Telonics Mullen : La meilleure pédale de volume au monde

Starfucker Inc.
La Telonics / Mullen

Encore mieux que les goodrich, hilton!

Les avantages de la bête:
- c'est une pédale de volume numérique (wtf ?!), qui permet d'émuler pratiquement tous les potards pour trouver le plus adapté à votre usage ( ), on a le choix entre 6 potards différents, mise à jour par prise USB possible
- Impédance adaptable pour la placer n'importe où dans la chaine (contrairement aux boss ou y'a les versions L et H des FV50 et FV300 et 500
- Ajustement de la tension de la pédale (si on préfère qu'elle soit dure quand on appuie ou plus relachée)
- sortie stéréo
-sortie tuner
- Comme sur les hilton et les goodrich, aucun élément ne bouge dans la pédale à part le plateau
- Low profile, le plateau est le plus proche du sol possible pour éviter de lever le pied (deux hauteurs possibles néanmoins, les deux étant quand meme "low profile").

This "pedal" is the first in a series of advanced technology volume and/or audio effects control systems which take the form of a conventional foot pedal in either the "high" or "low" profile forms. It can be used as a foot pedal of the simplest form; however it contains technical capabilities which far exceed those of any currently available audio dynamics control device. The basic model includes accurate emulations of virtually all audio tapers of mechanical potentiometers ("pots") used in the past, as well as the audio control "taper" of all popular electronic foot pedals. (Additional replica tapers or custom tapers can be factory added in a very short time via its USB port). Tapers are selectable by means of a digital switch on the side of the unit near the input and output jacks. This patent-pending control system does not utilize potentiometers, encoders or light devices of any type. There are no components to wear out.

It incorporates the latest technology in low-noise, high headroom amplification - in a class with the latest exceptional dynamic response studio-grade amplifiers, while preserving the warmth of vintage tone. It is fully buffered, preventing noise from externally connected tuners and other devices from entering the signal chain as well as providing safety from system malfunction due to shorted or intermittent cables. A full-time tuner output allows tuning with the pedal in any position, including the "off Minimum position. It is factory programmed via a miniature USB port. Subsequent software updates may be uploaded via this USB port. It is solidly built such that it will not skate around the floor with foot movement. A blue LED pedal-board light indicates both proper power and that it is operating within acceptable parameters.

An optional micro-miniature remote sensor is available which assumes full control of the pedal when plugged in. This remote control system opens limitless possibilities, from mechanical control by instruments, to usage by musicians who have lost a limb and have been prevented from playing until now. (A remote sensor will be supplied at no charge to individuals who suffer a physical impairment which can be aided by this remote control device).

Its internal circuitry is well-behaved in terms of power supply connection, interruption or disconnection, thereby minimizing noise which might annoy listeners or possibly damage speaker systems. This is no garage-shop hobbyist toy. It is the culmination of years of research, designed and hand-built in the U.S.A. by leading and internationally recognized aerospace engineers, technicians, assemblers and musicians in a state-of-the-art facility in Mesa, Arizona by Telonics, Inc., an established leader in scientific instrumentation and communications since the 1970's. Dependability, long-term reliability, performance and value are paramount in this pedal. The MVP 600 smart pedal configuration was developed for Mullen Guitar Company by Telonics. Telonics, Inc. is well known by scientists world-wide for the manner in which we stand firmly behind our products on a personal basis.

Le prix ?


"J'ai l'impression que certains ici ne prennent pas la guitare assez au sérieux... J'en ai surpris en train de s'amuser... Dommage..." - Zepot

FAUVE ? "imiter Thierry Roland qui imite Grand corps malade, c'est pas donné a tout le monde" - Mia Wallace
  • amleth
  • Special Méga utilisateur
  • #2
  • Publié par
    le 15 Oct 2010, 00:09
P*****, c'est bon ça.
  • Invité
  • #3
  • Publié par
    le 15 Oct 2010, 00:16
Ma Goodrich me suffit amplement, et vu le prix je suis content de l'avoir adoptée contrairement à celle là
  • amleth
  • Special Méga utilisateur
  • #4
  • Publié par
    le 15 Oct 2010, 00:19
On est d'accord. Mais je suis très heureusement surpris de voir une innovation technologique intéressante dans un truc aussi con qu'une pédale de volume.
  • FMF
  • Custom Cool utilisateur
  • #5
  • Publié par
    le 15 Oct 2010, 08:07
Qu'est ce que ça apporte au juste de pouvoir simuler 6 potars? Je veux dire, de quel genre de potar il s'agit? Ceux d'une gratte, d'autres pédales de volume...?

Sinon, l'adaptabilité de l'impédance est sympa et tout mais le prix... franchement, c'est pas assez cher mon fils, et il n'y a même pas quelques années d'attente pour la commande, c'te honte!
"Wheeeheeea!" - M. Jackson

En ce moment sur effet guitare...