J'ai fait quelque recherche sur le net et voilà ce que j'ai trouvé:
According to the Boss Book, the CE-5 is analog as well. I don't have a
schem for the CE-5, and I couldn't find mine in a few minutes of digging
through boxes, so I can't check for sure. But the Boss Book describes
the CE-5 as using a BBD chip. It's definitely the case that the CE-1, CE-2,
CE-3, CH-1 are all analog.
Digital Boss pedals, AFAIK: DC-3, PH-3, BF-3, MZ-2, PS-2, PS-3,
PS-5, HR-2, AW-3, DD-2, DD-3, DD-5, DD-6, DSD-2, DSD-3, RV-2, RV-3, RV-5,
SYB-3, and all of the dual pedals.
After inspecting a CE-5's circuit board, I can tell you that the CE-5 is,
indeed, analog, NOT digital. So, the only digital chorus Boss has ever
released is the DC-3. (Well, and the CE-20, the Twin Pedal chorus.)
Donc il semble bien que le Ce-5 est analogique.