Andreas kisser époque Roots, une interviews trouvée sur :
Tell me about the band’s stage gear. How do you recreate the colossal analog-to-digital-compact-disc sound of Sepultura in a live situation?
AK: We don’t try to really get too deep into that stuff, and to try to reproduce whatever we did in the studio live. We have our basic sound that we take from the stage into the studio. Of course, in the studio you have different effects and overdubs, so you add to that sound. But that basic sound is there, and that’s the basic sound we bring to the stage. And in my case, I use the Mesa Boogie stuff, you know, Strategy 500 valve power amp and the Triaxis valve preamp, which is my basic sound, with distortion and stuff, together with Jackson guitars, ESP guitars and Fernandes guitars. And I just use the wah-wah pedal on stage, that I control myself, and my tech controls the rest of the effects. I use the Telefax, it’s like an effects rack unit for chorus, delays, and stuff like that. I have a DOD envelope filter pedal that I use in certain parts, especially on the newer songs, ‘Rumours’ and ‘Tribus’. And I also have a pedal that imitates the sound of the Lesley speakers, because I used that a lot in the last album.
Some of the guitar sounds on the ‘Roots’ album were pretty wild. Did you basically use the same set-up on that?
AK: Yeah, the Mesaboogie was there, for the balls and the peaking that I need.
So your live sound is your studio sound?
AK: Yeah, pretty much, and vice versa, we’re learning from each other, how to develop the best that we can.
Le truc c'est qu'il ne parle pas de marshall ce que je trouve bizarre car je crois me souvenir que dans une interview l'un de leur tech de l'époque parlait d'un marshall surgonflé qui faisait tout le son... Peut etre parlait-il alors de max mais lui je croyai qu'il roulait sur peavey à l'époque..