- Licks
Vintage Cool utilisateur
Après une recherche, j'ai vu qu'il n’existait pas de club utilisateur des cabinets Tube Town, je me suis donc lancé.
Le but de ce club est de partager les infos, rassembler les utilisateurs et informer les prochains utilisateurs. Ça n'a donc aucun but commercial c'est pourquoi il n'y aura pas de prix sur la présentation.
N'hésitez donc pas à partager photos et infos sur vos cabs.
Donc Tube Town c'est quoi à part un vendeur de pièces ampli, guitares, lampes etc... ?
C'est aussi un excellent constructeur de cabinets. Fabriqués en Allemagne avec soin, la qualité et la rigueur est au rendez-vous. Basé au départ sur différents modèles il est possible de customiser à souhait son cabinet.
Vous trouverez les prix et infos supplémentaires à ces adresses :
Tout d'abord les options générales : Choix du tolex, choix du Grillcloth, petit piping sur le corps, piping medium ou large autour du grillcloth, closed back, open back ou Flex-Back, hardware argent, noir, doré ou plastique (style Fender possible pour argent ou noir), roues, cablâge, Logo TT.
Vous pouvez retrouver les infos des options dans ce pdf : http://www.tt-cabs.com/userfil(...)n.pdf
Vous pouvez retrouver la FAQ avec infos sur les bois utilisés et autres ici : http://www.tt-cabs.com/engl/?Tech/FAQ
La garantie est de 2 ans pour toutes constructions.
Les frais de port sont de 15 € - 18 €, ça passe par DPD en Alllemagne puis Chronopost en France. Débit à la commande.
Pourquoi choisir du Tube Town ?
Je dirai d'une part pour la qualité de fabrication : je peux citer les "dovetails joints" qui un élément à ne pas négliger.
Et d'autre part le professionnalisme, ainsi que leur bonne connaissance des bois à employer. Tout ce petit mix fait un rapport qualité prix intéressant.
A vous après de vous arranger avec Dirk ( info@tt-cabs.com ) , en anglais ou allemand pour des options supplémentaires telles que modifications de tailles, montage des hp en diagonale etc si vous le souhaitez.
Les différents Modèles :
The birch plywood used for our British Series is extremely tough, and has a much higher density and stiffness than poplar or basswood...
In addition, these cabinets handle far more power than similarly-sized cabs made of softer materials. The trade-off, of course, is higher weight. But for real Brits, nothing but birchwood will do.
Tailles Dispo : 1*12 1*15 2*12 2*10
Options : Two lines of British Series cabinets are available. The first comprises standard sizes with freely configurable exterior design options (Tolex, grillcloth, hardware, etc.).
The second variant, the CS line, also allows you to specify the size of the cabinet within certain technical limits
Genres : Clean, Crunch, Blues, Country, Indi, Rock, Hardrock, 80's Metal, Heavy Rock, Heavy Metall, Nu-Metal, Stoner and many more...
The American Series cabinets provide an ideal base for country, rock’n’roll, rockabilly and old school music and should preferably be fitted with AlNiCo speakers for truly authentic sound reproduction.
Tailles Dispo : 1*8 1*10 1*12 2*10 2*12 1*15 3*10 4*10
Options : Two lines of American Series cabinets are available. The first comprises cabs in set standard sizes, e.g. for 1x12” or 2x12” speaker configurations, with the full palette of exterior design options (Tolex, grillcloth, hardware, etc.) available.
The American Series CS models are custom-built to the sizes you specify, giving you the utmost flexibility.
Genres : Vintage, Clean, Jazz, Crunch, Funk, Folk, Blues, Country, Rockabily, Rock'n Roll, Rock
Lemberg-Series (sans finition, coffrage uniquement)
The Lemberg Series was created specifically for those who want to take matters into their own hands and build their own, classy speaker cabinet, combo or amp housing, but do not have access to the woodworking tools required.
A carefully selected and balanced combination of poplar and birchwood provides a broad soundstage and strong projection, tight but vibrant bass reproduction, a robust midrange and sweet highs, and an ideal ratio of large cabinet volume and surprisingly low weight.
Tailles Dispo : 1*12 2*12 2*12 Vertical 4*12 4*12 Vertical
Options : the REX Series comes in two versions: the Standard and CS models.
Unlimited exterior design options (Tolex, grillcloth, hardware, etc.)
The CS range also lets you freely configure cabinet size and volume within certain global parameters.
Genres : Crunch, Blues, Country, Indi, Rock, Hardrock, Heavy-Rock, Metal, NuMetal, Modern Rock
The Signature Series brings you cabinets that were designed for very specific applications or sound.
Modèles spécifiques : 112Studio, 212BritRex, 806T, 212BA, 112Rex-M5, 212Dumble.
Lien : http://www.tt-cabs.com/englisc(...).html
Combos & Headshells
Our broad palette of guitar and bass speaker cabinets is complemented by an extensive selection of combo amp cabinets and head shells for tube amplifiers, as well as 19” racks and 19” combos.
Our specialty is supplying Custom Shop combo amp and head cabinets that are anything but run-of-the-mill.
Not only do you get to choose the Tolex or type of corners the cab will have – for most models you can even specify the dimensions to suit your needs. Custom Shop service as it should be.
