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ATTENTION : pour une raison aussi inconnue qu'indépendante de ma volonté, du chambardement s'est produit dans ce topic, déplaçant des posts qui ne sont ainsi plus situés dans les pages référencées au sommaire.
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Voilà, je crée ce topic dans le but d'en faire une sorte de compilation de liens et de photos renseignant sur le matériel utilisé par nos chers guitaristes tant aimés. Je vais commencer mais je compte sur vous pour amener vos infos (liens et/ou photos de préférence) afin de faire vivre ce sujet le plus longtemps.
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EDIT 2 : un grand merci à president qui m'a envoyé le sommaire par ordre alphabétique.
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Gain de temps assuré.
Donc ce fameux sommaire, le voici :
Un bon lien avec beaucoup de photos se trouve page 291.
(hed) p.e. 615
+44 503
22-20's 44
30 seconds to Mars 457, 1089
311 403, 477, 622, 713, 923
36 crazyfists 758
Aaron 1138, 1383, 1394
A perfect circle 6, 870
A place to bury strangers 1382
Abi von Reininghaus 355
Accept 1088
AC/DC 176, 377, 380, 677, 904, 1058, 1409
Ace Frehley (Kiss) 82
Adagio 938, 940, 1002
Adebisi Shank 928
Adema 171
Adrian Belew 81, 679, 680, 718, 905, 909, 951
Adrian Vandenberg 100, 295
Aerosmith 128, 332, 334, 380, 479, 496, 502, 579, 917, 1091, 1092, 1107, 1215, 1266, 1277
Aeyron 204
AFI 180
After forever 180, 367
Agata 262, 275
Agnostic Front 1010
Agressor 585
Aimee Mann 104
Air 680
Alain Caron 810
Albert Collins 102
Albert King 102, 1099
Al Di Meola 24, 754
Albert Lee 23
Alec Empire 225
Alexander Scholpp 530
Alex Hutchings 1425
Alexi Laiho 7, 241, 251, 325, 509
Alex Skolnick (Testament, solo...) 93, 111, 519
Alice Cooper 1169
Alice In Chains 5, 163, 224, 341, 451, 779, 804, 940, 978, 1307
Alien Ant Farm 699
Aline 1385
Allan Holdsworth 103
Allman Brothers Band 517, 1061
Alt-J 1416
Alter bridge 335, 799, 1129
Alvvays 1380
Alvin Lee 95
Amon Amarth 427, 428
Amorphis 1158
Amplifier 690
Ana Popovic 475
Anathema 1158
André Coutu (guitariste attitré de Céline Dion, entre autres) 453
Andrew WK 336
Andy Brauer 114
Andy Fairweather Low 197
Andy Summers (Police) 328, 374, 380, 395, 440, 504, 824
Andy Timmons 14, 125, 255, 459
Anekdoten 108
Ange 653
Angels and airwaves 269, 1218
Angra 100
Animal as leaders 1205
Animetal 281
Anna Calvi 1240
Annihilator 503, 778
Anorexia Nervosa 174, 176
Anthrax 5, 122, 137, 278, 293, 391, 898, 1108, 1151, 1230
A place to bury strangers 1066
Aqme 572, 1032
Arab Strap 843
Arca 967
Arcade fire 417, 421, 1235
Arch ennemy 83, 250, 322, 331, 518, 1047
Archive 90, 950, 951, 1088, 1276, 1277, 1373
Arctic Monkeys 242, 488, 518, 624, 851, 901, 984, 985, 992, 1026, 1036, 1060, 1176, 1246, 1323
Arcturus 614
Arjen Lucassen (Ayreon...) 204, 1114
Arkaea 903
Ash 75, 257
Ashes divide 842
Asian Dub Foundation 148
As I lay dying 194, 513
A silver Mt Zion 216, 259, 360, 642, 810, 1060
Asobi Seksu 1105, 1151
Aston Villa 188
ASYL 362
Ataraxie 559, 945
At the drive in 97, 1423
Atreyu 309, 517
August burns red 849, 1106, 1296
Autolux 687
Avenged Sevenfold 487, 1126
Avril Lavigne 932, 1169
Axel Rudi Pell 126
Ayreon 204, 755
Babylon Circus 440
Babyshambles 1290
Bad brains 315, 458
Bad religion 191
Balthazar 1283, 1375
Band of skulls 1174
Bardo pound 303, 1093
Baroness 1091, 1180, 1181, 1274, 1300, 1308
Bass drum of death 1373
Bathory 1157
Baton Rouge 1292
Battles 886, 887, 1340
Bauhaus 178
BB Barcus (Shania Twain) 60
BB King 5
Beach house 1151
Beastie boys 466, 488
Beck 305, 605, 1359, 1367
Behemoth 507, 882, 963, 1189
Ben Harper 36, 153, 509, 904 (avec The Relentless7), 1014, 1121
Benighted 591, 829
Bernard Butler 115
Bertignac 22, 151, 270, 654, 832, 1034, 1048, 1242, 1250
Berurier Noir 124
Biffy Clyro 192, 591, 1300, 1382, 1401
Big Royal Kunamaka Orchestra 632
Bill Frisell 86, 262, 1068
Billy Corgan 966
Billy Talent 28, 290, 384, 944, 1112, 1158
Birdpen 1027
Bireli Lagrène 473
Bjorn Berje 777
Black Cobra 1209
Black crowes 20, 102, 261, 677, 774, 965, 988, 1122, 1303
Black eyed peas 140
Black light burns 525, 526, 559, 655, 675
Black Mountain 696, 698, 839, 1075, 1372
Black Pyramid 1209
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club 82, 540, 541, 583, 1041, 1063, 1127, 1324 1422, 1423
Bleeding through 1009
Blind Guardian 1140
Blink 182 90, 93, 569
Bloc Party 120, 523, 674, 901, 1266, 1387, 1389
Blonde redhead 643, 644, 650, 705, 725, 1206
Blue Effect & Jazz Orchestra Prague 1392
Blue oyster cult 103, 838, 933
Blues Pills 1364
Blues Saraceno 69, 628
Blues Traveler 98
Blur 839, 1278, 1349, 1350, 1371
Bob Dylan et son groupe 164
Bob Marley 23, 276
Bob Mould 158
Bolt Thrower 702
Bon Jovi 57, 143, 164, 211, 380, 396, 743, 1003
Bon Iver 1202, 1264, 1411
Bootsy Collins 634
Boreal Woods 1415
Boris 1349
Boulou Ferré 918
Boss Hog (Jon Spencer) 1137
Boz Boorer (Morrissey) 901
Brad Paisley 509, 1067, 1094
Brad Gillis 183
Brant Bjork & the bros 37, 378, 1196, 1345
Breaking Benjamin 743
Brent Mason 509, 797, 839, 917
Brett Garsed 474
Brian jonestown massacre 186
Brian May (Queen) 1, 21, 126, 328, 344, 451, 654, 909, 918, 929, 1011, 1102, 1352
Brian Nutter 1100
Brian Ray (Paul McCartney) 26, 177, 472, 498
Brian Robertson (Thin Lizzy, Motorhead) 879
Brian Setzer 5
Bring me the horizon 1225, 1263, 1313
Broken social scene 1066
Bruce Bouillet 543
Bruce Kulick (Kiss, Union...) 110
Bruce Springsteen 3, 86, 189, 606, 1324
Bryan Adams 73, 157, 590
Buckethead 82, 117, 579, 872
Buddy Guy 102
Buddy Withington (bluesbreakers) 109
Bullet for my valentine 336, 346, 1083
Bumblefoot 102, 1245
Bumcello 711, 712
Bury your dead 680
Burzum 1148
Bush 109
Calexico 147, 241, 912
Calogero 404, 405
Camel 649, 756
Candelmass 468
Cannibal corpse 163, 562, 865
Capsula 1149
Carcass 503, 706, 11356
Carl Barat 195
Carlos Cavazo (Quiet Riot) 604
Carl Verheyen (Supertramp...) 42, 869, 1113, 1114
Caspian 1073
Cat Power 492
Cavalera conspiracy 569
Cave-In 212, 242
CC Deville 380
Cecilia eyes 632
Cédric Le Roux 1392
Celtic Frost 462, 469, 1183
Chad Taylor (Live) 152, 380, 933
Chad Vangaalen 1066
Charlie Sexton 681
Cheap Trick 909, 1280
Chelsea Wolfe 1341, 1393
Chevelle 171
Cheveu 1194
Chicago 1161
Chimaira 85, 163, 164, 308, 640, 858
Chokebore 252
Chris Broderick (Megadeth) 573
Chris Caffery (Savatage, Trans-Siberian Orchestra) 183
Chris Duarte 294
Chris Goss 665
Chris Haskett (Rollins band) 171, 742
Chris Isaak 463
Chris Poland 484, 732
Chris Spedding (avec Roxy Music) 173
Chris Rea 801, 1058
Christophe Godin 691, 1177
Christopher Willits 932
Cinema Strange 579
Civil twilight 1388
Claude Engel 129, 130, 414
Clawfinger 240
Cloverseeds 1158, 1159
Clutch 197, 372, 452
Coal Chamber 166
Cocteau Twins 634
Coheed and Cambria 839, 1077
Coldplay 59, 100, 209, 215, 289, 733, 1011, 1013, 1058, 1141, 1354
Coliseum 1059
Colour Haze 1367
Converge 76, 741, 863, 1159
Coroner 777, 1188
Corrosion of conformity 373
Counting crows 116
Craddle of filth 263
Cream 182
Creed 70
Creedence Clearwater Revival 1359
Crowbar 571, 1010, 1155
Crowded house 297
Crucified barbara 161
Cryptosy 717
Crysis 1061
Cult of luna 221, 730, 771, 857, 879
Cynic 93
Daath 827
Dagoba 514, 1245
Daita 421
Damien Lopez 47
Damien Rice 405, 408, 420, 527
Damned things 1273
Dan Ar Braz 20
Dan Huff 85
Dandy Warhols 74, 134, 387, 1068
Daniel Jamt 1367
Daniel Lanois 197
Danko Jones 247
Danzig (et autres groupes du sieur Danzig) 133
Darkane 630
Dark Castle 1179, 1233
Dark Funeral 212
Darkthrone 846, 1294
Dark Tranquility 694
Darkwater 1137
Daryl Stuermer (Phil Collins, Genesis) 55
Daturah 849
Dave Amato 381
Dave Foster 1343, 1355
Dave Kilminster (Roger Waters, Steven Wilson) 275, 623, 656, 1137, 1324, 1394
Dave Knudson 860
Dave Mason 382
Dave Matthews band 87
Dave Navarro 307, 380, 941, 966, 969, 1065, 1085
Dave Weiner (Steve Vai) 68, 1249
David Byrne 863, 1156
David Bowie 79
David Gilmour 3, 19, 21, 63, 71, 184, 197, 220, 380, 552, 555, 604, 621, 946, 1017, 1385, 1386, 1406
David Grissom 200
David Rhodes (Peter Gabriel) 17, 179, 478, 1324
David Torn 677
Dead kennedys 194
Dead Meadow 627
Dead Weather (Jack White) 934, 986, 1044
Deafheaven 1334
Dean Brown 226
Dean Wareham 1157
Death 101, 563
Death cab for cutie 113, 297, 449
De Palmas (Gerald + Sebastien Chouard) 59, 138
Decapitated 78, 1058
Deception of a ghost 1221
Deerhof 1040
Deerhunter 887
Def Leppard 68, 268, 368, 380, 489, 904, 986, 1014, 1169
Deftones 6, 22, 139, 354, 393, 406, 489, 785, 861, 981, 1063, 1064, 1082, 1169, 1253, 1284, 1309, 1351
Delain 582
Demians 809
Denys Lable 20
Depeche mode 87, 969, 986, 1053
Deportivo 146, 316, 482, 517, 521, 1250
DespairsRay 212
Detroit 1343, 1363
dEUS 176, 658, 659, 660, 725, 750, 1211
Devendra Banhart 1153
Devildriver 143
Devin Townsend 460, 1036
Devo 1283
Dick Dale 1007
Dick Wagner 140
Die Toten Hosen 331
DIIV 1414
Dillinger Escape Plan 119, 661, 1085, 1131, 1154, 1162
Dimebag Darrell (Pantera, Damageplan) 8, 67, 68, 106, 140, 142, 170, 177, 452
Dimmu Borgir 98, 256
Dino Cazares 366
Dinosaur Jr 156, 209, 210, 273, 317, 377, 380, 689, 735, 863, 893, 981, 1290
Dionysos 223, 521, 1218
Dir en grey 174, 178, 293, 380, 412, 470, 995
Dirty pretty things 368
Discussion un peu creuse permettant à chacun de poser sa pêche 763 à 768
Dissection 314, 754, 1177
Disturbed 194, 1187, 1221
DJ Ashba 938
Django Reinhardt 88
Do make say think 448
Dolly 83
Dominic Miller (Sting) 28, 29
Dominique A 120, 1165, 1297 (+ Thomas Poli), 1367
Donna Grantis (Prince) 1351
Doug Aldrich 14, 68
Doug Wimbish (Living Colour) 471
Down 373, 456, 572, 694, 847, 964, 1041, 1270
Doyle Bramhall II 139, 197, 342, 470, 560
Dragonforce 127
Dredg 835
Dr. Feelgood 151
Dub trio 632
Duke Robillard 907
Dumas 422
Duran Duran 487
Dweezil Zappa 44, 904, 953, 1151, 1270
