Bonjour a tous, question surement posé mainte fois
j'ai une ibanez Rg370B
je voudrais savoir si changer les pickup pourrais redonner un peu de vie a ma guitare
je joue un peu de tout, blues, rock, heavy mais je n'y connait rien en pickup
j'aimerais bien me payé une meilleur guitare mais j'ai pas les moyen, je l'ai fait ajuster par un bon luthier qui en a fait un petit bijou "a mes yeux"
donc a vous...
Merci et joyeuse fete
ps: ce que j'aime la description des pickup installé sur ma guitare
Going back 35 years now, since they got out of making the "lawsuit"-era guitars and started up the Roadstar series, the Power, Sabre, and Radius series (and then, a few years later, the Rich Lasner and Steve Vai-designed RG series) Ibanez has had a reputation for making stellar production-line guitars... and has for just as long had a reputation for making the dullest, most lifeless and toneless stock pickups known to man.
The Quantum is the latest iteration of their stock designs, and IMHO they are still guilty of having all the same dull and lifeless personality as all their previous designs. Hot garbage. They have grown a lot- finally figuring out there are other body woods besides basswood, chilling way out on those lightning bolt inlays, and getting really swank with body finishes, etc., and their craftsmanship and consistency are top notch, as ever. But their in-house pickups still suck ass.
Just my two cents...