XB-Serie [BASS]
all constructed with davetail joints just like the guitar cabs and are made with 18 mm poplar plywood and 15 mm birch plywood. Adjustable Tweeter, frontloaded and Neodym Chassis for fast SS Bass-Amps.
Modèles spécifiques : 112Studio XB Classic, 112XB Modern, 115 606 EMV TL, 115Lemberg XB, 115XB Modern, 210Lemberg XB, 210XB Modern, 212XB Modern, 410XB Modern.

19" Rack Combo
The best of both worlds: 19" Racksystems combinied with the look of classic headshells AND an integrated 1X12" speaker cab.
All TT 19" Racks are made with 15 mm birch multiply,dovetail joints and are extremly robust. Each comes with high quality rack rails and nuts.
The 19" Rack/Combo is available with a depth of 350 mm. The 1X12" cab itself has a size of 500 x 380 mm.
The high depends upon the number of units choosen e.g. the total high of the Rack/Combo with 4 U is 61 cm. Each Unit has a high of 45 mm.
19" Rack Custom Shop
The best of both worlds: 19" Racksystems combinied with the look of classic headshells.
All TT 19" Racks are made with 15 mm birch multiply, dovetail joints and are extremly robust. Each comes with high quality rack rails and nuts.

Information tolex Orange
jerem37 a écrit :
Le tolex qui correspond exactement au tolex original Orange c'est bien le Vox Orange basket Tolex, https://www.tube-town.net/ttst(...).html
Vérifié "en vrai" avec un sample acheté chez TT et posé à côté mon ex Orange Rocker30 & PPC212CB, donc fiable quoi
Speaker Selection
Jensen Blackbird : Clean – Medium Overdrive
Well balanced and powerful AlNiCo loudspeaker with a very wide tonal range. Unbeatable for smooth cleans and moderate overdrive. It is hard to get a better speaker for this job. A professional setup when tone is paramount and the price less important. The Blackbird should be used in a large volume closed-back or open-back cabinet.
Jensen Neodym Tornado : Clean – Modern Higain
Balanced 100 watt Neodym loudspeaker; very versatile and, at only 2.5 kg, easy on the back. The Tornado covers clean to heavy overdrive, and shines with its neutral response without coloring the tone. The raspy highs, common in other Neodyms, are completely absent.
WGS Reaper 55 Hz : Clean – Classic Rock
A rock loudspeaker with plenty of dirt and character. Perfect for vintage rock a la Hendrix, where heavy bass is desired. Reproduction of the old G12H-30, but with much more headroom.
Eminence MOD12 : Clean – Modern Higain
Similar to the Eminence GB12 - which is positioned as a Celestion V30 replacement - but handles 120 watts. The heavy cone results in a powerful bass boost and smooth highs, with a slight American coloring. This speaker is custom made for us, and produces consistent tone even at high volumes.
WGS ET-65 : Crunch – Modern Higain
Reproduction of the old Rola Celestion G12-65, and the ET-65 comes very close! A versatile guitar loudspeaker which shows its strength from light crunch to heavy, and has tight bass and a round top end.
WGS Black Hawk : Clean/Crunch - Overdrive
Very high quality AlNiCo loudpeaker with a slight American coloration. Full, rich tone without shrill or scratchy highs. Produces an enormous tone even in a 1x12 cab. As with the Blackbird, the BlackHawk should be used in a large closed-back or open-back cabinet.
Celestion Vintage 30 : Clean/Crunch – Overdrive
Very widespread, and well-received. This speaker has written musical history, but we prefer it only in an open-back cab, limited to moderate overdrive.
Eminence Privat Jack : Clean/Crunch – Overdrive
The PJ is often described as an alternative to the Celestion Greenback, but displays significant differences, so that we disagree with the comparison. Well-loved in Fender amps, as it has full bass. The highs are present, but not emphasized. In any case, a well-rounded speaker.
Jensen Electric Lightning : Clean/Crunch – Overdrive
Another speaker for Fender-style amps; with a powerful bass and crisp highs. A joy to play.
EV 12L : Clean – Modern Higain
You either love the 12L or you hate it; there's no in-between. Although not really a guitar loudspeaker, it is often used in setups where a very flexible, HiFi sound is required. Example: David Gilmour. Perfect fit for the 806 cabinet.
Eminence Guitar Legend 105 : Clean – Crunch
Among the horde of 12" loudspeakers, the 10" should not be forgotten. The Eminence Legend 105 is an excellent value for the money. Not appropriate for hi gain; it excels at fresh, snappy clean and drive sounds. A good choice for a 1x10 or 4x10 cabinet.
Tube Town's Cabinets : Users Club
"Le pickgard, c'est le string de la Les Paul" © Rastacouair
J'aime sniffer l'huile SP Teck ça me rend nerveux!
Keith Richards : "5 Strings, 3 Chords, 2 Fingers, 1 asshole to play it!"
"Le pickgard, c'est le string de la Les Paul" © Rastacouair
J'aime sniffer l'huile SP Teck ça me rend nerveux!
Keith Richards : "5 Strings, 3 Chords, 2 Fingers, 1 asshole to play it!"