Eagles 36
Eagles of death metal 325, 405, 837, 933, 1381
Earth 222, 595
Eddie Van Halen 8, 19, 35, 89, 173, 333, 362, 363, 411, 593, 636, 698, 812, 911, 981, 1233, 1274
Editors 188, 523, 749, 884, 1263, 1303, 1326, 1362, 1386, 1416
Eels 933, 1366
Eiffel 345, 1003, 1094
Eivind Aarset 800
Elbow 996, 998
El Dinah 627
Electrelane 883
Electric Light Orchestra 116, 1138
Electric wizard 759, 1164
Elliott Smith 89
Emerson Lake Palmer 149
Emilie Simon 233
Eminence 630
Emperor 375, 415, 459
Enablers 627
Enhancer 544, 917
Ensemble d'Instruments Électroniques de l'Itinéraire 814
Enslaved 1060
Enter Shikari 439
Envy 424, 522, 1212
Epica 397, 1120
Eric Ambel 509
Eric Clapton 172 (avec Cream en 2005), 380 (solo), 583, 702, 799, 1102, 1154, 1176
Eric Johnson 19, 111, 490, 503, 511, 579, 586, 612, 1107, 1126, 1136, 1368
Eric Krasno 1414
Eric Sardinas 718
Erik Rutan 1240
ETHS 105, 182, 539, 586, 616
Euronymous 754
Europe 152
Evanescence 321
Eve6 821
Evergrey 275
Every time I die 639, 1044, 1276
Exodus 519, 665, 705
Experience 725
Explosions in the sky 113, 177, 182, 1072
Eyehategod 1317, 1318
Faith no more 131, 901
Fall out boy 194
Fates Warning 777
Fatso Jenson 1053
Fear Factory 19, 161, 365, 566, 575, 1277
Fear falls burning 641
Feeder 1371
Feeling of love 1194
FFF 198
Fields of nephilim 221
Fil Eisler 256
Filter 458
Finntroll 997
Firehouse 100
Flaming lips 405
Fleet foxes 1071
Fleetwood mac 65
Flogging Molly 175, 176
Flower kings 211
Flyleaf 469
Foals 1154, 1381, 1385
Foo Fighters 62, 135, 897, 1014, 1150, 1165, 1178, 1199, 1220, 1360
For a minor reflection 1068, 1071, 1395
Fountains of wayne 77
Franck Black 27
Franck Gambale 63
François Delfin 94,95, 161
François Poggio 1359, 1361
Frank Marino 102, 758
Frank Simes (Roger Daltrey) 1244
Frank Zappa 85, 201, 471, 636
Franz Ferdinand 246, 247, 290
Freak Kitchen 52
Fred Chapellier 874
Freddy King 102
Freedom for King Kong 306
Friendly fires 1188
Fu Manchu 21, 256, 729, 1289
Funeral for a friend 192, 193, 537
Fun loving criminals 191, 192
Fugazi 373
Fushitsusha 863, 864
Galneryus 471, 478
Gama Bomb 1001
Gang of four 171
Garbage 1, 842, 1265
Gary Moore 116, 248, 380, 505, 1073, 1114
Geezer Butler (Black Sabbath, Heaven&Hell, GZR) 564
Genesis 17, 361, 371, 373, 462, 479, 929, 960, 1021
Genghis Tron 843
Gentle Giant 695
Geoff Farina 169
Geoffrey Burton (Arno, Bashung) 471, 592, 610, 912, 1320
George Benson 209
George Harrison 47
George Lynch 1, 14, 182, 733, 1028, 1196
George Thorogood 119
Gerry Leonard (Bowie) 73, 407, 1010
Ghost 1310
Ghinzu 199, 626, 888, 897, 917, 945, 1050, 1155, 1388
Giant Drag 1033
Girls in Hawai 1362
Glassjaw 105, 839
Glasvegas 871
God is an astronaut 1074
Godflesh 508
Godsmack 73
Godspeed you black emperor 18, 24, 204, 1377, 1386
Gojira 230, 277, 482, 552, 708, 893
Goldfrapp 1320
Goliath 1194
Good charlotte 96
Gossip 927
Gorillaz 1041
Graffen Völder 627
Graham Coxon (Blur) 55, 56, 110, 260
Grandaddy 923
Grand Funk Railroad 120
Grateful dead 65
Green Day 57, 96, 166, 186, 911, 916, 956, 981, 1035
Greenhornes 406, 1039, 1079
Green on red 411
Greg Howe 96, 270, 617, 1125, 1202
Greg Koch 349
Grimfist 351
Grinderman 1185
Grip Inc. 99
Grizzly Bear 1023, 1171, 1276
Guano apes 274
Guerilla poubelle 292, 712, 713
Guillemots 437
Guns'n roses 360, 994, 1245
Gus G (Ozzy Osbourne) 1169
Guthrie Govan 488, 1307 (avec Steven Wilson), 1359
Gwyn Ashton 797
Halestorm 1265, 1388
Hammerfall 113, 114, 122, 174
Hanni el khatib 1308, 1313
Hanoï Rock 150
Hawkwind 366, 973
Heart 157
Heaven&Hell 430
Hectic Watermelon 653
Helloween 335, 337
Helmet 27, 29, 149, 150, 995
Hellyeah 1146
Henry Kaiser 1174, 1314
Hermano 520
Hershel Yatovitz (Chris Isaak) 463
Hexvessel 1283
Hide (X-Japan) 17, 143, 420, 590
High on fire 756, 1172, 1278
Hillel Slovak Red Hot Chili Peppers) 478, 701
Hillsong united 839
HIM 163, 187, 194, 499, 1084
Hypocrisy 95, 101
Hole 70
Hoobastank 20
Hot leg 924
Hot Tuna 112
Howard Leese 1103
Howie day 729
Hubert Sumlin 102, 1107
Hushpuppies 306, 520
I 347, 351
Iced Earth 1233
Idlewild 408
Ike Turner 312
Ill nino 774, 775
I mother Earth
Immolation 1025
Immortal 392, 428, 1064, 1076
Impeliterri 152
Incubus 26, 74, 547, 550, 560, 628, 1140
Indochine 117, 182, 586, 938, 1078
Infectious grooves 187, 772, 773
In flames 94, 121, 531, 989, 990
Interpol 114, 125, 624, 851, 1104, 1144, 1277, 1316, 1356, 1376, 1406
Insahn 375, 714
In this moment 840
Iron Butterfly 492, 1105
Iron Maiden 16, 25, 113, 144, 156, 171, 326, 334, 521, 588, 898, 914, 1067, 1090, 1120
Isis 120, 484, 756, 829, 995, 1006, 1035
Israel Vibration 116
It dies today 240
Izzy Stradlin (Guns 'n roses, solo... ) 1030
Jack Johnson 701
Jack White 1348, 1350
Jaga jazzist 1072
Jake E. Lee (Ozzy Osbourne...) 77, 166, 1142
Jakob 419
James Honeyman Scott (The Pretenders) 948
James Taylor 182
James Winsley (Chris Isaac) 40
Jamiroquaï 180, 296, 298
Jan Akkeman 936
Jason Becker 479
Jason Hook 181
Jason Isbell & the 400 unit 1400
Jazzbastards 612
Jean-Christophe Maillard (avec Jonasz) 348
Jean-Louis Aubert 106, 181, 380, 913
Jean-Louis Murat 475, 1360
Jean-Marie Ecay 21, 732, 810
Jean-Michel Kajdan 20, 839
Jean-Pascal Boffo 521
Jean-Pierre Danel 432, 1398
Jeff Beck 14, 100, 157, 402, 478, 480, 511, 1095, 1115
Jeff Buckley 43, 840, 926, 1195
Jeff Fielder 1406
Jeff Golub 326
Jeff Healey 32, 638
Jeff Kolmann 659
Jeff (Geoff) Tyson 105
Jefferson Airplane 794
Jef Lee Johnson 788
Jennifer Batten 14, 427
Jerry Cantrell 5, 163, 224, 341, 1049
Jerry McPherson 66
Jesu 539
Jesus and Mary chains 932
Jesus Lizards 885, 887
Jet 58, 956
Jethro Tull 126, 623, 898, 1075
Jim O'Rourke 959
Jimi Hendrix 1, 183, 476
Jimmy Bower 1182
Jimmy Eat World 1264
Jimmy Herring 111, 189, 863
Jimmy Page 1, 15, 177, 478, 526, 530, 533, 543, 544, 545, 555, 636, 883
Jim Weider 194
Jim Jones Revue 1290
Joan Armatrading 68
Joan Jett (Runaways, solo) 1150
Joe Bonamassa 244, 585, 986, 1036, 1038, 1100, 1230, 1281
John Butler 1350
John Cipollina 1215
Joe Holmes (Ozzy Osbourne) 110
Joe Satriani 51, 89, 171, 308, 718, 823, 914, 986, 1091, 1107, 1139, 1144, 1249
Joe Walsh 96
Joey Taffola 638
John Butler trio 110, 418, 431, 509 1349
John Fogerty 21, 645, 1063, 1192
John Frusciante (RHCP) 2, 146, 150, 208, 237, 251, 336, 386, 454, 456, 1080
John Lee Hooker 102
John Mayer 87, 128, 180, 329, 459, 508, 717, 730, 865, 932, 1070, 1096, 1101
John McLaughlin 46, 392, 578, 718
John Norum 122, 152
John Parish (PJ Harvey) 1269
John Petrucci 4, 36, 79, 104, 159, 184, 209, 288, 324, 342, 371, 413, 453, 461, 485, 565, 620, 838, 849, 869, 943, 954, 957, 967, 975, 981, 1115, 1120, 1215, 1394
John Reis (Drive Like Jehu, Rocket From The Crypt, Hot Snakes, Night Marchers...) 782
John Scofield 55, 660
John Shanks 183, 316, 628, 666
John Squire 109
John Sykes 69
John Wesley (Porcupine Tree...) 751, 883, 1322
John5 (Marylin Manson, Rob Zombie, solo...) 2, 144, 763, 837, 1009, 1371
Johnny A 34, 186, 187, 342
Johnny Cash 510
Johnny Lang 47, 392, 1107
Johnny Marr 44, 402, 403, 839, 863, 962, 1087, 1325
Johnny Ramone 87
Johnny Winter 306, 311
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion 39, 117, 118, 1292
Jonsy 1151
Joseph Arthur 128
Josh Homme 403, 404, 437, 943, 959, 963, 1060, 1398
Josh Klinghoffer Red Hot Chili Peppers, PJ Harvey... ) 454, 486, 860, 932, 1197, 1211, 1257, 1263, 1414
Josh Pearson 173, 198, 203
Journey 110, 266, 297, 298
Joy Division 113
Judas Priest 19, 58, 104, 150, 730
Julian Cope 119
Julian Plenty 1006
Julio Fernandez 312
Jull 1219
Justin Derrico (Pink) 1307
Justin Meldal-Johnsen 883, 946
Kadavar 1306, 1326
Kai Hansen (Helloween, Gamma Ray) 604
Kaiserchiefs 878
Kaki King 375, 618, 619, 622
Kamelot 684, 938
Kamil Rustam 20
Kansas 168, 1139
Karate 169
Karma to burn 513
Kasabian 368, 384, 839, 925, 1347
Kassav 87
Kataklysm 507, 700
Katatonia 674
Katy Pery (ou plutôt son guitariste) 843, 944
Kazumi Watanabe 1033
Keelhaul 400
Keep of kalessin 577
Keiji Haino 1078
Keith Richards 14, 108, 164,165, 307, 477, 578, 852
Keith Scott (Bryan Adams) 590
Keith Urban 186, 756, 932, 1195
Kelks 905
Kenny Wayne Shepherd 47, 1107
Keren Ann 614
Keri Kelli (Alice Cooper... ) 578
Keziah Jones 143, 310
Kid Rock 380
Kiko Loureiro 100, 124, 1102
Killing Joke 450, 706
Killswitch engage 45, 548
Kill the young 208, 729
Kim Gordon 1269
King Crimson 202, 266, 516, 752, 932, 977, 1093, 1385
King Diamond 19, 387
Kingdom of sorrow 1060
Kings Of Leon 63, 499, 933, 947
Kiss 82, 110, 378
Korn 8, 25, 99, 183, 491, 838, 1310, 1326
Korpiklaani 191, 192
Krezip 449
Krisiun 719
Kronos 892
KT Tunstall 485
Kula shaker 92, 375, 515
Kurt Cobain 25, 36
Kurt Rosenwinkel 329
Kverlertak 1282
Kwoon 990
Kylesa 1180, 1226, 1232, 1233, 1280, 1299, 1318, 1327
Kyo 66, 261
Kyuss 144, 523, 1180, 1235, 1325
L7 170
Labyrinth 463
Lacuna Coil 251, 252, 294, 948
Ladytron 660
Laetitia Sheriff 443
Lamb of god 145, 146, 399, 1068
Larking Poe 1427
Larry Carlton 46
Larry Graham 1054
Last shadow puppets 790, 835, 1398
Late of the Pier 887
Laurent Voulzy 760
Le Baron 299
Led Zeppelin 680, 822
Lee Fields & The Expressions 1158
Lee Ritenour 45
Lenny Kravitz (et Craig Ross) 6, 125, 177, 256, 382, 472, 609, 677, 917
Les Fatals Picards 1187
Les guitaristes de David Bowie 79, 1068 (Earl Slick)
Les guitaristes de la star academy (Edouard ; François Delfin) 161
Les Paul 968
Lescop 1346
Leslie West 645
L'esprit du clan 847
Lightning bolt 180
Limp Bizkit 27, 39, 153, 942
Lincoln Brewster 1108
Lindsey Buckingham (Fleetwood Mac) 93
Linkin park 19, 482, 484, 488, 564, 661, 944
Little Barrie 456
Liro Rantala New trio 817
Lizzy Daimont 743
Loading data 863, 886
Lofofora 128, 616, 723
Lonestar 509
Lordi 322
Lou Reed 21, 91, 380, 756
Loudness 4
Louise Attaque 233
Low 397
Luke 135, 188, 623, 627, 795
Luther Dickinson 1178
Lyle Workman (Beck, Sting...) 60, 225
Lynyrd skynyrd 105, 278
Lysistrata 1427
