Pour l'action de la classique, voici ce qui est dit sur ce forum plus spécialisé classiques :
4. What is the correct action for a classical guitar?
Normally 3mm at the first string (top E) and 4mm at the sixth string (bottom E). These figures can vary up or down slightly depending on the player, but not normally by more than 0.5mm.
The action is measured at the 12th fret, from the top of the fret, to the bottom of the string.
Action at the nut is measured by fretting at the third fret, so that the string is stretched between the second fret and the nut. Now check the gap between the string and the first fret. This should be about 0.25mm for the bass E, the A and the G strings, and about 0.1mm (a piece of paper) for the D, B and top E strings.
Après, j'imagine que ça dépend aussi du tirant et du jeu.