T.V.EYE a écrit :
J'ai acheté un EchoTap DLS hier (120€ d'occase), super son, le hicut est super efficace ( on retrouve un peu le grain analogique), super pratique avec ses deux temps de delay différents + 2 volumes séparés + 2 footswitches. Par contre pas d'auto-oscillation avec, meme en baissant au min le hicut.
J'ai posé la question à DLS sur une modif de la pedale pour la self oscillation, voici la reponse:
This can be done, but you would have to be careful to not to allow it to
over oscillate. If the Echo Repeat pot is set too much, the repeats could
keep amplifying the echo level and could overdrive the amp input rather
harshly. Of course you could just turn down the repeats a bit so it
oscillates just at the right point without amplifying the echoes.. but it's
a pretty fine line. Also, we would need to know where the Tone setting
would normally be set when you use it. This is because the Tone pot rolls
off the echoes a bit so we would adjust the repeats accordingly.
The other option is the Memory Man which is great at self oscillation.. but
not that great at echo.
ils parlent de modifier une resistance sur le bouton repeat?
TV Eye, Tu l'as trouvé sur ebay à 120€ ?