M (Matthieu Chédid) 11, 12, 55, 188, 748, 924, 1365
M83 930, 1248, 1252
Machine head 81, 179, 430, 497, 535, 536, 824, 864, 980? 1292
Macy Gray 969
MacZ de Carpate 364
Mademoiselle K 331, 477, 595, 1153, 1173
Magma 730, 964
Magyar Posse 627
Magnetix 1211
Malajube 317
Manic street preachers 83
Manimal 23, 239
Manu Chao 1272
Manu Codjia (Truffaz) 834
Man or Astroman ? 225
Mao Blanc 198
Marc Ford (Black Crows, Ben Harper) 152
Marc Ribot 28, 30, 1014
Marc Rizzo 407, 691
Marc Sens 239
Marcel et son orchestre 159
Marcus Miller 1283
Marduk 273, 321
Mares of thrace 1298
Marillion 2, 68, 73, 86, 194, 195, 197, 275, 429, 436, 437, 815, 818, 819, 865, 907, 922, 1004, 1066, 1207, 1244
Mark Goldenberg 774
Mark Knopfler 61, 62, 118, 218, 277, 380, 533, 534, 745, 989, 1150
Maroon5 84, 121, 622, 1215
Mars Volta 6, 100, 371, 435, 515, 616, 653, 718, 753, 790, 833, 863, 864, 1202
Martin Barre (Jethro Tull) 1243
Marty Friedman 1, 478, 1179
Marty Stuart 1059
Marylin Manson 1372
Marvin 1186
Mass Hysteria 363, 441, 1107
Massive Attack 335
Mastodon 291, 604, 606, 689, 832, 843, 983, 1003, 1164, 1236, 1238, 1256, 1265, 1282, 1320
Matchbook romance 474
Matchbox20 46, 865
Mathieu Cantin 740
Matmatah 145
Matt Shofield 375
Matt Sorum 1283
Matt Spike 1349
Mauro Serri 89
Maximum the hormone 1178
Masayoshi Takanaka 1252
Mayhem 190, 796
MC Dälek 1375
Meat Loaf 181
Meat Puppets 707, 901
Megadeth 14, 127 (Chris Poland), 159, 380, 381, 429, 430, 478, 897, 1091, 1102
Mellano 602, 603
Melt bananas 407, 408
Melvins 17, 137, 511, 515, 529, 786, 1015, 1099, 1160, 1215
Mercury Rev 143
Mercyful Fate 835
Meshuggah 19, 116, 620, 785, 786
Metallica 36, 37, 55, 165, 213, 224, 380, 753, 794, 808, 815
Metric 630, 1317
MGMT 772, 784, 863, 952, 969, 1055, 1056, 1201, 1211
Michael Angelo Batio 1318
Michael Jones 20, 795
Michael Lee Firkins 718
Michael Lockwood 102, 104
Michael Ripoll 853
Michael Schenker (UFO 2000) 105, 1241, 1364
Michael Thompson 24, 185, 605
Michel-Yves Kochmann 20, 165, 510, 912, 1061
Mick Ronson 611
Mick Taylor 1108, 1292
Midnight oil 307
Mike Keneally 107
Mike Landau 15, 16, 86, 182, 415, 429, 539, 616, 631, 938
Mike Ness (Social Distortion...) 1289
Mike Oldfield 274, 287
Mike Smith (Limp bizkit) 124, 509
Mike Stern 28
Mike Zito 838
Milencollin 364
Millionnaire 437
Ministry 64, 494, 542, 652, 854, 936
Minus the bear 1237, 1299
Mister Mister 795
Mistery Lights 1415
Miyavi 1106
Mnemic 525
Modest mouse 104, 402
Mogwai 27, 112, 192, 313, 318, 368, 578, 731, 782, 894, 937, 1035, 1126
Moi dix Mois 174, 231, 275, 376
Monarch 767
Mondo Generator 683
Mono 136, 201, 532? 1387, 1410
Monster Magnet 835, 1090
Moonspell 1315
Morbid Angel 98, 117, 613, 655
Morcheeba 1187
Moriarty 760
Mötley Crüe 58, 145, 164, 299, 499, 665
Motorhead 21, 338, 1087
Mr. Bungle (Trey Spruance) 172
MUCC 1163
Muddy Waters 102
Mudhoney 92, 238 (mais sous la pression
), 304
Mudvayne 81, 1017
Munshy 346
Murderdolls 1086
Muse 44, 261, 278, 279, 280, 289, 294, 295, 304, 380, 384, 493, 539, 749, 773, 774, 875, 947, 952, 956, 964, 968, 972, 973, 981, 1055, 1080, 1107, 1153, 1280, 1372
Mushroomhead 309
Mute Math 801, 842
Mutiny on the bounty 627
My bloody valentine 161, 708, 709, 716, 721, 787, 902, 1334
My dying bride 844
My morning jacket 319, 750, 815, 1188
MyPollux 901
Nada surf 176, 295, 1346
Nadj 410
Nadja 641
Nashville Pussy 204
Nasum 720
Neal Schon 110, 266, 297, 298, 932, 1125, 1156
Nebula 593, 594, 744, 892, 950, 986
Necrophagist 892
Neil Giraldo (Pat Benatar) 73, 1149
Neil Young 49, 341, 391, 705, 939
Neil Zaza 93, 555
Nels Cline (Wilco) 549, 622, 915, 950, 1017, 1161, 1215, 1237
Neurosis 320, 588, 602
Nevermore 469, 853
N'guyen Lê 21, 330, 607
Nickelback 112
Nick McCabe 307
Nightwish 37, 42, 144, 346
Nile 450, 622, 715
Nile Rodgers 114
Nils Lofgren (Springsteen et autres) 3, 485, 606, 1090, 1173
Nine Inch Nails 57, 158, 508, 679, 689, 840, 842, 859, 862, 874, 878, 884, 957, 992, 1024
Nirvana 383, 1203, 1306
Nita Strauss (Alice Cooper) 1427
No doubt 25, 306, 893, 908, 911
NOFX 570, 571, 1352
Noir désir 187, 300
No Age 1147
No Doubt 1188
No One Is Innocent 54, 106, 288, 575, 1191
Noel Gallagher 1209, 1238, 1368, 1370, 1410
Nono 20, 359, 425
Norma Jean 1245
Nosfell 223, 310, 311, 395, 409, 1040
Nostromo 6
Noveller 1101
Nuclear rabbit 773
Nuno Bettencourt (Extreme et en solo) 4, 93, 118, 152, 340
Oasis 161, 166, 256, 380, 785, 793, 1011, 1067, 1178
Obituary 1204
Ocean Colour Scene 125
Oceansize 454, 1100, 1107
Octavia Sperati 279
Offspring 26, 74, 152, 606, 778
Olivier Mellano 725
Om 700, 1038
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez 6, 97, 100, 294, 400, 932, 946, 1110, 1131, 1294, 1423
Opeth 140, 170, 879, 891, 893, 1098, 1217
Orianthi 1182
Orgy 316
Orson 627
Otep 758
Other Lives 1381
Otis Rush 102
Oxbow 539
Ozric tentacles 326
Paco De Lucia 100
Pain of salvation 43, 45, 577
Pamela Hute 281, 646, 804, 982
Panic at the disco 763
Pantera 8, 67, 68
Papa Roach 557
Paradise lost 493, 501, 690, 846, 864, 882, 886, 956
Paramore 576
Pat Metheny 68
Patrice 306
Patrick Rondat 110, 326, 351, 352, 480, 631, 924, 1027
Patrick Watson 624, 778
Pat Travers 58
Paul Banks (Interpol...) 1291
Paul Bielatowicz 1112
Paul Crook (Anthrax, Meat Loaf) 181, 327
Paul Gilbert 380, 385, 408, 411, 438, 459, 480, 505, 754, 755, 863, 1052, 1179, 1220
Paul Jackson Jr 1105
Paul Kossoff 87, 757
Paul Lenders 201
Paul McCartney 25
Paul Moak 198
Paul Personne 20, 775
Pavement 133, 210, 1349
Pearl Jam 27, 248, 254, 269, 378, 380, 596, 597, 598, 966, 1014, 1219, 1365
Pelican 426
Pendragon 902, 1121
Pete Doherty 981
Peter Frampton 3, 77, 291, 504
Peter Hammill 950, 951
Peter Scott (You said saturday) 656
Peter Stroud (Sheryl Crow) 681
Peter Thorn (Chris Cornell) 424, 719, 875, 1423
Peter Von Poelh 928
Petter Carlsen 1158
Phil Manzanera 173
Phil Palmer 1014
Phil Wandscher (Jesse Sykes) 114
Philip Sayce 922
Phish 71, 108, 189, 434
Phoenix 358, 360, 613, 1031, 1305
Pierre Bensusan 83
Pierre Jaconelli 1058
Pierre-Jean Gaucher 443
P.I.L 144
Pinball 1172
Pink Floyd 825, 946
Pixies 39, 560, 1009, 1350
P.J.Harvey 147, 148, 524, 604, 1014, 1147, 1225, 1236
Placebo 20, 49, 149, 233, 293, 340, 365, 478, 911, 913, 925, 926, 1011, 1114, 1350
Plasticines 416, 418
Pleymo 339, 411, 433, 434, 511
P.O.D 407
Poison the well 813
Polly 1155
Popa Chuby 107, 263, 361, 770, 771, 890, 1042, 1415
Porcupine tree 92, 447, 476, 490, 512, 549, 663, 785, 791, 883, 932, 975, 976, 983, 1000, 1021, 1120
Portishead 108, 650, 756, 1033, 1034, 1189, 1326
Pravda 520
Primus 77, 520, 1228, 1234
Prince 34, 118, 193, 197, 442, 932, 1186, 1401
Prodigy 949
Prong 5
Psykup 160, 978
Puggy 1364
Pure reason revolution 382
Puro Instinct 1191
Queen 1, 21, 126, 328, 344, 451
Queen Adreena 167, 545
Queens of the stone age 44, 97, 125, 127, 144, 159, 437, 526, 531, 549, 589, 638, 648, 668, 689, 743, 840, 936, 1020, 1103, 1104, 1110, 1170, 1187, 1200, 1206, 1294, 1315, 1423
Queensryche 36, 702
Quiet Riot 604
Radio Moscow 1195
R.E.M 48, 588, 965
Radiohead 11, 103, 160, 213, 243, 257, 262, 263, 297, 301, 302, 314, 329, 334, 350, 368, 389, 409, 562, 567, 665, 682, 686, 687, 714, 826, 902, 985, 1014, 1015, 1028, 1029, 1207, 1221, 1245, 1246, 1281, 1348, 1368, 1383, 1396, 1403, 1406
Rafael Moreira (Pink) 111
Rage 62, 80
Rammstein 57, 119, 150, 851, 1016, 1234
Randy Rhoads 6
Raphael 299, 398, 1190
Rascal Flatts 956
Ratt 155, 380
Reb Beach 14, 119, 925, 1002
Red 902
Red Fang 1176, 1236, 1257, 1258, 1268, 1269, 1365
Red Sparrowes 38, 431
Reeves Gabrels (Bowie...) 49, 690, 1367
Refused 291
Reggae (artistes divers) 276
Reignwolf 1321
Rejean Lachance 80
Reverend Horton Heat 754, 812, 956
Rhapsody 119
Rhesus 587
Richard Fortus 164, 994, 1182
Richard Thompson 128
Richie Castellano (Blue Oyster Cult) 838
Richie Kotzen 152, 1133
Richie Sambora 57, 143, 164, 211, 380, 396, 716, 1040, 1236
Ride 856, 1382
Rien 627
Ringo Deathstarr 1140
Rita Mitsouko 530, 531
Ritchie Blackmore 49, 490, 548, 565, 1406
Rival Sons 1302, 1303
Riverside 854
Rob Harris (Jamiroquai) 296, 298
Rob Zombie 731
Robben Ford 26, 561, 829, 979, 1243
Robbie McIntosh 1100, 1103
Robby Krieger (The doors) 144
Robert Cray 622, 1333
Robert Francis 1138
Robert Fripp 3, 109, 115, 170
Robert Plant's Strange sensation 397
Robert Post 222
Robin Trower 248, 622, 983, 984
Rockettothesky 627
Rocky George 302
Rodolphe Burger (Kat Onoma) 345, 1268
Roger Waters 275
Roine Stolt (Transatlantic... ) 1007
Romero 1308
Ron Wood (Rollong Stones) 453, 585
Rory Gallagher 34, 100
Rose Tatoo 428
Rosetta 1342
Rotting Christ 614
Roxy Music 173
Roy Buchanan 185
Royal blood 1357
Royal Trux 1202
Rush 23, 127, 196, 457, 484, 499, 700, 855, 943, 1082, 1090, 1125, 1171, 1176, 1234, 1278
Russian circles 551, 866, 1001, 1047, 1159, 1276, 1277, 1323
Rusty Anderson 26, 402, 472, 1088
Rusty Cooley 119
Ryan Adams 181, 377, 842
Ry Cooder 199
Sadist 458
Saez 804
Sandro Albert 656
Santana 63, 93, 380
Saosin 571
Satyricon 713
Savatage 751
Savages 1401
Scars on Broadway (Daron Malakian) 724
Scenario rock 167
Schools of seven bells 930, 1257
Scoff 112
Scorpions 69, 152, 380, 384, 448, 491, 561, 1234
Scott Henderson 15, 86, 370, 555, 678
Scott Kelly 1253
Scott Olivier 779
Scotty Moore 1318
Scout Niblett 682
Scotty Moore 636
Screaming trees 427
Sean Lennon 1356, 1357
Sebastien Chouard 1065, 1169
Secret machines 932
Seether 353, 661
Sepultura 59, 154, 188, 189, 441, 488, 1051, 1144
Serafin 916
Serena Maneesch 1105
Serge Teyssot-Gay (Noir Desir, solo) 142, 305, 559, 615, 1108, 1159, 1173, 1371
Serj Tankian 557
Sex pistols 160
Shadows fall 384
Shakaponk 385
Shanka (No one is innocent, Manu) 444, 1329
Shannon Wright 543, 746
Shawn Lane 111
Shellac 96, 408, 704, 708, 839
Shipping news 690
Sick of it all 320, 782
Sidilarsen 346, 773
Sightings 1080
Sigur Ros 176, 579, 580, 581, 582, 625, 1309
Sikth 769
Silverchair 76, 483, 538
