d'apres ce que j'ai vu sur certaines video de lui, je crois qu'i prend des pastilles a l'annis..
enfin cal'empeche pas de jouer..
sinon j'ai trouvé un article sur MLP, un wolf tone sur une pelle a 6000
un autre truc qui me viens a l'esprit, en cas de vibration parasite un peu en dehors du diapason, c'est a dire entre le tom et le stop bar sur une gibson par exemple, on peut mettre un morceau de gaine thermo pour les absorber, on les coinces dans le stop bar..
je cherche un article qui en parle ..
ahh ici
A customer brought in a semi-hollow guitar last week
that made an annoying sitar sound when any C note on the instrument was played. The strings come out a hole in the trapeze tailpiece, and the length of string behind the bridge on the low E string happened to be tuned to a C. This caused it to vibrate sympathetically against the tailpiece when any other C was played.
I ended up putting a 1" piece of heat shrink around the string at the ball end and that took care of it. I recommend weaving a strip of felt or leather through the strings between the bridge and the tailpiece on any guitar that has unwanted string vibration.
Another very common problem comes from Gibson- style Tune-o-matic bridge saddles. The individual saddles often have some play in them, and they can buzz or rattle along with a note—a note that may even come from another string. To make it even harder to troubleshoot, the problem may mysteriously come and go.