Tiens voilà ce que j'ai trouvé
sur le BBE:
Likes: It's great , you'd think you have quality sound in your system until you hook this pup up and you find out that in essence your pulling pillows away from your speakers ! Must be heard to be believed!
The Aphex Aural Exciter synthesizes Harmonics, whereas this unit works on "phase" correction. It does have some EQ built in to it, but nonetheless a unique product. I even hooked it up to my DVD player and it is a real, tangilbe difference!
Voilà plutôt sommairement l'arg. technique, va savoir si "travailler la phase" ou "exciter les harmoniques" te donnneras un son plus défini et plus gros. quelqu'un à un tuyau ( a part utiliser ses oreilles) ???