Topic officiel GLAM/Hard FM 80's

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Il s'annonce terrible ce Ratt !
"Je mets les pieds où je veux... et c'est souvent dans la gueule !" Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris Empereur du Monde Libre Galactique !!!
j'aime bien mais je trouve pas ça renversant
Without women Blues would not exist" John Lee Hooker

"Just as a blues player can play 20 blues songs in a row but find a way to make each one different, ... I always want to find different ways to do something" - Joe Satriani
L'album est sympa, mais pas la galette de l'année.
Jedem das seine...
putain mais le dernier giant c'est limite insupportable.

a part des titres comme Through My Eyes, prisoner of love ou believer je retrouve pas Giant j'ai l'impression d'ecouter foreigner me chantant I Want to Know What Love Is
Without women Blues would not exist" John Lee Hooker

"Just as a blues player can play 20 blues songs in a row but find a way to make each one different, ... I always want to find different ways to do something" - Joe Satriani
J'adore les morceaux Two Worlds Collide, Never Surrender, Prisoner of Love...

Le solo de Never Surrender est démentiel.
Qui l'a relevé par hasard ? Le plan tapping est bien trouvé.
"Je mets les pieds où je veux... et c'est souvent dans la gueule !" Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris Empereur du Monde Libre Galactique !!!
Glam ND
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  • Vintage Méga utilisateur
Reformation de Tyketto avec le line-up original

Vocalist Danny Vaughn has issued a lengthy update on all things Vaughn and Tyketto. Highlights from his newsletter below:

After a number of years languishing in the "deleted" file, my first 2 solo CDs, "Soldiers And Sailors On Riverside" and "Fearless" are going to be re-issued. Michael Arbeeny and I are now the proud owners of both releases and we always felt that they never got heard by enough people because of the limited release time "Fearless", in particular, received. So we have put them both into a double cd package we are calling "Reprise".
The link to the purchase page is:

Now, to go along with that, we are planning some live solo shows. December is a long way away still but I was so happy with the 2 Christmas shows that we did at the Cluny and at JB's in 2008, which resulted in the live recording, "The Road Less Travelled", that I wanted to make it into a semi tradition. So this year, I am going to do 6 shows in the 1st two weekends of December. The theme is called "Inspirations and Aspirations" and what we are going to do is a number of songs from my own history, like last time, but we are also going to feature a number of cover songs from artists that were a direct influence upon me over the years. You'll have to wait for the show to find out what they are. The guys are under "double secret probation" not to reveal anything. And to be absolutely certain, I haven't told them yet! It's going to be a very challenging set and before long we may be changing the name of the tour to "Inspirations and Perspirations"! Last time it was an all unplugged show. This time it looks like it's going to be very plugged!

Friday, December 3rd, The Rosetta, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Saturday, December 4th, Camden Underworld, London
Sunday, December 5th, The Corporation, Sheffield
Friday, December 10th, JB's, Dudley
Saturday, December 11th, The Cluny, Newcastle
Sunday, December 12th, The ABC2, Glasgow, Scotland

You read it correctly, there is Tyketto news. And new Tyketto news at that! Under cover of darkness, surrounded by secret service agents who were sworn to take a bullet for any and all of us, Brooke, Michael and I got together a couple of weeks ago in Las Vegas. Not only did we have a great time, but we started writing together! These days it isn't possible for us to spend the amount of time together that we used to when it came to writing songs but I'm pleased to say that in a week's time, we came away with 8 new song ideas that we are all very pleased with. So, with that in mind and the future ahead, we are going to start working on a brand new Tyketto album! Complete with the original line up! While Brooke is not in a position to go on the road anymore he is still playing his ass off and came up with some great riffs and song ideas, so he'll be able to record with us at some point this year. It's a long way from being done so that's all you get for now, but as things develop, I will definitely let you know.
Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.
Si ca donne aussi bon que le premier...mais si c du niveau des suivants bof
Without women Blues would not exist" John Lee Hooker

"Just as a blues player can play 20 blues songs in a row but find a way to make each one different, ... I always want to find different ways to do something" - Joe Satriani
Glam ND
  • Glam ND
  • Vintage Méga utilisateur
Putain ... Pop star en suede ça a de la gueule

22 year old Swedish Idol winner Erik Grönwall's new album is coming out in Sweden June 2 - after making many waves during his time performing on the show. Involved in the album songwriting is Paul Stanley (Kiss), Joey Tempest (Europe), Andreas Carlsson (Kiss, Bon Jovi, Pink, Backsteet Boys)(amongst others) and more. Titled Somewhere Between A Rock And A Hard Place, the album will be proceeded by a new single Crash And Burn in April.
Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.
Les reprises ça tape dans les gros classiques.
Putain si seulement on avait la même en France... au lieu de se taper Amel Bent ou Christophe Willem...

(Par contre la gueule et le looks des mecs... Ils sortent de KD2A ou quoi?)
Thrash 'Till Death!!!

"Si vous voulez une garantie, achetez un toaster" Clint Eastwood.
Salut à tous !

Chouette topic !
Mais sinon, à part en parler de cette musique, personne n'a envie d'en jouer ?

Envoyez-moi un MP qu'on en parle !

Glam ND
  • Glam ND
  • Vintage Méga utilisateur
marc.dorian2 a écrit :
Salut à tous !

Chouette topic !
Mais sinon, à part en parler de cette musique, personne n'a envie d'en jouer ?

Envoyez-moi un MP qu'on en parle !


Si tu veux jouer à Paris on cherche un 2nd gratteux et un chanteur (on est dejà un gratteux/batteur/bassiste)
Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.
Glam ND a écrit :
Putain ... Pop star en suede ça a de la gueule

22 year old Swedish Idol winner Erik Grönwall's new album is coming out in Sweden June 2 - after making many waves during his time performing on the show. Involved in the album songwriting is Paul Stanley (Kiss), Joey Tempest (Europe), Andreas Carlsson (Kiss, Bon Jovi, Pink, Backsteet Boys)(amongst others) and more. Titled Somewhere Between A Rock And A Hard Place, the album will be proceeded by a new single Crash And Burn in April.

Et on sucre soigneusement le solo sur RTTH pour bien rester propret, parce que bon, on veut bien faire rocker mais pas trop hein ....

Le père Dickinson n'a qu'à bien se tenir
  • Joakim
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Pas de Solo car dans cette emission ils sont la pour juger le chanteur pas le guitariste et donc voir le mec se tremousser pendant les 30 secondes de solo ne sert a rien.

Ils n'ont pas de raison de rester "propet" au pays ou le metal passe sur toute les radios et ou un solo est un truc banal.

Ne pas confondre avec la france
Hiroshima Mon Amour ? je connais pas ce morceau. Oui je sais c la honte pour un fan de Malmsteen. Promets moi de ne pas le repeter :D (Philou38)
Glam ND
  • Glam ND
  • Vintage Méga utilisateur
Un groupe suedois plutot sympa a ecouter ... en tous cas, je vais le suivre

J'aime bcp le refrain de "In the city"

Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.
  • Invité
Dites les gars vous avez tous des avatars de ouf !!!
Qui veut me prêter son avatar ?

Motley Crue c'est bien du glam Rock ? (tout comme Mamma boy)
tandis que Motorhead non !


En ce moment sur groupes / artistes pros...