- #42
- Publié par
Snach le 24 Fév 2010, 18:28
Pour apporter de l'eau aux moulins Chinois, je poste une réponse de Mitch Colby (cadre chez Korg) concernant la qualité des blues Chinois :
Hello all. This is Mitch Colby from VOX USA. I'm posting to clear up any confusion regarding the VOX blue AlNiCo speakers. The ones used in the current VOX amps are indeed made in the Celestion factory in China. There are a number of reasons, one of which was discussed in this thread. That is because the amps are made in China so it makes sense to use speakers made in China.
As far as the sound, we think that the ones made in China are indeed excellent and as good as the ones made in the UK. In fact, we and others have noticed that Celestion speakers made in China are more consistent. Since the specifications are decided by the Celestion engineers and in this case, the VOX engineers and the sound of of these speakers made in China went through rigorous, detailled testing, they sound great and they all sound great. VOX is the largest user of Celestion Blue speakers so you can be assured that Celestion did everything possible to get these right.
As far as the sound of Celestion speakers made in China in general, I have to say that what I have described above is pretty consistent across the line. The sound is really good and there is consistency from speaker to speaker.
Sa réponse est tout à fait cohérente, ayant testé les deux hp dans un AC15, je trouve une différence au niveau du spectre.
Le china étant moins "médium" mais plus bassy et plus aigue que le UK et un peu plus chaud.
Le UK semble un peu mieux se comporter en lead disto, mais un peu moins flatteur en clean...du fait d'une raideur accrue.
Maintenant, c'est un test à prendre avec des "pincettes" car il n'y a pas un seul HP qui va sonner strictement à l'identique, comme les guitares et les amplis et l'idéal serait de refaire le même test avec une autre paire de hp (1 UK et 1 China) pour confirmer la différence.