Vends Mesa Boogie Express 5:50 -- Baisse de prix 850€

Forum Mesa Boogie
A vendre, Mesa Boogie Express 5:50, version 1 haut parleur C90 12".

Parfait état cosmétique et de fonctionnement.
L'ampli a été retubé l'an dernier.
Le footswitch et la housse de protection sont fournis avec.

En main propre uniquement. Pas d'échange.
A venir essayer sur Muret (31600).

Specs en anglais:

All-tube, fixed bias circuitry supported by 2x6L6 power tubes and 5x12AX7 preamp tubes.
Power Amp switching allows the player to select:
One power amp tube in Class A (single ended) producing five watts of power
Two power tubes in Class AB producing fifty watts of power.
Two independent Channels containing two style modes each. Style modes include:
Channel 1 = Clean or Crunch
Channel 2 = Blues or Burn
Each channel contains its own dedicated Gain, Treble, Mid, Bass, Reverb, Master and Contour controls.
Variable Contour controls per channel provide the function comparable to that of a five-band graphic EQ in one rotary control knob. If you’re familiar with the Mesa/Boogie Triaxis preamp and its Dynamic Voice feature, picture rolling that up into a continuously adjustable knob.
All-tube, long spring reverb.
All-tube series effects loop
External switching jacks for Channel 1/2, Contour 1, Contour 2, and Reverb.
1x12 C90 speaker
Three-button footswitch for operating Channel 1/2, Reverb, and Contour.
External speaker jacks – one 8 Ohm and two 4 Ohm jacks.

Prix de vente : 850 euros
Remise possible sur Toulouse, voir sur le 65 si arrangement préalable.
Dernier(s) UP : 21/08/2018 13:47, 19/08/2018 11:51, 18/08/2018 17:34, 16/08/2018 22:54, 14/08/2018 22:18

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