Silverson pickups 997
Symphony X 436
Simple minds 181, 932, 1014
Simple plan 656, 755
Sinclair 383, 385, 528
Sir Bald Diddley 1242
Sixun 816
Sixx:A.M. 800
Skid Row 5, 380
Skindred 768
Skinlab 589
Skip the use 1241, 1342
Skunk anansie 249, 1003, 1163
Slash 1, 3, 225, 289, 451, 453, 491, 504, 510, 515, 909, 912, 1049, 1061, 1067, 1082, 1296, 1361
Slayer 5, 534, 558, 1083, 1111, 1114
Sleater Kinney 265, 1099, 1372
Sleep 1254, 1262, 1279
Sleeping people 627
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum 1174
Sleigh Bells 1153
Slint 598, 844
Slipknot 8, 27, 76, 83, 304, 338, 457, 741, 758, 1358, 1361
Slowdive 1346
Smashing Pumpkins 1, 42, 141, 158, 200, 380, 477, 512, 562, 611, 612, 680, 777, 798, 809, 810, 812, 826, 979, 986, 1048, 1053, 1058, 1064, 1075, 1079, 1091, 1104, 1183, 1215, 1219, 1261, 1273, 1284, 1289, 1319, 1397, 1427
Snot 385
Snow Patrol 413, 772
Snowy White 197, 275, 544
Sober 988, 1025, 1148, 1300
Social Distortion 481
Soilwork 59
Solstafir 1157
Sonata Arctica 99, 150
Sonic Youth 19, 203, 269, 786, 958, 960, 1094
Sonny Landreth 48
Soren Andersen (Glenn Hughes) 1156
Sophia 396
Soulfly 108, 345
Soundgarden 5, 106, 149, 992, 1068, 1303
Spaudau Ballet 1019
Sparklehorse 528
Sparta 139, 628
Spineshank 1029
Spock's beard 139
Spyro Gyra 312
St Vincent 1264, 1340
Staind 161, 317, 772
Static-X 365
Status Quo 87, 467, 636, 937
Steel Panther 1425
Steely Dan 128, 1014
Stephan Forte 196, 326, 1281
Stephen Stills 1051
Stereophonics 42, 231
Stereotypical working class 306
Steve Cradock (Paul Weller) 1068
Steve Farris 295 (avec Whitesnake)
Steve Hackett (genesis et solo) 17, 231, 289, 361, 689, 1094, 1163
Steve Howe (Yes, Asia) 85, 91, 126, 200, 380, 599, 807, 992, 1094, 1120
Steve Hunter 140
Steve Kimock 113
Steve Lukather 1, 110, 219, 369, 392, 734, 936, 1112, 1154, 1178, 1218, 1227, 1257
Steve Marriott 660, 855
Steve Miller 1063
Steve Morse 1, 164, 173, 207, 209, 411, 558, 1031, 1164
Steve Rothery (solo) 1355
Steven Seagal 228
Steve Stevens 126, 380, 411, 454, 656, 726, 944, 945, 1036, 1061, 1138, 1234, 1269
Steve Vai 89, 105, 380, 382, 479, 516, 917, 981, 1249, 1272
Steve Van Zandt (Springsteen) 3, 606
Steven Wilson 1253, 1335, 1354, 1359, 1394
Stevie Ray Vaughan 19, 23, 75, 164, 327
Stevie Salas 168, 178, 290, 1236
Stone gods 932
Stone Roses 109
Stone sour 290, 300, 457, 1176, 1252
Stone Temple Pilots 58, 751
Stonewall Noise Orchestra 1284
Story of the year 166, 204, 205, 269
Strapping Young Lad 138
Strata 270
Stratovarius 138, 174, 643
Styx 12, 328
Suede 1137, 1149
Sufjan Stevens 1015
Sugar Ray 382
Suicidal tendencies 160, 189, 803, 1010
Sum41 12, 871
Sungrazer 1385
SunnO))) 316, 578, 777, 1170, 1314
Super furry animals 1066
Superbus 206, 410
Supergrass 594, 595, 880, 1000
Superjoint ritual 250
Surement Boris 850
Survivor 981
Susan Tedeschi 1107
Sweethead (Troy Van Leeuwen) 941
Swervedriver 1227
Switchfoot 1089
Sybreed 997
Symphony X 198, 865
System Of A Down 6, 159, 355, 471, 956
Syu 281
Tad 543
Taint 924
Tak Matsumoto 426
Takashi Masuzaki 111
Tame Impala 1121, 1280, 1409
Tariqh Akoni 198, 508, 1164
T-bone Burnett 668
T-bone Walker 102
Team sleep 293, 930
Tears for fears 953
Ted Nugent 183
Téléphone (les Insus) 1403, 1404
Television 125
Temperance Movement 1415
Terje Rypdal 145
Tesla 246, 382, 518, 575
Testament 250, 723, 897, 898, 978
Têtes Raides (les) 1334
The Allman brothers band 90
The Airborne Toxic Event 1196
The Answer 1237
The Arcs 1389
The Atlas Moth 1300
The Beatles 839, 944
The Bellrays 312, 725, 1135, 1227
The Besnard Lakes 1105
The big pink 1066
The Bishops 1014
The black angels 591
The black box revelations 1174
The Black Dahlia Murder 839
The black keys 149, 302, 313, 314, 332, 421, 839, 1068, 1080, 1102, 1187, 1235, 1248, 1355
The black ryder 1151
The black ships (Nick McCabe) 1175
The Blakes 734
The Body 1208
The Brian Jonestown Massacre 507
The Bronx 416
The cardigans 90
The clash 92
The Clientele 932
The Coral 794, 1059, 1124
The Cramps 118
The Cranberries 93, 1058, 1212
The Cult 20, 67, 499, 693
The Cure 8, 9, 91, 153, 154, 155, 156, 314, 391, 547, 577, 609, 616, 707, 710, 961, 1090, 1229, 1270, 1367
The Darkness 69, 392
The Datsuns 815, 1296
The dead 60's 368
The Dears 780
The Delgados 113
The distillers 78, 79, 377, 388, 571, 930
The Donnas 220
The doobie brothers 146, 335
The dude 473
The Duke Spirit 1105
The dum dum girls 1151, 1361
The Evpatoria report 600
The ex 196
The flaming lips 1188
The Fratellis 863
The Gaslight Anthem 1381
The Gathering 254
The germans 1066
The goo goo dolls 733, 1040
The Haunted 780
The Hellacopters 165
The Hives 57, 248, 751, 1121, 1308
The Horrors 1216
The Icarus Line 1033
The Isley Brothers 863
The Jayhawks 1229
The Joy Formidable 1165
The Juliana Theory 997
The killers 182, 793, 917
The kills 161, 565, 623, 810, 1258, 1401
The Kinks 584, 856
The kooks 289, 367, 641, 906, 975
The libertines 133
The livehearts 722
The living end 87
The Lords of Altamont 1062
The naked and famous 1185
The National 1350
The new regime 1202
The noisettes 767
The old dead tree 490
The opposition 946
The organ 672
The police 328, 374, 380, 395
The prodigy 136
The psychedelic furs 113
Therapy ? 167
The raconteurs 337, 421, 473, 669, 696, 866
The Ramones 1038
The rascals 839
The raveonettes 529, 1037, 1308, 1361
The rolling stones 14, 108, 164,165, 307, 453, 477, 578, 585
The shadows 174
The stooges 37, 478, 481, 752, 755
The stranglers 306
The strokes 115, 132, 133, 194, 221, 961, 1032, 1034, 1149, 1162, 1164, 1169
The subways 190, 383, 592, 869
The sunshine underground 493
The sword 1021, 1288, 1317, 1385
The Temper Trap 1367
The Ting Tings 986
The used 250
The Verve 307, 755
The vines 82, 218, 515, 901
The Warlocks 930
The white stripes 107, 308, 309, 394, 427, 455, 461, 541, 696, 906, 1080
The Who 1, 14, 307, 333
The yardbirds 839
The yeah yeah yeahs 185, 553, 728, 969, 1088
The Zombies 1014
Them crooked vultures 969, 1023, 1031, 1033, 1037, 1038, 1045, 1136
These arms are snakes 431
Thee Michelle Gun Elephant 69
Therion 942
Thin Lizzy 933, 1182
Thom Yorke 1051
This will destroy you 627, 1410
Thrice 206, 601
Thursday 96, 250
Thurston Moore 1311, 1360
Tides from Nebula 1012
Tim Commerford (RATM) 364
Tim Pierce (Meat Loaf et plein d'autres) 181
Tim Skold (KMFDM, Marylin Manson) 459, 503, 609, 695, 1022
Tinted Windows (James Iha) 909
Tito & Tarantula 500, 1040
TNT 1099
Tom Morello 18, 38, 230, 347, 348, 534, 555, 653, 908
Tom Petty and the heartbreakers 102, 1050, 1061, 1066, 1077
Tom Principato 866, 874
Tom Scholz (Boston) 64
Tom Verlaine (Television) 124
Tommy Bolin 933
Tommy Emmanuel 801
Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath, Heaven&Hell) 1, 167, 424, 564, 849, 1011, 1265
Tony Joe White 351
Tony Levin (Peter Gabriel, OK, c'est un bassiste) 478
Tony MacAlpine 68
Tool 55, 228, 249, 252, 367, 394, 435, 451, 544, 549, 550, 580, 842, 1101, 1122, 1145
Toots and the maytals 84
Torche 1384
Tortoise 136, 159, 1068
Toshi Iketa 113
Toshi Iseda 111
Toshihiko Takamizawa 426
Tosin Abasi 1241
Tracy G (Dio) 102
Trans Am 704
Transatlantic 997
Travis 126
Trevor Rabin (Yes) 21, 598
Trey Anastasio (Phish) 71, 108, 189, 434
T-Rex 121, 567, 827, 1125
T-Ride 105
Triceratops 373
Triggerfinger 1194, 1197, 123
Triple FX 585
Tripod 158
Tristan Klein 416
Tritheory 319
Trivium 367, 472, 754
Troy MacCubin (Tatu) 656
Troy Van Leeuwen 1093, 1343, 1360
Troy Von Balthazar 252
Truckfighters 1352
Trust 20, 359, 425, 804
Tryo 177
Turbonegro 138
TV on the radio 836
Twiggy Ramirez (Marylin Manson) 1269
Twisted Sister 605, 650
Tyler Bryant 975
Type O Negative 615
Ty Tabor 35, 728, 962, 1146
U2 21, 52, 54, 55, 60, 94, 114, 151, 288, 328, 330, 377, 380, 398, 456, 717, 788, 791, 860, 863, 872, 940, 1138, 1374, 1409, 1425
Uli Jon Roth 107, 384
Uncle acid and the dead beats 1389, 1390
Underoath 513
Unearth 923
Unsane 736
Uriah Heep 1017
Uzeb 21
Vader 346, 607, 866
Valient Thorr 1088
Vanden Plas 130, 131
Vegastar 156, 157
Velvet Revolver 108, 131, 491, 518
Vernon Reid (Living Colour entre autres) 2, 49, 69, 88, 295, 296, 434, 436, 437, 472, 473, 487, 1011, 1091, 1107, 1316
Vertical horizon 157
Vic Chesnutt 603
Vinnie Moore 31, 347
Virago 977
Vista Chino 1328
Vito Bratta (White Lion) 73, 308
Vivian Campbell 183, 1169, 1170
Vivian Darkbloon 936
Voivod 71, 315, 951, 1176
Volbeat 792
Warren Cuccurullo 487
Warren De Martini 155, 208, 380
Warren Haynes/Gov't mule 90, 296, 858, 865, 1144
Warpaint 730, 1177, 1335
WASP (Chris Holmes) 710, 945
Watain 1078
Watcha 53, 607
Wayne Kramer (MC5...) 69
We are scientists 367, 372
Ween 320, 616
Weezer 64
Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit...) 255, 387, 388, 937, 977, 979, 1188
Whitesnake 295, 516, 925
White Chapel 1288, 1323
White Lies 1148, 1320, 1416
White Zombie 239, 1088
Wilco 57, 178, 916, 1002, 1278
Wild flage 1126
WillHaven 160
Wishbone ash 92, 166, 519, 819, 1380
Without Sense 1038
Wolf Alice 1389, 1427
Wolf&Cub 678
Wolfmother 244, 293, 315, 316, 318, 368, 664, 954, 994
Wolves in the throne room 1115
Wombats 645
Wovenhand 1366
Yan Péchin (Thiéfaine, Bashung, Miossec, Higelin...) 398, 593, 748, 1024, 1025, 1112, 1227, 1393
Yann Tiersen 229, 262, 969, 988
Yarol Poupeaud 1060
Year of no light 641
Yes (Chris Squire) 1196
Yngwie Malmsteen 101, 104, 380, 799, 824, 846, 1228
Yo La Tengo 889
YOB 790, 794, 1208
Young widows 1075
Youthmovies 627
Yuji Toriyama 111
Zappa plays Zappa (tournée avec entre autres Dweezil Zappa et Steve Vai) : 274, 289, 302 (récapitulatif), 320, 527, 634, 697, 894, 981, 1151
Zakk Wylde 78, 106, 122, 152, 172, 380, 1043, 1091, 1176, 1300
Zim Zum (Marilyn Manson) 184, 359
Zombie eaters 297
Zone libre 531
Zoroaster 1179
Zwan 25, 490
ZZ Top 18, 63, 112, 648, 743, 745, 779, 784, 787, 1067, 1182, 1296
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Gain de temps assuré.
