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Pas simple à porter....
Bad Monkey
8oris a écrit :

Il y a un gars qui a fait ça à Torino mais à la fin il a pris une colonne en beton en pleine face... il en est mort
"You'll never come up with your own gear, untill you've copied.
That's the best thing. Just steal!"

-Ritchie Blackmore

“I may not be the greatest guitar player in the world,
but I’m 100 times better than everyone else. ;)”

–John Norum
Bad Monkey
Dommage on a pas la video...
"You'll never come up with your own gear, untill you've copied.
That's the best thing. Just steal!"

-Ritchie Blackmore

“I may not be the greatest guitar player in the world,
but I’m 100 times better than everyone else. ;)”

–John Norum
Doc Loco
Celle-là me fait toujours méchamment marrer

je ne connais pas ce groupe...

En ce moment sur backstage...