What has happened -
In 2000 PRS guitars introduced the Singlecut model at the NAMM show in Los Angeles. This instrument received numerous awards world-wide and is well accepted in the market place.
In our opinion the PRS Singlecut was, and is, a design that shows every aspect and detail of what we believe a PRS instrument to be.
One of our competitors filed a lawsuit against us contesting the design of the Singlecut based on the competitorÕs registered trademark. In this still pending litigation, the trial court issued an injunction, preventing us from manufacturing, distributing, selling, promoting or offering PRS Singlecut designs in the United States of America.
What we are doing -
After receiving the above notice, we immediately ceased our production, our distribution and marketing of all Singlecut designs manufactured in the United States. We have also stopped sales and distribution of SE model Singlecuts in the US.
Immediately and until further notice we are removing all references and photographs pertaining to Singlecut type products from our website and printed material. We will not be shipping catalogs, pricelists, DVD’s and accessory brochures until revised literature is available.
Thank You -
We appreciate your patience, understanding and support as we go through this process.