Donc ce fameux sommaire, le voici :
Un bon lien avec beaucoup de photos se trouve page 291.
(hed) p.e. 615
+44 503
22-20's 44
30 seconds to Mars 457, 1089
311 403, 477, 622, 713, 923
36 crazyfists 758
Aaron 1138, 1383, 1394
A perfect circle 6, 870
A place to bury strangers 1382
Abi von Reininghaus 355
Accept 1088
AC/DC 176, 377, 380, 677, 904, 1058, 1409
Ace Frehley (Kiss) 82
Adagio 938, 940, 1002
Adebisi Shank 928
Adema 171
Adrian Belew 81, 679, 680, 718, 905, 909, 951
Adrian Vandenberg 100, 295
Aerosmith 128, 332, 334, 380, 479, 496, 502, 579, 917, 1091, 1092, 1107, 1215, 1266, 1277
Aeyron 204
AFI 180
After forever 180, 367
Agata 262, 275
Agnostic Front 1010
Agressor 585
Aimee Mann 104
Air 680
Alain Caron 810
Albert Collins 102
Albert King 102, 1099
Al Di Meola 24, 754
Albert Lee 23
Alec Empire 225
Alexander Scholpp 530
Alex Hutchings 1425
Alexi Laiho 7, 241, 251, 325, 509
Alex Skolnick (Testament, solo...) 93, 111, 519
Alice Cooper 1169
Alice In Chains 5, 163, 224, 341, 451, 779, 804, 940, 978, 1307
Alien Ant Farm 699
Aline 1385
Allan Holdsworth 103
Allman Brothers Band 517, 1061
Alt-J 1416
Alter bridge 335, 799, 1129
Alvvays 1380
Alvin Lee 95
Amon Amarth 427, 428
Amorphis 1158
Amplifier 690
Ana Popovic 475
Anathema 1158
André Coutu (guitariste attitré de Céline Dion, entre autres) 453
Andrew WK 336
Andy Brauer 114
Andy Fairweather Low 197
Andy Summers (Police) 328, 374, 380, 395, 440, 504, 824
Andy Timmons 14, 125, 255, 459
Anekdoten 108
Ange 653
Angels and airwaves 269, 1218
Angra 100
Animal as leaders 1205
Animetal 281
Anna Calvi 1240
Annihilator 503, 778
Anorexia Nervosa 174, 176
Anthrax 5, 122, 137, 278, 293, 391, 898, 1108, 1151, 1230
A place to bury strangers 1066
Aqme 572, 1032
Arab Strap 843
Arca 967
Arcade fire 417, 421, 1235
Arch ennemy 83, 250, 322, 331, 518, 1047
Archive 90, 950, 951, 1088, 1276, 1277, 1373
Arctic Monkeys 242, 488, 518, 624, 851, 901, 984, 985, 992, 1026, 1036, 1060, 1176, 1246, 1323
Arcturus 614
Arjen Lucassen (Ayreon...) 204, 1114
Arkaea 903
Ash 75, 257
Ashes divide 842
Asian Dub Foundation 148
As I lay dying 194, 513
A silver Mt Zion 216, 259, 360, 642, 810, 1060
Asobi Seksu 1105, 1151
Aston Villa 188
ASYL 362
Ataraxie 559, 945
At the drive in 97, 1423
Atreyu 309, 517
August burns red 849, 1106, 1296
Autolux 687
Avenged Sevenfold 487, 1126
Avril Lavigne 932, 1169
Axel Rudi Pell 126
Ayreon 204, 755
Babylon Circus 440
Babyshambles 1290
Bad brains 315, 458
Bad religion 191
Balthazar 1283, 1375
Band of skulls 1174
Bardo pound 303, 1093
Baroness 1091, 1180, 1181, 1274, 1300, 1308
Bass drum of death 1373
Bathory 1157
Baton Rouge 1292
Battles 886, 887, 1340
Bauhaus 178
BB Barcus (Shania Twain) 60
BB King 5
Beach house 1151
Beastie boys 466, 488
Beck 305, 605, 1359, 1367
Behemoth 507, 882, 963, 1189
Ben Harper 36, 153, 509, 904 (avec The Relentless7), 1014, 1121
Benighted 591, 829
Bernard Butler 115
Bertignac 22, 151, 270, 654, 832, 1034, 1048, 1242, 1250
Berurier Noir 124
Biffy Clyro 192, 591, 1300, 1382, 1401
Big Royal Kunamaka Orchestra 632
Bill Frisell 86, 262, 1068
Billy Corgan 966
Billy Talent 28, 290, 384, 944, 1112, 1158
Birdpen 1027
Bireli Lagrène 473
Bjorn Berje 777
Black Cobra 1209
Black crowes 20, 102, 261, 677, 774, 965, 988, 1122, 1303
Black eyed peas 140
Black light burns 525, 526, 559, 655, 675
Black Mountain 696, 698, 839, 1075, 1372
Black Pyramid 1209
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club 82, 540, 541, 583, 1041, 1063, 1127, 1324 1422, 1423
Bleeding through 1009
Blind Guardian 1140
Blink 182 90, 93, 569
Bloc Party 120, 523, 674, 901, 1266, 1387, 1389
Blonde redhead 643, 644, 650, 705, 725, 1206
Blue Effect & Jazz Orchestra Prague 1392
Blue oyster cult 103, 838, 933
Blues Pills 1364
Blues Saraceno 69, 628
Blues Traveler 98
Blur 839, 1278, 1349, 1350, 1371
Bob Dylan et son groupe 164
Bob Marley 23, 276
Bob Mould 158
Bolt Thrower 702
Bon Jovi 57, 143, 164, 211, 380, 396, 743, 1003
Bon Iver 1202, 1264, 1411
Bootsy Collins 634
Boreal Woods 1415
Boris 1349
Boulou Ferré 918
Boss Hog (Jon Spencer) 1137
Boz Boorer (Morrissey) 901
Brad Paisley 509, 1067, 1094
Brad Gillis 183
Brant Bjork & the bros 37, 378, 1196, 1345
Breaking Benjamin 743
Brent Mason 509, 797, 839, 917
Brett Garsed 474
Brian jonestown massacre 186
Brian May (Queen) 1, 21, 126, 328, 344, 451, 654, 909, 918, 929, 1011, 1102, 1352
Brian Nutter 1100
Brian Ray (Paul McCartney) 26, 177, 472, 498
Brian Robertson (Thin Lizzy, Motorhead) 879
Brian Setzer 5
Bring me the horizon 1225, 1263, 1313
Broken social scene 1066
Bruce Bouillet 543
Bruce Kulick (Kiss, Union...) 110
Bruce Springsteen 3, 86, 189, 606, 1324
Bryan Adams 73, 157, 590
Buckethead 82, 117, 579, 872
Buddy Guy 102
Buddy Withington (bluesbreakers) 109
Bullet for my valentine 336, 346, 1083
Bumblefoot 102, 1245
Bumcello 711, 712
Bury your dead 680
Burzum 1148
Bush 109
Calexico 147, 241, 912
Calogero 404, 405
Camel 649, 756
Candelmass 468
Cannibal corpse 163, 562, 865
Capsula 1149
Carcass 503, 706, 11356
Carl Barat 195
Carlos Cavazo (Quiet Riot) 604
Carl Verheyen (Supertramp...) 42, 869, 1113, 1114
Caspian 1073
Cat Power 492
Cavalera conspiracy 569
Cave-In 212, 242
CC Deville 380
Cecilia eyes 632
Cédric Le Roux 1392
Celtic Frost 462, 469, 1183
Chad Taylor (Live) 152, 380, 933
Chad Vangaalen 1066
Charlie Sexton 681
Cheap Trick 909, 1280
Chelsea Wolfe 1341, 1393
Chevelle 171
Cheveu 1194
Chicago 1161
Chimaira 85, 163, 164, 308, 640, 858
Chokebore 252
Chris Broderick (Megadeth) 573
Chris Caffery (Savatage, Trans-Siberian Orchestra) 183
Chris Duarte 294
Chris Goss 665
Chris Haskett (Rollins band) 171, 742
Chris Isaak 463
Chris Poland 484, 732
Chris Spedding (avec Roxy Music) 173
Chris Rea 801, 1058
Christophe Godin 691, 1177
Christopher Willits 932
Cinema Strange 579
Civil twilight 1388
Claude Engel 129, 130, 414
Clawfinger 240
Cloverseeds 1158, 1159
Clutch 197, 372, 452
Coal Chamber 166
Cocteau Twins 634
Coheed and Cambria 839, 1077
Coldplay 59, 100, 209, 215, 289, 733, 1011, 1013, 1058, 1141, 1354
Coliseum 1059
Colour Haze 1367
Converge 76, 741, 863, 1159
Coroner 777, 1188
Corrosion of conformity 373
Counting crows 116
Craddle of filth 263
Cream 182
Creed 70
Creedence Clearwater Revival 1359
Crowbar 571, 1010, 1155
Crowded house 297
Crucified barbara 161
Cryptosy 717
Crysis 1061
Cult of luna 221, 730, 771, 857, 879
Cynic 93
Daath 827
Dagoba 514, 1245
Daita 421
Damien Lopez 47
Damien Rice 405, 408, 420, 527
Damned things 1273
Dan Ar Braz 20
Dan Huff 85
Dandy Warhols 74, 134, 387, 1068
Daniel Jamt 1367
Daniel Lanois 197
Danko Jones 247
Danzig (et autres groupes du sieur Danzig) 133
Darkane 630
Dark Castle 1179, 1233
Dark Funeral 212
Darkthrone 846, 1294
Dark Tranquility 694
Darkwater 1137
Daryl Stuermer (Phil Collins, Genesis) 55
Daturah 849
Dave Amato 381
Dave Foster 1343, 1355
Dave Kilminster (Roger Waters, Steven Wilson) 275, 623, 656, 1137, 1324, 1394
Dave Knudson 860
Dave Mason 382
Dave Matthews band 87
Dave Navarro 307, 380, 941, 966, 969, 1065, 1085
Dave Weiner (Steve Vai) 68, 1249
David Byrne 863, 1156
David Bowie 79
David Gilmour 3, 19, 21, 63, 71, 184, 197, 220, 380, 552, 555, 604, 621, 946, 1017, 1385, 1386, 1406
David Grissom 200
David Rhodes (Peter Gabriel) 17, 179, 478, 1324
David Torn 677
Dead kennedys 194
Dead Meadow 627
Dead Weather (Jack White) 934, 986, 1044
Deafheaven 1334
Dean Brown 226
Dean Wareham 1157
Death 101, 563
Death cab for cutie 113, 297, 449
De Palmas (Gerald + Sebastien Chouard) 59, 138
Decapitated 78, 1058
Deception of a ghost 1221
Deerhof 1040
Deerhunter 887
Def Leppard 68, 268, 368, 380, 489, 904, 986, 1014, 1169
Deftones 6, 22, 139, 354, 393, 406, 489, 785, 861, 981, 1063, 1064, 1082, 1169, 1253, 1284, 1309, 1351
Delain 582
Demians 809
Denys Lable 20
Depeche mode 87, 969, 986, 1053
Deportivo 146, 316, 482, 517, 521, 1250
DespairsRay 212
Detroit 1343, 1363
dEUS 176, 658, 659, 660, 725, 750, 1211
Devendra Banhart 1153
Devildriver 143
Devin Townsend 460, 1036
Devo 1283
Dick Dale 1007
Dick Wagner 140
Die Toten Hosen 331
DIIV 1414
Dillinger Escape Plan 119, 661, 1085, 1131, 1154, 1162
Dimebag Darrell (Pantera, Damageplan) 8, 67, 68, 106, 140, 142, 170, 177, 452
Dimmu Borgir 98, 256
Dino Cazares 366
Dinosaur Jr 156, 209, 210, 273, 317, 377, 380, 689, 735, 863, 893, 981, 1290
Dionysos 223, 521, 1218
Dir en grey 174, 178, 293, 380, 412, 470, 995
Dirty pretty things 368
Discussion un peu creuse permettant à chacun de poser sa pêche 763 à 768
Dissection 314, 754, 1177
Disturbed 194, 1187, 1221
DJ Ashba 938
Django Reinhardt 88
Do make say think 448
Dolly 83
Dominic Miller (Sting) 28, 29
Dominique A 120, 1165, 1297 (+ Thomas Poli), 1367
Donna Grantis (Prince) 1351
Doug Aldrich 14, 68
Doug Wimbish (Living Colour) 471
Down 373, 456, 572, 694, 847, 964, 1041, 1270
Doyle Bramhall II 139, 197, 342, 470, 560
Dragonforce 127
Dredg 835
Dr. Feelgood 151
Dub trio 632
Duke Robillard 907
Dumas 422
Duran Duran 487
Dweezil Zappa 44, 904, 953, 1151, 1270
Eagles 36
Eagles of death metal 325, 405, 837, 933, 1381
Earth 222, 595
Eddie Van Halen 8, 19, 35, 89, 173, 333, 362, 363, 411, 593, 636, 698, 812, 911, 981, 1233, 1274
Editors 188, 523, 749, 884, 1263, 1303, 1326, 1362, 1386, 1416
Eels 933, 1366
Eiffel 345, 1003, 1094
Eivind Aarset 800
Elbow 996, 998
El Dinah 627
Electrelane 883
Electric Light Orchestra 116, 1138
Electric wizard 759, 1164
Elliott Smith 89
Emerson Lake Palmer 149
Emilie Simon 233
Eminence 630
Emperor 375, 415, 459
Enablers 627
Enhancer 544, 917
Ensemble d'Instruments Électroniques de l'Itinéraire 814
Enslaved 1060
Enter Shikari 439
Envy 424, 522, 1212
