King's card a écrit :
Et puis pécuniairement parlant, tu économises les switchs et un boitier spécial.
Enfin, il faudra peut être attendre le retour de la mode des racks pour que le marketing de line6 y pense.
Peut-être pas tant de temps. A en croire le type de Line6 qui poste sur HRI, ce serait plus ou moins dans les tuyaux.
For you as a DL4 guy, if you only use the delays and looper, it is a huge leap. Here is what you would get.
1. Dry Thru models on the 4 models that color your guitar sound added.
2. It sounds better because it is now floating point processing.
3. We fixed a bug that is in the DL4 that makes the mods sound weird on, for instance, the DMM model-Analog w/Mod.
4. You can run 3 delays at once with 3 more at the ready.
5. 2 expression pedal inputs
The looper is now 28 seconds, 56 in half speed
7. Each control function like reverse and half speed has its own switch
8. One layer of Undo that you can Redo
9. Once you have a loop going, you can go back and use any of your delays
10. You can record a, say, 2 bar phrase and then hit reverse and it will instantly play that 2 bar phrase in reverse without hitting play/stop first.