Brancher un combo sur un cabinet ?

salut !

alors mon problème est très simple, j'ai un blackstar ht 20 en combo, et je voulais savoir si il etait possible de le brancher a un cabinet genre blackstar ht212, ou du meme gabarit dans une autre marque et sous quelles conditions ...
voila merci d'avance et bonne soirée
Mayones Duvell 7std, Mayones Aquila Qm6, Mayones duvell 7 4ever/ Mayones regius core 6 custom
The Trout
Il suffit de faire correspondre les impédances.
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
c'est a dire ?
Mayones Duvell 7std, Mayones Aquila Qm6, Mayones duvell 7 4ever/ Mayones regius core 6 custom
The Trout
Ben par exemple, si le cab est en 8 ohms, tu utilises la sortie 8 ohms de ton ampli.
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
Y'a un rapport avec si le HP est de 2x12 on doit forcément prendre un cab en 2x12 ou plus ?
Mayones Duvell 7std, Mayones Aquila Qm6, Mayones duvell 7 4ever/ Mayones regius core 6 custom
The Trout
Non tu branches dans ce que tu veux, il faut juste faire gaffe à l'impédance et à la puissance des HP, qui doit être supérieure à celle que délivre l'ampli.
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
Ah donc si le cab est plus gros, (puissant) théoriquement y'a pas de problème ?
Mayones Duvell 7std, Mayones Aquila Qm6, Mayones duvell 7 4ever/ Mayones regius core 6 custom
The Trout
Pas "théoriquement", pas de problème du tout

Je viens de regarder la notice de ton combo, tu as une sortie 16 ohms et deux 8 ohms. Le cabinet HTV 212 est en 8 ohms en mono, donc tu utilises une de tes sorties 8 ohms de ton combo et tu rentres dans l'entrée 8 ohms du cab.
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
Je suis plus pour le artisan en 2x12 en fait le 212 et plus difficilement trouvable
Mayones Duvell 7std, Mayones Aquila Qm6, Mayones duvell 7 4ever/ Mayones regius core 6 custom
The Trout
Pareil sur le cab artisan, entrée 8 ohms

“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
Ah non il est sur thomann je l'ai pas vu sur woodbrass .
Donc si y'a pas de prob je vais pas tarder a enrichir cette jolie firme
En tt cas merci de ton aide
Mayones Duvell 7std, Mayones Aquila Qm6, Mayones duvell 7 4ever/ Mayones regius core 6 custom
The Trout
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
The Trout
Note que tu dois débrancher ton hp interne si tu utilises un cab hein.
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
,ah mais du coup y'a que le cabinet qui fera sortir le son ?
Mayones Duvell 7std, Mayones Aquila Qm6, Mayones duvell 7 4ever/ Mayones regius core 6 custom
The Trout
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin

En ce moment sur ampli et préampli guitare...