Vds/ech:boss PQ4,MXR supercomp,whawha,tuna melt...

voila je renouvelle mon pedal board donc je vends:

_un edanelectro tuna melt(tremolo) 25euros fdpin

_wha morley 50 fdpin

MXR super comp 65eurosfdpin
etat plus que neuf le patin en caoutchouc n'est même pas encore collé

Boss PQ4 75eurosfdpin
pédale rare,made in taiwan

en échange je cherche:
_un bon overdrive
ce serait pour savoir la ds1 elle as quel type de disto? (plutot typé rock ou metal ^^)
contre un pedalier multi-effet digitech rp 50??
avec 40 son programes et 40 à disposition pour programe soi-meme.
sans notice mais la notice se trouve facilement sur internet.
Tres bon etat et surtout c'etait un award-winning multi-effet(world class)
fonction accordeur,tempo.boite a rytme(batterie de tempo reglable) etc
jai servi a peine 6mois^^
Sir Psycho Sir Psycho YEAAAAH

Ma vente: https://www.guitariste.com/for(...)41815
  • paccap
  • Special Total utilisateur
  • #10
  • Publié par
    le 20 Nov 2007, 08:41

sa change quoi le fete que se soit une analogman a la ds-1 mis a part le prix
paccap a écrit :

sa change quoi le fete que se soit une analogman a la ds-1 mis a part le prix

j'avais pas eu le temps de donne rplus d'info la derniére fois alors les voila:

" DS-1/Pro

The DS-1/Pro mod is the same changes as the Super mod but it pulls out the stock inline chip, and replaces it with a JRC op-amp chip. This chip really improves the tone, giving it more warmth, clarity, and headroom. It's still a DS-1: more distortion, crunchier, and more low end than a tube screamer, and after the mod it sounds awesome even with the DIST knob down all the way. It is a very useful pedal with the DIST knob down for people who don't want too much distortion, or have an amp that is already distortiing. It does not have the midrange hump of a tube screamer, it actually has a scooped midrange for more of a modern sound. Most people will use them at high DIST settings, but they sound awesome at low DIST settings too. Play gently and get a clear, clean tone, play harder and the crunch and distortion comes out clear and full!

The PRO mod is only available on new style DS-1 pedals which have the power jack attached to the circuit board like the pedal on the left. The chips we use will not fit in the older Japanese or 1st issue Taiwan DS-1 pedals (on the right in the picture). The older version's chips are good sounding anyway, so they sound great with just our SUPER mod. If you have a newer DS-1, or are buying a new one from us, the PRO mod is your best choice for tone.
Dernier(s) UP : 09/03/2008 01:38, 08/03/2008 02:24, 07/03/2008 00:30, 01/03/2008 01:53, 29/02/2008 13:14

En ce moment sur pédales et Effets...