Should we choose a Cordless Vacuum Cleaner?

The vacuum cleaner is not a very new concept to every family, but how you can choose a good vacuum cleaner to achieve optimal performance is a point worth paying attention to, because not all of them are suitable.

Check Here: Top 10 vacuum cleaners

Cordless vacuum – an intelligent choice for small spaces

If your space is not very large and you are a person who looks for convenience, the cordless vacuum should be the choice for you. However, before deciding what to get, you need to know about some typical factors that a cordless vacuum brings.


The fact is that a cordless vacuum is usually much lighter than a corded vacuum, appropriately three kilograms compared to seven kilograms of the cord one. Therefore, that makes it easier for those who are not very interested in a sophisticated device. It is suitable for quick cleans.


The most outstanding function of a cordless vacuum is flexibility. It is most suitable for narrow space or for unskilled jobs such as in the car, stairs, or shelves. Or when you need to clean crumbs of cakes or footprints, it should be the Top Rated Vacuum Cleaners Thekinglive.Com. Moreover, it is also simple to move around without worrying about being stuck somewhere inaccessible and can be stored in a limited space.

Dust capacity

As mentioned above, due to the lightweight design, the dust capacity of the cordless vacuum is not very impressive, and is about 0.7 liters. It may cause a waste of time for emptying it if you have many areas to be cleaned. However, it would not be a problem if your house is small or you need to clean a carpet.

Battery life

Most cordless vacuum cleaners have battery life ranging from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. Some of them also have swappable batteries or 60 minutes plus of battery life, but you have to pay extra for a new array.

About the charging time, with the latest technology, the average charging time for batteries can be at fast charging of about 60 minutes. Some types of cordless vacuum have longer charging time up to hours; it also depends on the model and how much you pay for it.

How to maintain a cordless vacuum cleaner

Empty dust bag regularly

Depending on how often you use the vacuum, check the dust bag consistently and make sure that the dirt is be removed regularly. The amount of dirt may reduce the efficiency of operation. Frequent emptying is mandatory for long-term use.

Clean and replace the filters

To make sure that the device operates smoothly, and the performs well, you have to regularly check and replace the filters, which are situated in the center of the machine. For best results, you should clean the filters every fourth time of use.

Check vacuum cleaner brush and hose

While checking, you should keep an eye on the brush to ensure that it is in good condition. Do forget to double-check the vacuum hose to make sure that there are no issues with it.

Check the belt

Inspect the belt for correct positioning, end check to see whether it is loose or if it has slipped off. If so, you need to replace it.

The ways, as mentioned above, are the simple things that you can do at home. However, if your cordless vacuum cleaner has a severe problem, you should call a technician to repair it.

Final words

With the listed tips, we hope that you will consider getting yourself a proper cordless cleaner if your situation is suitable for it. And, do not forget to take a look at many reviews of The Best Vacuum Cleaners that make you save both time and money.

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  • Custom Cool utilisateur
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    le 10 Janv 2020, 17:59
J'aurais pas mis plus, si elle sonne tant mieux !

D'après ce que j'ai trouvé ce serait Suzuki qui les à distribuées et les bois seraient laminés...

Perso, j'ai une Cimar en 6 cordes (Mij aussi et fin 70)et j'adore son son, ça me suffit

Les vieilles Mij, peuvent être une bonne alternative au modèle bien plus onéreux

Mets nous des photos, un spécialiste passera peut être par là^^

Edit "WATSON&CO , guitare dreadnought folk fabriquée au Japon fin années 70's par SUZUKI , marque réputée japonaise (Watson étant le nom d'export)"

Take a chance while you still got the choice !

En ce moment sur guitare électrique...