Epica 397, 1120
Eric Ambel 509
Eric Clapton 172 (avec Cream en 2005), 380 (solo), 583, 702, 799, 1102, 1154, 1176
Eric Johnson 19, 111, 490, 503, 511, 579, 586, 612, 1107, 1126, 1136, 1368
Eric Krasno 1414
Eric Sardinas 718
Erik Rutan 1240
ETHS 105, 182, 539, 586, 616
Euronymous 754
Europe 152
Evanescence 321
Eve6 821
Evergrey 275
Every time I die 639, 1044, 1276
Exodus 519, 665, 705
Experience 725
Explosions in the sky 113, 177, 182, 1072
Eyehategod 1317, 1318
Faith no more 131, 901
Fall out boy 194
Fates Warning 777
Fatso Jenson 1053
Fear Factory 19, 161, 365, 566, 575, 1277
Fear falls burning 641
Feeder 1371
Feeling of love 1194
FFF 198
Fields of nephilim 221
Fil Eisler 256
Filter 458
Finntroll 997
Firehouse 100
Flaming lips 405
Fleet foxes 1071
Fleetwood mac 65
Flogging Molly 175, 176
Flower kings 211
Flyleaf 469
Foals 1154, 1381, 1385
Foo Fighters 62, 135, 897, 1014, 1150, 1165, 1178, 1199, 1220, 1360
For a minor reflection 1068, 1071, 1395
Fountains of wayne 77
Franck Black 27
Franck Gambale 63
François Delfin 94,95, 161
François Poggio 1359, 1361
Frank Marino 102, 758
Frank Simes (Roger Daltrey) 1244
Frank Zappa 85, 201, 471, 636
Franz Ferdinand 246, 247, 290
Freak Kitchen 52
Fred Chapellier 874
Freddy King 102
Freedom for King Kong 306
Friendly fires 1188
Fu Manchu 21, 256, 729, 1289
Funeral for a friend 192, 193, 537
Fun loving criminals 191, 192
Fugazi 373
Fushitsusha 863, 864
Galneryus 471, 478
Gama Bomb 1001
Gang of four 171
Garbage 1, 842, 1265
Gary Moore 116, 248, 380, 505, 1073, 1114
Geezer Butler (Black Sabbath, Heaven&Hell, GZR) 564
Genesis 17, 361, 371, 373, 462, 479, 929, 960, 1021
Genghis Tron 843
Gentle Giant 695
Geoff Farina 169
Geoffrey Burton (Arno, Bashung) 471, 592, 610, 912, 1320
George Benson 209
George Harrison 47
George Lynch 1, 14, 182, 733, 1028, 1196
George Thorogood 119
Gerry Leonard (Bowie) 73, 407, 1010
Ghost 1310
Ghinzu 199, 626, 888, 897, 917, 945, 1050, 1155, 1388
Giant Drag 1033
Girls in Hawai 1362
Glassjaw 105, 839
Glasvegas 871
God is an astronaut 1074
Godflesh 508
Godsmack 73
Godspeed you black emperor 18, 24, 204, 1377, 1386
Gojira 230, 277, 482, 552, 708, 893
Goldfrapp 1320
Goliath 1194
Good charlotte 96
Gossip 927
Gorillaz 1041
Graffen Völder 627
Graham Coxon (Blur) 55, 56, 110, 260
Grandaddy 923
Grand Funk Railroad 120
Grateful dead 65
Green Day 57, 96, 166, 186, 911, 916, 956, 981, 1035
Greenhornes 406, 1039, 1079
Green on red 411
Greg Howe 96, 270, 617, 1125, 1202
Greg Koch 349
Grimfist 351
Grinderman 1185
Grip Inc. 99
Grizzly Bear 1023, 1171, 1276
Guano apes 274
Guerilla poubelle 292, 712, 713
Guillemots 437
Guns'n roses 360, 994, 1245
Gus G (Ozzy Osbourne) 1169
Guthrie Govan 488, 1307 (avec Steven Wilson), 1359
Gwyn Ashton 797
Halestorm 1265, 1388
Hammerfall 113, 114, 122, 174
Hanni el khatib 1308, 1313
Hanoï Rock 150
Hawkwind 366, 973
Heart 157
Heaven&Hell 430
Hectic Watermelon 653
Helloween 335, 337
Helmet 27, 29, 149, 150, 995
Hellyeah 1146
Henry Kaiser 1174, 1314
Hermano 520
Hershel Yatovitz (Chris Isaak) 463
Hexvessel 1283
Hide (X-Japan) 17, 143, 420, 590
High on fire 756, 1172, 1278
Hillel Slovak Red Hot Chili Peppers) 478, 701
Hillsong united 839
HIM 163, 187, 194, 499, 1084
Hypocrisy 95, 101
Hole 70
Hoobastank 20
Hot leg 924
Hot Tuna 112
Howard Leese 1103
Howie day 729
Hubert Sumlin 102, 1107
Hushpuppies 306, 520
I 347, 351
Iced Earth 1233
Idlewild 408
Ike Turner 312
Ill nino 774, 775
I mother Earth
Immolation 1025
Immortal 392, 428, 1064, 1076
Impeliterri 152
Incubus 26, 74, 547, 550, 560, 628, 1140
Indochine 117, 182, 586, 938, 1078
Infectious grooves 187, 772, 773
In flames 94, 121, 531, 989, 990
Interpol 114, 125, 624, 851, 1104, 1144, 1277, 1316, 1356, 1376, 1406
Insahn 375, 714
In this moment 840
Iron Butterfly 492, 1105
Iron Maiden 16, 25, 113, 144, 156, 171, 326, 334, 521, 588, 898, 914, 1067, 1090, 1120
Isis 120, 484, 756, 829, 995, 1006, 1035
Israel Vibration 116
It dies today 240
Izzy Stradlin (Guns 'n roses, solo... ) 1030
Jack Johnson 701
Jack White 1348, 1350
Jaga jazzist 1072
Jake E. Lee (Ozzy Osbourne...) 77, 166, 1142
Jakob 419
James Honeyman Scott (The Pretenders) 948
James Taylor 182
James Winsley (Chris Isaac) 40
Jamiroquaï 180, 296, 298
Jan Akkeman 936
Jason Becker 479
Jason Hook 181
Jason Isbell & the 400 unit 1400
Jazzbastards 612
Jean-Christophe Maillard (avec Jonasz) 348
Jean-Louis Aubert 106, 181, 380, 913
Jean-Louis Murat 475, 1360
Jean-Marie Ecay 21, 732, 810
Jean-Michel Kajdan 20, 839
Jean-Pascal Boffo 521
Jean-Pierre Danel 432, 1398
Jeff Beck 14, 100, 157, 402, 478, 480, 511, 1095, 1115
Jeff Buckley 43, 840, 926, 1195
Jeff Fielder 1406
Jeff Golub 326
Jeff Healey 32, 638
Jeff Kolmann 659
Jeff (Geoff) Tyson 105
Jefferson Airplane 794
Jef Lee Johnson 788
Jennifer Batten 14, 427
Jerry Cantrell 5, 163, 224, 341, 1049
Jerry McPherson 66
Jesu 539
Jesus and Mary chains 932
Jesus Lizards 885, 887
Jet 58, 956
Jethro Tull 126, 623, 898, 1075
Jim O'Rourke 959
Jimi Hendrix 1, 183, 476
Jimmy Bower 1182
Jimmy Eat World 1264
Jimmy Herring 111, 189, 863
Jimmy Page 1, 15, 177, 478, 526, 530, 533, 543, 544, 545, 555, 636, 883
Jim Weider 194
Jim Jones Revue 1290
Joan Armatrading 68
Joan Jett (Runaways, solo) 1150
Joe Bonamassa 244, 585, 986, 1036, 1038, 1100, 1230, 1281
John Butler 1350
John Cipollina 1215
Joe Holmes (Ozzy Osbourne) 110
Joe Satriani 51, 89, 171, 308, 718, 823, 914, 986, 1091, 1107, 1139, 1144, 1249
Joe Walsh 96
Joey Taffola 638
John Butler trio 110, 418, 431, 509 1349
John Fogerty 21, 645, 1063, 1192
John Frusciante (RHCP) 2, 146, 150, 208, 237, 251, 336, 386, 454, 456, 1080
John Lee Hooker 102
John Mayer 87, 128, 180, 329, 459, 508, 717, 730, 865, 932, 1070, 1096, 1101
John McLaughlin 46, 392, 578, 718
John Norum 122, 152
John Parish (PJ Harvey) 1269
John Petrucci 4, 36, 79, 104, 159, 184, 209, 288, 324, 342, 371, 413, 453, 461, 485, 565, 620, 838, 849, 869, 943, 954, 957, 967, 975, 981, 1115, 1120, 1215, 1394
John Reis (Drive Like Jehu, Rocket From The Crypt, Hot Snakes, Night Marchers...) 782
John Scofield 55, 660
John Shanks 183, 316, 628, 666
John Squire 109
John Sykes 69
John Wesley (Porcupine Tree...) 751, 883, 1322
John5 (Marylin Manson, Rob Zombie, solo...) 2, 144, 763, 837, 1009, 1371
Johnny A 34, 186, 187, 342
Johnny Cash 510
Johnny Lang 47, 392, 1107
Johnny Marr 44, 402, 403, 839, 863, 962, 1087, 1325
Johnny Ramone 87
Johnny Winter 306, 311
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion 39, 117, 118, 1292
Jonsy 1151
Joseph Arthur 128
Josh Homme 403, 404, 437, 943, 959, 963, 1060, 1398
Josh Klinghoffer Red Hot Chili Peppers, PJ Harvey... ) 454, 486, 860, 932, 1197, 1211, 1257, 1263, 1414
Josh Pearson 173, 198, 203
Journey 110, 266, 297, 298
Joy Division 113
Judas Priest 19, 58, 104, 150, 730
Julian Cope 119
Julian Plenty 1006
Julio Fernandez 312
Jull 1219
Justin Derrico (Pink) 1307
Justin Meldal-Johnsen 883, 946
Kadavar 1306, 1326
Kai Hansen (Helloween, Gamma Ray) 604
Kaiserchiefs 878
Kaki King 375, 618, 619, 622
Kamelot 684, 938
Kamil Rustam 20
Kansas 168, 1139
Karate 169
Karma to burn 513
Kasabian 368, 384, 839, 925, 1347
Kassav 87
Kataklysm 507, 700
Katatonia 674
Katy Pery (ou plutôt son guitariste) 843, 944
Kazumi Watanabe 1033
Keelhaul 400
Keep of kalessin 577
Keiji Haino 1078
Keith Richards 14, 108, 164,165, 307, 477, 578, 852
Keith Scott (Bryan Adams) 590
Keith Urban 186, 756, 932, 1195
Kelks 905
Kenny Wayne Shepherd 47, 1107
Keren Ann 614
Keri Kelli (Alice Cooper... ) 578
Keziah Jones 143, 310
Kid Rock 380
Kiko Loureiro 100, 124, 1102
Killing Joke 450, 706
Killswitch engage 45, 548
Kill the young 208, 729
Kim Gordon 1269
King Crimson 202, 266, 516, 752, 932, 977, 1093, 1385
King Diamond 19, 387
Kingdom of sorrow 1060
Kings Of Leon 63, 499, 933, 947
Kiss 82, 110, 378
Korn 8, 25, 99, 183, 491, 838, 1310, 1326
Korpiklaani 191, 192
Krezip 449
Krisiun 719
Kronos 892
KT Tunstall 485
Kula shaker 92, 375, 515
Kurt Cobain 25, 36
Kurt Rosenwinkel 329
Kverlertak 1282
Kwoon 990
Kylesa 1180, 1226, 1232, 1233, 1280, 1299, 1318, 1327
Kyo 66, 261
Kyuss 144, 523, 1180, 1235, 1325
L7 170
Labyrinth 463
Lacuna Coil 251, 252, 294, 948
Ladytron 660
Laetitia Sheriff 443
Lamb of god 145, 146, 399, 1068
Larking Poe 1427
Larry Carlton 46
Larry Graham 1054
Last shadow puppets 790, 835, 1398
Late of the Pier 887
Laurent Voulzy 760
Le Baron 299
Led Zeppelin 680, 822
Lee Fields & The Expressions 1158
Lee Ritenour 45
Lenny Kravitz (et Craig Ross) 6, 125, 177, 256, 382, 472, 609, 677, 917
Les Fatals Picards 1187
Les guitaristes de David Bowie 79, 1068 (Earl Slick)
Les guitaristes de la star academy (Edouard ; François Delfin) 161
Les Paul 968
Lescop 1346
Leslie West 645
L'esprit du clan 847
Lightning bolt 180
Limp Bizkit 27, 39, 153, 942
Lincoln Brewster 1108
Lindsey Buckingham (Fleetwood Mac) 93
Linkin park 19, 482, 484, 488, 564, 661, 944
Little Barrie 456
Liro Rantala New trio 817
Lizzy Daimont 743
Loading data 863, 886
Lofofora 128, 616, 723
Lonestar 509
Lordi 322
Lou Reed 21, 91, 380, 756
Loudness 4
Louise Attaque 233
Low 397
Luke 135, 188, 623, 627, 795
Luther Dickinson 1178
Lyle Workman (Beck, Sting...) 60, 225
Lynyrd skynyrd 105, 278
Lysistrata 1427
M (Matthieu Chédid) 11, 12, 55, 188, 748, 924, 1365
M83 930, 1248, 1252
Machine head 81, 179, 430, 497, 535, 536, 824, 864, 980? 1292
Macy Gray 969
MacZ de Carpate 364
Mademoiselle K 331, 477, 595, 1153, 1173
Magma 730, 964
Magyar Posse 627
Magnetix 1211
Malajube 317
Manic street preachers 83
Manimal 23, 239
Manu Chao 1272
Manu Codjia (Truffaz) 834
Man or Astroman ? 225
Mao Blanc 198
