Celle d'anal cunt qui a failli les faire virer de leur label :
Your father sucks so fucking bad
You knew you'd get beaten up at school
You were sick of hearing "You Look Wonderful Tonight"
So you jumped out a really high up window
I almost wish you didn't die
Because I hate the song "Tears In Heaven"
I was glad you died until I heard that song
Après pour ce groupe difficile d'en choisir une vu que toutes leurs chansons sont méchantes, méprisantes et vachardes, je retiendrai donc celle-ci :
Sur la baston entre Seth Putnam et Chris Barnes de Cannibal Corpse, avec le refrain qui parodie a skull full of maggots
You hid on your bus
You were afraid of us
You wouldnt fight me 'cause youre gay
You had your roadies save the day
Chris Barnes is a faggot youre fucking gay
Chris Barnes is a faggot youre a fucking faggot
Chris Barnes is a faggot your breath smells like cum
Chris Barnes is a faggot you like dicks up your ass
Youre a fucking midget, so you can blow guys without kneeling
You and Allen West met at a gay bar and wanted to start a band
You got kicked out of Cannibal Corpse because you suck
You started Six Feet Under and they suck too
Ill fight you anytime you fag
But youll have your roadies fight for you
If youre so brutal, why wont you fight me by yourself?
You fucking cum guzzling faggot homo pussy
Dans un registre moins sauvage, je trouve cette chanson de Negative Approach assez haineuse :
people try to tell me what they think is right for me
think there's some value to what they got to say
but i won't listen to them
idon't need their advice
i wouldn't ever have it any other fucking way
can't tell no one what to do [x4]
rules are made for idiots people that can't think
i'm treated like i don't have a mind of my own
stupid fucking idiots with stupid fucking ideals
when will they ever fucking leave me alone