goddamn cool!
mon français c'est pas bon, perdonne-moi for the english!
well, the guys kicked!!! one of the best gigs i've seen since a while!
they shaked, they made everybody shake.
they shouted, and everybody shouted.
that's the kind of rock'n'roll teenagers should grow up with!
the kind of rock'n'roll a cool man and a cool woman would listen to while makin' love!
the guys are right, hope to get'em playin' down in italy as soon as possible... or maybe i'll get back at the relais some first saturday of the month.
à propos, and the relais, c'est jolie, eh?
got real fun in there. got enough beer, too.
i talked and joked with a bunch of people, i forgot the names, it is always so with my head, i forgot names... but i send a hello to all, ok? (in case someone of'em reads this, of course).
and i also saw la plus belle femme de paris down there, not jokin'.
she walked in, looong legs, long blond hair and kinda woodsman jacket.
biiiiig eyes, big mouth. not that young. sexy. deadly.
i stumbled in my feets and spilled some of my beer as i saw her!
when the music was over i couldn't avoid to get on my knees and tell her "vous-etes la plus belle..." bla bla bla...
well, she just smiled a little... i think she was married or somethin like.
allright, i wrote enough...