Bonsoir à tous,
J'aurais besoin de vos lumières pour une petite opération sur ma Pigtronix OFO Disnortion...
Sur le site de Pigtronix, il est dit qu'il existe une petite mod pour cabler la section Fuzz et l'Overdrive de la pédale en série, celles-ci étant montées en parallèle à la base.
Après quelques échanges avec David Koltai, celui-ci m'a indiqué la procédure suivante...seul problème, je ne comprends pas trop la manip qu'il me propose...les habitués du DIY pourraient peut-être m'aiguiller...?
Voici le mail :
Hi Mates,
> I'm writing from France (hence the accuracy of my English...) to ask you a couple of questions concerning the OFO Disnortion, a great pedal I acquired some months ago.
> I heard here and there that there were some mods available for this pedal, and as I'm really into tweakings & co., I was wondering if you guys could show me some way to mod that baby.
Series / Parallel switch for the Overdrive and Fuzz. Stock is parallel. The Series option is SUPER HIGH gain with the Fuzz level acting as Master Volume. You can use the OD output to POUND the fuzz into oblivion.
> I've seen on your website that it was actually possible on the black audio jack unit to run overdrive INTO fuzz via a switch, and to get Octavia in parallel....What would be the cleanest way to do that ?
No octave in parallel. To do this you have to install 3PDT switches for OD and Fuzz stomps, cut two jumpers (o-ohm resistors next to Q2 and U3) and wire in the DPDT toggle switch
> The only thing with this pedal is that....I lack gain using overdrive and fuzz as standalone effects. It works GREAT on a loud amp, such my old AC30, but the thing is that I am usually unable to play as such high levels...
Yes, the series mod is for you.[/b]
"C'est pas parcequ'ils sont nombreux a avoir tort qu'ils ont raison."