[ VENDUE ] MXR CSP104 Script Logo Distortion +

Forum MXR
Je vends une pédale MXR CSP104 Script Logo Distortion + en parfait état. C'est la version custom shop de la Distortion +. Avec boite, notice. fonctionne uniquement sur pile et il n'y a pas de led témoin.

120€ + port (7€ sans signature, 10€ recommandé avec assurance)
paiement Paypal, virement ou chèque (envoi après encaissement)
pas d’échange merci.

The MXR CSP104 is a hand wired custom shop replication of the classic Distortion+ pedal from 1973. The orginial Distortion+ was used by the likes of Dave Murray, Jerry Garcia and Randy Rhodes! Featuring all premium parts hand assembles on a vintage style PCB the MXR CSP104 is your one stop shop for smooth clipping distortions from crunch chords to rawkus riffs!

-New Limited Edition Pedal
-Uses Vintage Switchcraft Input and Output Jacks
-CTS Potentiometres, Carling Footswitch
-All Hand Wired to a vintage-replicated PCB
-Germanium-Powered clipping emulates classic tube amp crunch
-Made by the MXR Custom Shop

Dernier(s) UP : 01/02/2019 13:01, 31/01/2019 21:37, 25/01/2019 13:22, 24/01/2019 13:25, 23/01/2019 15:50

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