Jubaea a écrit :
Ben écoutes, moi je la trouve superbe, j'aimerais bien en voir plus de photos, surtout des détails de la tête, des ouïes, une vue de dos... mais je la trouve superbe, as-tu le N° de série ?
Voilà quelques photos complémentaires :
Je devrai avoir une photo prochainement de la tête avec le S/N.
C'est une Epiphone Casino de 1983 en Antique Sunburst (AS) faite au Japon à Matsumoku.
Sinon, voici les grattes de l'autre en Anglais avec qui j'étais en contact précédemment :
Lui aussi a des Japonaises des années 80
Celle qui m'intéresse se rapproche beaucoup de celle-là
http://s978.photobucket.com/al(...)moku/ mais avec un PG blanc
Pour la production Japonaise des années 80 :
1983 Epiphone Casino, made by Matsumoku
Gibson decided to move Epiphone production to Japan in the early 70s, and chose Aria as its contractor. As a subcontractor to Aria,
Matsumoku manufactured most electric Epiphones made in Japan from 1970 through 1986 (a few solid body electrics were made by other Japanese manufacturers and at least one model was made in Taiwan.) Models include the solid body ET series (Crestwood) the SC series (Scroll) and the Model 1140 (Flying V) as well as Epiphone's archtop electric guitars: 5102T/EA-250, Sheraton, Riviera, Casino, and Emperor.
Early Matsumoku made Epiphone archtops had bolt on necks. While production costs of bolt on neck guitars were less, guitarists regarded them as inferior instruments. Set neck archtop guitars followed in late 1975. Specifications on Epiphone archtops changed throughout the Matsumoku era.
Interestingly, Gibson changed the look and sound of Epiphone's best selling archtop, the Casino, when production shifted to Japan. Upon its introduction in 1964, the Casino was a strong seller with rock guitarists, but sales stalled in the late 60s. Gibson decided to remarket it toward jazz players and changed the tailpiece to one from a Riviera, and the pickups to mini-humbuckers. The result was a Casino that looked more like a short scale Riviera. The Casino was restored to its 1965 specifications around 1975, about the same time Matsumoku began production of set neck archtops."
Comparaison Lennon/Matsumoku 80's
Photos de Casino des 80's