Marc Ford (Black Crows, Ben Harper) 152
Marc Ribot 28, 30, 1014
Marc Rizzo 407, 691
Marc Sens 239
Marcel et son orchestre 159
Marcus Miller 1283
Marduk 273, 321
Mares of thrace 1298
Marillion 2, 68, 73, 86, 194, 195, 197, 275, 429, 436, 437, 815, 818, 819, 865, 907, 922, 1004, 1066, 1207, 1244
Mark Goldenberg 774
Mark Knopfler 61, 62, 118, 218, 277, 380, 533, 534, 745, 989, 1150
Maroon5 84, 121, 622, 1215
Mars Volta 6, 100, 371, 435, 515, 616, 653, 718, 753, 790, 833, 863, 864, 1202
Martin Barre (Jethro Tull) 1243
Marty Friedman 1, 478, 1179
Marty Stuart 1059
Marylin Manson 1372
Marvin 1186
Mass Hysteria 363, 441, 1107
Massive Attack 335
Mastodon 291, 604, 606, 689, 832, 843, 983, 1003, 1164, 1236, 1238, 1256, 1265, 1282, 1320
Matchbook romance 474
Matchbox20 46, 865
Mathieu Cantin 740
Matmatah 145
Matt Shofield 375
Matt Sorum 1283
Matt Spike 1349
Mauro Serri 89
Maximum the hormone 1178
Masayoshi Takanaka 1252
Mayhem 190, 796
MC Dälek 1375
Meat Loaf 181
Meat Puppets 707, 901
Megadeth 14, 127 (Chris Poland), 159, 380, 381, 429, 430, 478, 897, 1091, 1102
Mellano 602, 603
Melt bananas 407, 408
Melvins 17, 137, 511, 515, 529, 786, 1015, 1099, 1160, 1215
Mercury Rev 143
Mercyful Fate 835
Meshuggah 19, 116, 620, 785, 786
Metallica 36, 37, 55, 165, 213, 224, 380, 753, 794, 808, 815
Metric 630, 1317
MGMT 772, 784, 863, 952, 969, 1055, 1056, 1201, 1211
Michael Angelo Batio 1318
Michael Jones 20, 795
Michael Lee Firkins 718
Michael Lockwood 102, 104
Michael Ripoll 853
Michael Schenker (UFO 2000) 105, 1241, 1364
Michael Thompson 24, 185, 605
Michel-Yves Kochmann 20, 165, 510, 912, 1061
Mick Ronson 611
Mick Taylor 1108, 1292
Midnight oil 307
Mike Keneally 107
Mike Landau 15, 16, 86, 182, 415, 429, 539, 616, 631, 938
Mike Ness (Social Distortion...) 1289
Mike Oldfield 274, 287
Mike Smith (Limp bizkit) 124, 509
Mike Stern 28
Mike Zito 838
Milencollin 364
Millionnaire 437
Ministry 64, 494, 542, 652, 854, 936
Minus the bear 1237, 1299
Mister Mister 795
Mistery Lights 1415
Miyavi 1106
Mnemic 525
Modest mouse 104, 402
Mogwai 27, 112, 192, 313, 318, 368, 578, 731, 782, 894, 937, 1035, 1126
Moi dix Mois 174, 231, 275, 376
Monarch 767
Mondo Generator 683
Mono 136, 201, 532? 1387, 1410
Monster Magnet 835, 1090
Moonspell 1315
Morbid Angel 98, 117, 613, 655
Morcheeba 1187
Moriarty 760
Mötley Crüe 58, 145, 164, 299, 499, 665
Motorhead 21, 338, 1087
Mr. Bungle (Trey Spruance) 172
MUCC 1163
Muddy Waters 102
Mudhoney 92, 238 (mais sous la pression
), 304
Mudvayne 81, 1017
Munshy 346
Murderdolls 1086
Muse 44, 261, 278, 279, 280, 289, 294, 295, 304, 380, 384, 493, 539, 749, 773, 774, 875, 947, 952, 956, 964, 968, 972, 973, 981, 1055, 1080, 1107, 1153, 1280, 1372
Mushroomhead 309
Mute Math 801, 842
Mutiny on the bounty 627
My bloody valentine 161, 708, 709, 716, 721, 787, 902, 1334
My dying bride 844
My morning jacket 319, 750, 815, 1188
MyPollux 901
Nada surf 176, 295, 1346
Nadj 410
Nadja 641
Nashville Pussy 204
Nasum 720
Neal Schon 110, 266, 297, 298, 932, 1125, 1156
Nebula 593, 594, 744, 892, 950, 986
Necrophagist 892
Neil Giraldo (Pat Benatar) 73, 1149
Neil Young 49, 341, 391, 705, 939
Neil Zaza 93, 555
Nels Cline (Wilco) 549, 622, 915, 950, 1017, 1161, 1215, 1237
Neurosis 320, 588, 602
Nevermore 469, 853
N'guyen Lê 21, 330, 607
Nickelback 112
Nick McCabe 307
Nightwish 37, 42, 144, 346
Nile 450, 622, 715
Nile Rodgers 114
Nils Lofgren (Springsteen et autres) 3, 485, 606, 1090, 1173
Nine Inch Nails 57, 158, 508, 679, 689, 840, 842, 859, 862, 874, 878, 884, 957, 992, 1024
Nirvana 383, 1203, 1306
Nita Strauss (Alice Cooper) 1427
No doubt 25, 306, 893, 908, 911
NOFX 570, 571, 1352
Noir désir 187, 300
No Age 1147
No Doubt 1188
No One Is Innocent 54, 106, 288, 575, 1191
Noel Gallagher 1209, 1238, 1368, 1370, 1410
Nono 20, 359, 425
Norma Jean 1245
Nosfell 223, 310, 311, 395, 409, 1040
Nostromo 6
Noveller 1101
Nuclear rabbit 773
Nuno Bettencourt (Extreme et en solo) 4, 93, 118, 152, 340
Oasis 161, 166, 256, 380, 785, 793, 1011, 1067, 1178
Obituary 1204
Ocean Colour Scene 125
Oceansize 454, 1100, 1107
Octavia Sperati 279
Offspring 26, 74, 152, 606, 778
Olivier Mellano 725
Om 700, 1038
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez 6, 97, 100, 294, 400, 932, 946, 1110, 1131, 1294, 1423
Opeth 140, 170, 879, 891, 893, 1098, 1217
Orianthi 1182
Orgy 316
Orson 627
Otep 758
Other Lives 1381
Otis Rush 102
Oxbow 539
Ozric tentacles 326
Paco De Lucia 100
Pain of salvation 43, 45, 577
Pamela Hute 281, 646, 804, 982
Panic at the disco 763
Pantera 8, 67, 68
Papa Roach 557
Paradise lost 493, 501, 690, 846, 864, 882, 886, 956
Paramore 576
Pat Metheny 68
Patrice 306
Patrick Rondat 110, 326, 351, 352, 480, 631, 924, 1027
Patrick Watson 624, 778
Pat Travers 58
Paul Banks (Interpol...) 1291
Paul Bielatowicz 1112
Paul Crook (Anthrax, Meat Loaf) 181, 327
Paul Gilbert 380, 385, 408, 411, 438, 459, 480, 505, 754, 755, 863, 1052, 1179, 1220
Paul Jackson Jr 1105
Paul Kossoff 87, 757
Paul Lenders 201
Paul McCartney 25
Paul Moak 198
Paul Personne 20, 775
Pavement 133, 210, 1349
Pearl Jam 27, 248, 254, 269, 378, 380, 596, 597, 598, 966, 1014, 1219, 1365
Pelican 426
Pendragon 902, 1121
Pete Doherty 981
Peter Frampton 3, 77, 291, 504
Peter Hammill 950, 951
Peter Scott (You said saturday) 656
Peter Stroud (Sheryl Crow) 681
Peter Thorn (Chris Cornell) 424, 719, 875, 1423
Peter Von Poelh 928
Petter Carlsen 1158
Phil Manzanera 173
Phil Palmer 1014
Phil Wandscher (Jesse Sykes) 114
Philip Sayce 922
Phish 71, 108, 189, 434
Phoenix 358, 360, 613, 1031, 1305
Pierre Bensusan 83
Pierre Jaconelli 1058
Pierre-Jean Gaucher 443
P.I.L 144
Pinball 1172
Pink Floyd 825, 946
Pixies 39, 560, 1009, 1350
P.J.Harvey 147, 148, 524, 604, 1014, 1147, 1225, 1236
Placebo 20, 49, 149, 233, 293, 340, 365, 478, 911, 913, 925, 926, 1011, 1114, 1350
Plasticines 416, 418
Pleymo 339, 411, 433, 434, 511
P.O.D 407
Poison the well 813
Polly 1155
Popa Chuby 107, 263, 361, 770, 771, 890, 1042, 1415
Porcupine tree 92, 447, 476, 490, 512, 549, 663, 785, 791, 883, 932, 975, 976, 983, 1000, 1021, 1120
Portishead 108, 650, 756, 1033, 1034, 1189, 1326
Pravda 520
Primus 77, 520, 1228, 1234
Prince 34, 118, 193, 197, 442, 932, 1186, 1401
Prodigy 949
Prong 5
Psykup 160, 978
Puggy 1364
Pure reason revolution 382
Puro Instinct 1191
Queen 1, 21, 126, 328, 344, 451
Queen Adreena 167, 545
Queens of the stone age 44, 97, 125, 127, 144, 159, 437, 526, 531, 549, 589, 638, 648, 668, 689, 743, 840, 936, 1020, 1103, 1104, 1110, 1170, 1187, 1200, 1206, 1294, 1315, 1423
Queensryche 36, 702
Quiet Riot 604
Radio Moscow 1195
R.E.M 48, 588, 965
Radiohead 11, 103, 160, 213, 243, 257, 262, 263, 297, 301, 302, 314, 329, 334, 350, 368, 389, 409, 562, 567, 665, 682, 686, 687, 714, 826, 902, 985, 1014, 1015, 1028, 1029, 1207, 1221, 1245, 1246, 1281, 1348, 1368, 1383, 1396, 1403, 1406
Rafael Moreira (Pink) 111
Rage 62, 80
Rammstein 57, 119, 150, 851, 1016, 1234
Randy Rhoads 6
Raphael 299, 398, 1190
Rascal Flatts 956
Ratt 155, 380
Reb Beach 14, 119, 925, 1002
Red 902
Red Fang 1176, 1236, 1257, 1258, 1268, 1269, 1365
Red Sparrowes 38, 431
Reeves Gabrels (Bowie...) 49, 690, 1367
Refused 291
Reggae (artistes divers) 276
Reignwolf 1321
Rejean Lachance 80
Reverend Horton Heat 754, 812, 956
Rhapsody 119
Rhesus 587
Richard Fortus 164, 994, 1182
Richard Thompson 128
Richie Castellano (Blue Oyster Cult) 838
Richie Kotzen 152, 1133
Richie Sambora 57, 143, 164, 211, 380, 396, 716, 1040, 1236
Ride 856, 1382
Rien 627
Ringo Deathstarr 1140
Rita Mitsouko 530, 531
Ritchie Blackmore 49, 490, 548, 565, 1406
Rival Sons 1302, 1303
Riverside 854
Rob Harris (Jamiroquai) 296, 298
Rob Zombie 731
Robben Ford 26, 561, 829, 979, 1243
Robbie McIntosh 1100, 1103
Robby Krieger (The doors) 144
Robert Cray 622, 1333
Robert Francis 1138
Robert Fripp 3, 109, 115, 170
Robert Plant's Strange sensation 397
Robert Post 222
Robin Trower 248, 622, 983, 984
Rockettothesky 627
Rocky George 302
Rodolphe Burger (Kat Onoma) 345, 1268
Roger Waters 275
Roine Stolt (Transatlantic... ) 1007
Romero 1308
Ron Wood (Rollong Stones) 453, 585
Rory Gallagher 34, 100
Rose Tatoo 428
Rosetta 1342
Rotting Christ 614
Roxy Music 173
Roy Buchanan 185
Royal blood 1357
Royal Trux 1202
Rush 23, 127, 196, 457, 484, 499, 700, 855, 943, 1082, 1090, 1125, 1171, 1176, 1234, 1278
Russian circles 551, 866, 1001, 1047, 1159, 1276, 1277, 1323
Rusty Anderson 26, 402, 472, 1088
Rusty Cooley 119
Ryan Adams 181, 377, 842
Ry Cooder 199
Sadist 458
Saez 804
Sandro Albert 656
Santana 63, 93, 380
Saosin 571
Satyricon 713
Savatage 751
Savages 1401
Scars on Broadway (Daron Malakian) 724
Scenario rock 167
Schools of seven bells 930, 1257
Scoff 112
Scorpions 69, 152, 380, 384, 448, 491, 561, 1234
Scott Henderson 15, 86, 370, 555, 678
Scott Kelly 1253
Scott Olivier 779
Scotty Moore 1318
Scout Niblett 682
Scotty Moore 636
Screaming trees 427
Sean Lennon 1356, 1357
Sebastien Chouard 1065, 1169
Secret machines 932
Seether 353, 661
Sepultura 59, 154, 188, 189, 441, 488, 1051, 1144
Serafin 916
Serena Maneesch 1105
Serge Teyssot-Gay (Noir Desir, solo) 142, 305, 559, 615, 1108, 1159, 1173, 1371
Serj Tankian 557
Sex pistols 160
Shadows fall 384
Shakaponk 385
Shanka (No one is innocent, Manu) 444, 1329
Shannon Wright 543, 746
Shawn Lane 111
Shellac 96, 408, 704, 708, 839
Shipping news 690
Sick of it all 320, 782
Sidilarsen 346, 773
Sightings 1080
Sigur Ros 176, 579, 580, 581, 582, 625, 1309
Sikth 769
Silverchair 76, 483, 538
Silverson pickups 997
Symphony X 436
Simple minds 181, 932, 1014
Simple plan 656, 755
Sinclair 383, 385, 528
Sir Bald Diddley 1242
Sixun 816
Sixx:A.M. 800
