Hep là, une petite recherche google m'a permis de trouver la réponse à mon interrogation :
(source: satriani.com)
Z.Z. your son inspired one song and is credited on three songs on Crystal Planet. The three songs all have percussive intros, what was his input, how old is he and what is the origin of his name?
"That's quite a coincidence actually. Just a coincidence. There are funny coincidences on the record. Someone said to me it's really cool that track five and track ten were both in 5/4 and 10/8 time, it was purely by coincidence. They thought it was some master plan. Z.Z., he comes up with some funny things as children always do. Interesting statements that are improvised in the funniest of situations but wound up sounding very profound to a grownup. He's five and a half now, but 'Psycho Monkey' was something he came up with two or three years ago waking up in the middle of the afternoon after a bad dream and I was working on a song at the time so it was a coincidence of things. 'A Piece of Liquid' was something he just said trying to describe his level of thirst. And then one day we were looking at clouds and I was teaching him the names of the different kinds of clouds cumulus, nimbus, stratus and then he just said well daddy look at that those clouds they look like a 'Train of Angels' and I thought it was really beautiful so that's how he contributed to the songs. 'Z.Z.'s Song' was actually something I had written when my wife was pregnant with him and we used to plug in with this little amp and some headphones and put the headphones on my wife's stomach. It was a song we used to use to calm him down to stop kicking. His name stands for Zachariah Zane, a loose translation means God has remembered John which is my fathers name and that's how we arrived at that."
Donc merci R-mit de m'avoir mis sur la voie.
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