump up and flip on the light...she/he says "look, it’s not a big deal, I won’t tell anyone, please stay, I’ll do anything you want me to do"...I beg off politely, saying it’s not really my trip, and I’m *boom* out the door, on the street laughing to myself (how could I not know! Oops...) it occurs to me that I always thought she was a kind of weird looking girl anyway...I walked the 20 minutes home in the middle of the night, and was relieved to get back safe...I go inside, walk to the bathroom and throw on the light, and gasp when I see the massive hickie on my neck...of course, the next day the band is rehearsing, and when they see the mark, ask who I had ended up with...I lie and say it was a tourist type girl who had already left town...after a few weeks, friends start coming up and asking me if I had slept with the he/she...I feign ignorance at the whole matter, but I start to get angry because I felt I had been duped innocently, acted honorably, and now some sort of revenge was being played out...after a couple more weeks of this, I finally pulled "her" aside and said not so politely that if he didn’t stop telling people what had happened, that I would break both his arms and his legs...and that was the end of that...

Alors là ça devient vraiment space!

En ce moment sur effet guitare...