Brett Garsed se fait piquer ses morceaux

Glam ND

Ex-Nelson and long-time John Farnham guitarist Brett Garsed has had trouble with a guy named Buddy Hayden, who has been sending music from Brett's Big Sky album to online radio stations, passing the music off as his own and gaining a bit of support in the process. Now Brett is a really good guy, so if you happen to come across this Buddy clown, beware! Brett has made comments on the situation via his website:

"Hey everyone, I have a very interesting story to share with you all! I received an email from the US about 2 days ago from a fellow asking if I'd played guitar on the Jesus Christ Superstar tour here in Australia. I replied and told him it was Stuart Fraser that did the tour and the album in its entirety. He then emailed me and asked if I could go to a website for an online radio station called Progressive Soundscapes and identify a song which was part on an online interview with a guy from Melbourne named Buddy Hayden (remember that name!). To my surprise, the opening song was Breathe from Big Sky. So as I listened this Buddy Hayden guy was being interviewed by a female DJ from the US. She was asking him about his inspiration for this great song! He went on to state with great arrogance how he was influenced by Eric Johnson, he wanted to "open his heart" and play with emotion blah, blah, blah. The sad thing is that I actually know this guy.

He works for a major guitar company and I've met him through that company. I couldn't hear the whole interview as I had to run out for a gig but he called me at the venue and after I'd assumed it was a genuine mistake or a mix-up he confessed to having sent the station MY song and claimed it was his! At first, I was so shocked that I made light of it (trouble with being too nice a guy) but warned him that this was very serious indeed and he was lucky that I know him and it wouldn't lead to legal action. After the gig, I returned home to some shocked emails from the people at Progressive Soundscapes saying that this guy had been claiming that the song was his and bragging about it on chat rooms etc. They'd had an incredible response to the material (MY songs) and he was taking all the credit. I then listened to the entire interview and after he'd claimed to have written "Breathe" he then went on to claim that he'd played on the Jesus Christ Superstar tour and album; they played another song that he claimed was his.

It was in fact from an album by Keith Stone who is a local bassist here in Melbourne. Then after Buddy enlightening us with his words of wisdom they then closed the interview with another of "his songs". It was "Undoing" from Big Sky! He'd re-named it "Moods". If you ever hear of this guy or meet him beware! He's a compulsive liar and crook. I could tell by the tone of his voice in the interview that he's never done anything as a musician and is probably a crap player who is jealous of others hard work and dedication to their art. PLEASE, if you're a songwriter, protect your music and copyright it. Be careful who you play unreleased demos to and don't ever let them take copies home before it's protected. I never thought this would happen to me let alone it be done by an Aussie who I have met personally. These are the kind of people who are currently poisoning our industry so beware, you never know where they'll strike next."
Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.
mieux avoir le "talent" de reconnaitre que l'on est pas un bon compositeur plutot que tenter de se faire connaitre avec celles des autres...

il est cependant plus facile (et plus rentable) de lui emprunter une chanson pop plutot qu'un solo jazzy-rocky...
pour en savoir plus :=))
"I'm just inspired by everyday life. I find it very wondrous. There is so much to reflect upon, to write about, to dream about, and to hope for."

Joe Satriani
je comprends pas langlais les gars , c quoi le souci? lol


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