C'est vraix que c'est vague , je cherche a la modifiée pour éviter le petit bond en volume qu'elle procure et corriger le fait qu'elle bouffe légèrement des basses et rajoute un chouilla d'aigues et de souffle quand elle est activée.
C'est quand même tres leger mais un peu génant quand il y a pas mal de gain.
ça semble correspondre aux mod que fait keeley:
This mod is for tone-purists only. It is a mod that can generally only be heard if you compare a stock unit or a have a very good feel for the usual volume output level or background RF noise. With our mods we will correct the volume problem so the level doesn't drop when you use the pedal. It will include over a dozen audio changes to improve the sound. Lastly, the RF noise will be reduced a noticeable amount.
This is great for recording as you will not need to filter it out and can capture more high frequency as a result. The changes are relatively small and do not change the way the pedal operates but, they offer you the best in tone and lowest noise if that is where you are in your pursuit of the finest gear available.
This is our first "high-tech" mod work, we change many surface mount IC's to the hi-fi Burr Brown type, we change some SMT caps to "real" full sized meatl-film caps! Mods to fix volume problems that many listeners can hear as also included.
Here's the deal. At one point around May 2000 a few hundred (mostly) DL4's got out that had caps to ground after the true bypass switch... To make a long story short, they were put there to help with RF by unknowing engineers who didn't understand true bypass. DON'T GET ME STARTED! I caught this mistake and had thousands of them reworked to have the caps removed. you can look on the circuit board and see where these caps would go...
The ref numbers are... C1,C36, C23, & C24...they're easily traced from the jacks. So, you need to have those caps removed if they are there!
As for the gain loss... that can be fixed by replacing R36 & R37 with a 24K value resistor... good luck!
Après techniquement , je sais pas du tout à quoi ça correspond , c'est pourquoi j'en appelle a vos lumieres