Skid Row 5, 380
Skindred 768
Skinlab 589
Skip the use 1241, 1342
Skunk anansie 249, 1003, 1163
Slash 1, 3, 225, 289, 451, 453, 491, 504, 510, 515, 909, 912, 1049, 1061, 1067, 1082, 1296, 1361
Slayer 5, 534, 558, 1083, 1111, 1114
Sleater Kinney 265, 1099, 1372
Sleep 1254, 1262, 1279
Sleeping people 627
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum 1174
Sleigh Bells 1153
Slint 598, 844
Slipknot 8, 27, 76, 83, 304, 338, 457, 741, 758, 1358, 1361
Slowdive 1346
Smashing Pumpkins 1, 42, 141, 158, 200, 380, 477, 512, 562, 611, 612, 680, 777, 798, 809, 810, 812, 826, 979, 986, 1048, 1053, 1058, 1064, 1075, 1079, 1091, 1104, 1183, 1215, 1219, 1261, 1273, 1284, 1289, 1319, 1397, 1427
Snot 385
Snow Patrol 413, 772
Snowy White 197, 275, 544
Sober 988, 1025, 1148, 1300
Social Distortion 481
Soilwork 59
Solstafir 1157
Sonata Arctica 99, 150
Sonic Youth 19, 203, 269, 786, 958, 960, 1094
Sonny Landreth 48
Soren Andersen (Glenn Hughes) 1156
Sophia 396
Soulfly 108, 345
Soundgarden 5, 106, 149, 992, 1068, 1303
Spaudau Ballet 1019
Sparklehorse 528
Sparta 139, 628
Spineshank 1029
Spock's beard 139
Spyro Gyra 312
St Vincent 1264, 1340
Staind 161, 317, 772
Static-X 365
Status Quo 87, 467, 636, 937
Steel Panther 1425
Steely Dan 128, 1014
Stephan Forte 196, 326, 1281
Stephen Stills 1051
Stereophonics 42, 231
Stereotypical working class 306
Steve Cradock (Paul Weller) 1068
Steve Farris 295 (avec Whitesnake)
Steve Hackett (genesis et solo) 17, 231, 289, 361, 689, 1094, 1163
Steve Howe (Yes, Asia) 85, 91, 126, 200, 380, 599, 807, 992, 1094, 1120
Steve Hunter 140
Steve Kimock 113
Steve Lukather 1, 110, 219, 369, 392, 734, 936, 1112, 1154, 1178, 1218, 1227, 1257
Steve Marriott 660, 855
Steve Miller 1063
Steve Morse 1, 164, 173, 207, 209, 411, 558, 1031, 1164
Steve Rothery (solo) 1355
Steven Seagal 228
Steve Stevens 126, 380, 411, 454, 656, 726, 944, 945, 1036, 1061, 1138, 1234, 1269
Steve Vai 89, 105, 380, 382, 479, 516, 917, 981, 1249, 1272
Steve Van Zandt (Springsteen) 3, 606
Steven Wilson 1253, 1335, 1354, 1359, 1394
Stevie Ray Vaughan 19, 23, 75, 164, 327
Stevie Salas 168, 178, 290, 1236
Stone gods 932
Stone Roses 109
Stone sour 290, 300, 457, 1176, 1252
Stone Temple Pilots 58, 751
Stonewall Noise Orchestra 1284
Story of the year 166, 204, 205, 269
Strapping Young Lad 138
Strata 270
Stratovarius 138, 174, 643
Styx 12, 328
Suede 1137, 1149
Sufjan Stevens 1015
Sugar Ray 382
Suicidal tendencies 160, 189, 803, 1010
Sum41 12, 871
Sungrazer 1385
SunnO))) 316, 578, 777, 1170, 1314
Super furry animals 1066
Superbus 206, 410
Supergrass 594, 595, 880, 1000
Superjoint ritual 250
Surement Boris 850
Survivor 981
Susan Tedeschi 1107
Sweethead (Troy Van Leeuwen) 941
Swervedriver 1227
Switchfoot 1089
Sybreed 997
Symphony X 198, 865
System Of A Down 6, 159, 355, 471, 956
Syu 281
Tad 543
Taint 924
Tak Matsumoto 426
Takashi Masuzaki 111
Tame Impala 1121, 1280, 1409
Tariqh Akoni 198, 508, 1164
T-bone Burnett 668
T-bone Walker 102
Team sleep 293, 930
Tears for fears 953
Ted Nugent 183
Téléphone (les Insus) 1403, 1404
Television 125
Temperance Movement 1415
Terje Rypdal 145
Tesla 246, 382, 518, 575
Testament 250, 723, 897, 898, 978
Têtes Raides (les) 1334
The Allman brothers band 90
The Airborne Toxic Event 1196
The Answer 1237
The Arcs 1389
The Atlas Moth 1300
The Beatles 839, 944
The Bellrays 312, 725, 1135, 1227
The Besnard Lakes 1105
The big pink 1066
The Bishops 1014
The black angels 591
The black box revelations 1174
The Black Dahlia Murder 839
The black keys 149, 302, 313, 314, 332, 421, 839, 1068, 1080, 1102, 1187, 1235, 1248, 1355
The black ryder 1151
The black ships (Nick McCabe) 1175
The Blakes 734
The Body 1208
The Brian Jonestown Massacre 507
The Bronx 416
The cardigans 90
The clash 92
The Clientele 932
The Coral 794, 1059, 1124
The Cramps 118
The Cranberries 93, 1058, 1212
The Cult 20, 67, 499, 693
The Cure 8, 9, 91, 153, 154, 155, 156, 314, 391, 547, 577, 609, 616, 707, 710, 961, 1090, 1229, 1270, 1367
The Darkness 69, 392
The Datsuns 815, 1296
The dead 60's 368
The Dears 780
The Delgados 113
The distillers 78, 79, 377, 388, 571, 930
The Donnas 220
The doobie brothers 146, 335
The dude 473
The Duke Spirit 1105
The dum dum girls 1151, 1361
The Evpatoria report 600
The ex 196
The flaming lips 1188
The Fratellis 863
The Gaslight Anthem 1381
The Gathering 254
The germans 1066
The goo goo dolls 733, 1040
The Haunted 780
The Hellacopters 165
The Hives 57, 248, 751, 1121, 1308
The Horrors 1216
The Icarus Line 1033
The Isley Brothers 863
The Jayhawks 1229
The Joy Formidable 1165
The Juliana Theory 997
The killers 182, 793, 917
The kills 161, 565, 623, 810, 1258, 1401
The Kinks 584, 856
The kooks 289, 367, 641, 906, 975
The libertines 133
The livehearts 722
The living end 87
The Lords of Altamont 1062
The naked and famous 1185
The National 1350
The new regime 1202
The noisettes 767
The old dead tree 490
The opposition 946
The organ 672
The police 328, 374, 380, 395
The prodigy 136
The psychedelic furs 113
Therapy ? 167
The raconteurs 337, 421, 473, 669, 696, 866
The Ramones 1038
The rascals 839
The raveonettes 529, 1037, 1308, 1361
The rolling stones 14, 108, 164,165, 307, 453, 477, 578, 585
The shadows 174
The stooges 37, 478, 481, 752, 755
The stranglers 306
The strokes 115, 132, 133, 194, 221, 961, 1032, 1034, 1149, 1162, 1164, 1169
The subways 190, 383, 592, 869
The sunshine underground 493
The sword 1021, 1288, 1317, 1385
The Temper Trap 1367
The Ting Tings 986
The used 250
The Verve 307, 755
The vines 82, 218, 515, 901
The Warlocks 930
The white stripes 107, 308, 309, 394, 427, 455, 461, 541, 696, 906, 1080
The Who 1, 14, 307, 333
The yardbirds 839
The yeah yeah yeahs 185, 553, 728, 969, 1088
The Zombies 1014
Them crooked vultures 969, 1023, 1031, 1033, 1037, 1038, 1045, 1136
These arms are snakes 431
Thee Michelle Gun Elephant 69
Therion 942
Thin Lizzy 933, 1182
Thom Yorke 1051
This will destroy you 627, 1410
Thrice 206, 601
Thursday 96, 250
Thurston Moore 1311, 1360
Tides from Nebula 1012
Tim Commerford (RATM) 364
Tim Pierce (Meat Loaf et plein d'autres) 181
Tim Skold (KMFDM, Marylin Manson) 459, 503, 609, 695, 1022
Tinted Windows (James Iha) 909
Tito & Tarantula 500, 1040
TNT 1099
Tom Morello 18, 38, 230, 347, 348, 534, 555, 653, 908
Tom Petty and the heartbreakers 102, 1050, 1061, 1066, 1077
Tom Principato 866, 874
Tom Scholz (Boston) 64
Tom Verlaine (Television) 124
Tommy Bolin 933
Tommy Emmanuel 801
Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath, Heaven&Hell) 1, 167, 424, 564, 849, 1011, 1265
Tony Joe White 351
Tony Levin (Peter Gabriel, OK, c'est un bassiste) 478
Tony MacAlpine 68
Tool 55, 228, 249, 252, 367, 394, 435, 451, 544, 549, 550, 580, 842, 1101, 1122, 1145
Toots and the maytals 84
Torche 1384
Tortoise 136, 159, 1068
Toshi Iketa 113
Toshi Iseda 111
Toshihiko Takamizawa 426
Tosin Abasi 1241
Tracy G (Dio) 102
Trans Am 704
Transatlantic 997
Travis 126
Trevor Rabin (Yes) 21, 598
Trey Anastasio (Phish) 71, 108, 189, 434
T-Rex 121, 567, 827, 1125
T-Ride 105
Triceratops 373
Triggerfinger 1194, 1197, 123
Triple FX 585
Tripod 158
Tristan Klein 416
Tritheory 319
Trivium 367, 472, 754
Troy MacCubin (Tatu) 656
Troy Van Leeuwen 1093, 1343, 1360
Troy Von Balthazar 252
Truckfighters 1352
Trust 20, 359, 425, 804
Tryo 177
Turbonegro 138
TV on the radio 836
Twiggy Ramirez (Marylin Manson) 1269
Twisted Sister 605, 650
Tyler Bryant 975
Type O Negative 615
Ty Tabor 35, 728, 962, 1146
U2 21, 52, 54, 55, 60, 94, 114, 151, 288, 328, 330, 377, 380, 398, 456, 717, 788, 791, 860, 863, 872, 940, 1138, 1374, 1409, 1425
Uli Jon Roth 107, 384
Uncle acid and the dead beats 1389, 1390
Underoath 513
Unearth 923
Unsane 736
Uriah Heep 1017
Uzeb 21
Vader 346, 607, 866
Valient Thorr 1088
Vanden Plas 130, 131
Vegastar 156, 157
Velvet Revolver 108, 131, 491, 518
Vernon Reid (Living Colour entre autres) 2, 49, 69, 88, 295, 296, 434, 436, 437, 472, 473, 487, 1011, 1091, 1107, 1316
Vertical horizon 157
Vic Chesnutt 603
Vinnie Moore 31, 347
Virago 977
Vista Chino 1328
Vito Bratta (White Lion) 73, 308
Vivian Campbell 183, 1169, 1170
Vivian Darkbloon 936
Voivod 71, 315, 951, 1176
Volbeat 792
Warren Cuccurullo 487
Warren De Martini 155, 208, 380
Warren Haynes/Gov't mule 90, 296, 858, 865, 1144
Warpaint 730, 1177, 1335
WASP (Chris Holmes) 710, 945
Watain 1078
Watcha 53, 607
Wayne Kramer (MC5...) 69
We are scientists 367, 372
Ween 320, 616
Weezer 64
Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit...) 255, 387, 388, 937, 977, 979, 1188
Whitesnake 295, 516, 925
White Chapel 1288, 1323
White Lies 1148, 1320, 1416
White Zombie 239, 1088
Wilco 57, 178, 916, 1002, 1278
Wild flage 1126
WillHaven 160
Wishbone ash 92, 166, 519, 819, 1380
Without Sense 1038
Wolf Alice 1389, 1427
Wolf&Cub 678
Wolfmother 244, 293, 315, 316, 318, 368, 664, 954, 994
Wolves in the throne room 1115
Wombats 645
Wovenhand 1366
Yan Péchin (Thiéfaine, Bashung, Miossec, Higelin...) 398, 593, 748, 1024, 1025, 1112, 1227, 1393
Yann Tiersen 229, 262, 969, 988
Yarol Poupeaud 1060
Year of no light 641
Yes (Chris Squire) 1196
Yngwie Malmsteen 101, 104, 380, 799, 824, 846, 1228
Yo La Tengo 889
YOB 790, 794, 1208
Young widows 1075
Youthmovies 627
Yuji Toriyama 111
Zappa plays Zappa (tournée avec entre autres Dweezil Zappa et Steve Vai) : 274, 289, 302 (récapitulatif), 320, 527, 634, 697, 894, 981, 1151
Zakk Wylde 78, 106, 122, 152, 172, 380, 1043, 1091, 1176, 1300
Zim Zum (Marilyn Manson) 184, 359
Zombie eaters 297
Zone libre 531
Zoroaster 1179
Zwan 25, 490
ZZ Top 18, 63, 112, 648, 743, 745, 779, 784, 787, 1067, 1182, 1296