Maxcreed a écrit :
Simple déterrage mais j'ai une petite question :
Pourquoi passer du greenback au blackback ?
Il y a une raison particulière ?
Je demande car il s'agirait des mêmes hps, Celestion n'avait plus de coque verte à mettre au dos de ses hps ?
From the Celestion website-
"The Greenback explained"
Although the standard colour for G12M rear covers was green ('field green' it was called originally), G12M and G12H speakers were also made with black, as well as grey, beige and cream rear covers at various times. This was probably due to a shortage of the correct colour plastic to make them from (e.g. late delivery of the raw material). The different colour covers were only a cosmetic change not affecting the acoustic performance of the speakers in any way. Black, grey, cream, beige or green, they're all 'Greenbacks'.